Leicester face questions about FFP

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They've refused to say. Which says everything you need to know. Expectation is that it cost in excess of £10m.
So even if we just said £20m to be sure, we've still made incredible losses without that.

I'm not overly surprised by the size of the losses, we've been spending more on wages alone than our total revenue for about 3-4yrs now.

The most shocking part of it all is how we clearly had no contigency plan for a worst case scenario (possible relegation) happeneing.

We've been sleep walking for a few years now but the numpties at the top couldn't see it coming and are still trying to get out of it with our legal challenges.

It's stuff like this that really makes me want us to not go up - if it was Leeds or Ipswich, we would rightfully be kicking off about it.

It's just that failure to go up could have some real serious implications for the short-term viability of the club without administration, and therefore another potential points deduction.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm a proud member of the 'Shipman Out' generation. I'm all in favour of threats, physical indimidation and breaking windows.

Not really the thing nowadays though is it? What would you suggest we do?

I’d hope Union FS could put something together but, in reality, it’s all too late - there’s been no challenge in place forever due to flaccid sycophants like the FT and Ginetta’s mob- and they’ve got away with this scot free

And fan protests right at this minute is not what the team need, is it?
And fan protests right at this minute is not what the team need, is it?

The two can be completely separate but there's no chance you get Leicester fans off their arse for a protest.

Most would let Top and his band of middle managers fist their grandparents to death.

That’s the quandary.

The general approach at the Bristol game was the pretty stupid ‘“**** EFL” chants, like we are completely innocent parties being bullied by the evil leagues

‘kin idiots
That’s the quandary.
It's not a quandary for me.

One is about supporting for 90 minutes.

The other is about actually showing some real passion for the future of our football club that was here and ours way before Rudkin got his unqualified mits on it.

There should be mass protests outside the main stand before and after the game.

They get such an easy ride
Our wage bill for last season was higher than Newcastle's.

We made our biggest profit on transfers ever last season and still lost £90m.
Is there anywhere that confirms how many years PL TV money we advanced via a loan, now that we don't have the actual PL TV revenue?

Or how many years ST sales we have taken in advance via loans??
We've borrowed £500m in three years
Our wage bill for last season was higher than Newcastle's.

We made our biggest profit on transfers ever last season and still lost £90m.
And another one, any idea who the highest paid director is that has been paid £1.25m + over the past 4 years whilst guiding us to oblivion?

Would that be Rudkin or Whelan??
And another one, any idea who the highest paid director is that has been paid £1.25m + over the past 4 years whilst guiding us to oblivion?

Would that be Rudkin or Whelan??

They are false figures. The real amount is much higher.

Both Rudkin and Whelan have multiple roles in KP companies. For example, Rudkin is also DofF for OHL in Belgium, Academy Director and runs the KP stable. He'll have separate salaries for each role.

Man City got caught out doing this too. It's a way of paying their employees a certain amount on the books and a lot more off the books.

I'd be surprised if both Whelan and Rudkin were not on at least £1m a year.
Criminally incompetent.

That average wage figure makes me want to vomit.

How the **** Rudkin and Whelan continue to take a wage from this football club is beyond comprehension.

I've never felt more detached from this shit stain of a game.

Some soft twat posted the exact same thing on Foxestalk

Bet you’ve joined the Foxes Trust as well
We've borrowed £500m in three years
I think that just relates to cash flow borrowings - a couple of lines above that, the total borrowings for 3yrs are over £800m.

**** nos what assets we have to cover that now.

A few years back the borrowings we're not so bad as we had quite a few players that could have got us £50m+ each.

Now, given the contracts of most players, I think we'd do well to get £100m from the whole squad with KDH making a good chunk of that.
Some soft twat posted the exact same thing on Foxestalk

Bet you’ve joined the Foxes Trust as well


Which part of it do you disagree with then
This is Hazzman from beyond the grave.

I’m one of the soft twats that’s decided to join the Foxes Trust. I went to Union FS fan forum two weeks ago and pretty much it was clear the club give zero communication to fan groups.

However what was noted was that when the foxes trust and UFS united on general sale, they managed to get traction.

So it was clear the voice needs to be bigger. 330 in the foxes trust when I joined it last week. We are aware that we got that increased by 40 to 50 in time of last weeks AGM (that was interesting). Tonight it’s gone a bit mad.

We gone this evening to get more members in before we really start to understand more about how we can improve the trust. But it’s £10 - whats to lose? The FT has FSA ‘alignment’ which means they get a place on the Fans Advisory Boards that you have to have in place for the Premier League

We’ve got some really clever voices involved so far. It’s very early stages, we are learning. You may not join now but be aware that we are working for a louder voice. Feel free to PM me if you wanna discuss it
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