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Im supporting both leics and surrey, as I have the last 2 years, this is the 1st finals day im missing, coz im playing 4 my club. my money is on a surrey and leics final and surrey will edge it after what happened at edgbaston!
fosseboy83 said:
this forums got some positive people on it:icon_roll :081:
I'm just a realist FB ;)

I would love us to win more than anything but in the past few years I've learnt to be prepared for failure first and foremost.

I notice it is chucking it down outside, I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow?
Flashyfoxes Schedule.

11:00am Arrive at Trent Bridge.
11:30am Leics v Essex (C'mon Leicestershire!)
2:00ish My old man picks me up and drives us to the Walkers.
3:00pm Leicester v Ipswich (A goal and win would be nice!)
4:45pm Fulltime and depart for Trent Bridge.
5:30ish Arrive back in time to see Leics thrash Notts in final!

Anyone else doing this round trip?!
05.30 - Drive to Kent
11.55 - Train to Leicester
15.00 - Watch City
16.45 - Pissed off, drive to Melton
Rest of night - Grumpy
10.00 - Wake up.
11.00 - Go into town.
14:00 - Walk to the footy ground.
16:55 - Depart the Walkers Stadium with a smile on my face after we win.
17:30 - Get back home and crack open a few beers.
02:00 - Go to bed drunk, ready for work at 10 the following morning.
11.30 Wake up
11.50 Realise I'm missing the game and sprint downstairs
2.30 Hopefully have just seen us win, have a celebratory wank.
2.31 Make myself some food without burning the house down
2.43 Realise I haven't washed my hands
3.00 Listen to the footy or watch skysportsaturday coverage.
5.00 Decide to get a quick nap in after getting up so early
6.30 Wake up and get some more grub.
7.15 Start watching the final
10.00 Celebrate/commiserate the result with a few beers down the local.
12.00 Fall asleep in my own filth
07:00 Get up
08:09 Train to London
10:06 Walk around London, calling, Melts, Melts, where are you?"
10:07 Get nicked for behaviour likely to get myself thumped
11:45 Released without charge
11:55 Train from St Pancras
16:50 Have a piss on the way out of the stadium
16:55 either:
Walk to the station in stunned silence because we were crap and lost
Walk to the station in stunned silence because we were crap but managed to scrape a point or more.
17:30 Divert to chip shop in Granby Street
18:00 Depart London Road
19:10 Walk from St Pancras to Hating Cross
20:00 Depart Charing Cross
22:15 Meet welcoming party of her and the dogs
22:30 Snoring in my favourite chair.
6.15 Get up

6.30 Morning run

7.15 Log onto TB

8.30 Log off

10.15 Depart on the 160 or so mile trip to the Walkers

13.00 Arrive at ground and hope that the miserable twats we call players will sign a few autographs and maybe even smile, just to make Mini A-Z's day.

13.45 Get in the ground, have a burger or pie and let Mini A-Z watch Filbert Fox make a prick off himself.

15.00 Watch that shower of shite. (This season in the delightful company of that eternal optomist Melton Fox)

15.15 Mini A-Z falls asleep in sheer boredom.

16.45 (ish) Leave ground, no doubt bemused by the performance one way or the other.

17.00 Begin the 160 mile return journey.

19.00 - 19.30 (In case any police are reading this) Arrive back and then it is a few alcholic beverages, a curry, and with any luck at the end of the night a bit of a love in with Mrs A-Z.

What a day !!!
and with any luck at the end of the night a bit of a love in with Mrs A-Z.

:icon_conf :icon_conf

:icon_lol: Obviously hasn't seen Mrs A-Z then, a mix between Bella Emberg and Dave Lee Travis

Enjoy it mate. :081:
LeeH said:
I wanted to, but was told not to be so bloody stupid.
Having thought about it, both finals days I've been to, we've lost in the semi's. :frown: :icon_cry:


please don't ever go again:icon_lol:
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