M1 bridge LFE

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Does anyone know the outcome of a guy threatening to jump off the M1 bridge in LFE last night? He was there when I drove past and 2 police officers were trying to coax him back over the railings. I know they closed th M1 north bound.

he looked fairly young, early 20's. Horrible sight to be honest.
Does anyone know the outcome of a guy threatening to jump off the M1 bridge in LFE last night? He was there when I drove past and 2 police officers were trying to coax him back over the railings. I know they closed th M1 north bound.

he looked fairly young, early 20's. Horrible sight to be honest.

I drove past and saw him too at around 9pm, on my way back the road was shut off and they had shut the M1 off too. Really put me out too as I had to drive miles out of my way. He was stood on the wrong side of the railings above the north bound carrageway. He didn't look too old
It was all cleared by 10pm, he must have been talked out of jumping or they had cleared the mess up quick.
Personally I would have pushed the ****er off!
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I drove past and saw him too at around 9pm, on my way back the road was shut off and they had shut the M1 off too. Really put me out too as I had to drive miles out of my way. He was stood on the wrong side of the railings above the north bound carrageway. He didn't look too old
It was all cleared by 10pm, he must have been talked out of jumping or they had cleared the mess up quick.
Personally I would have pushed the ****er off!

I knew someone would say that last line.....

I saw him around 9pm as well Then when I put the radio leics traffic reports on they just said the M1 was closed due to accident. I was surprised they were still letting traffic across the bridge at that point tbh but i spose it takes time to set up the diversions etc.
I knew someone would say that last line.....

I saw him around 9pm as well Then when I put the radio leics traffic reports on they just said the M1 was closed due to accident. I was surprised they were still letting traffic across the bridge at that point tbh but i spose it takes time to set up the diversions etc.

The amount of people threatening to jump off there is untrue. I know of at least 6 times this has happened and the ****ers never jump. If they were serious they would go to a derelict barn and eat rat poison, hang themselves or blow their heads off. It's about time the council smeared a thick layer of grease on the ledge they stand on, whilst waiting for plod to turn up and save the day!
I remember when that bloke tried to do it when we played DErby at home a few seasons ago....

Loads of us got off the bus(as they weren't allowing any traffic over the bridge obviously) and we went down by the Jevo place and had to climb over a 7ft wall(FFS) to get to the services and go across that bridge, up the other side and catch the Shuttle bus for the park and ride, which the driver let us on for free bless him.

got to the ground with about 5 mins to spare.......

Inconsiderate wanker!
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