Macky's boss

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Gruntled Member
I could do with an arm around my shoulder right now, my boss is trying to bully me.
Re: Clapham Joins

I could do with an arm around my shoulder right now, my boss is trying to bully me.
Have you tried the Jimmy Carr method of getting on with your boss?
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Re: Clapham Joins

I was thinking of taking the diplomatic approach and drop kicking in the head whilst shouting "I DON'T DO WORK ON FRIDAYS BITCH!!!"
Use the roundhouse approach, but just enough to make her it the deck with a bloody nose. I personally wouldn't call her a Bitch, it's not nice.
Re: Clapham Joins

Apart from within her staffing complement.......

Too right, there's so many cocks here it's like being in a coop full of roosters

Use the roundhouse approach, but just enough to make her it the deck with a bloody nose. I personally wouldn't call her a Bitch, it's not nice.

It is accurate though
Re: Clapham Joins

It is almost axiomatic that a Boss is all the things you describe... and the worst are bullies. The funny thing is, most of them are no less wage slaves than the rest of us - but they just take on the mantle of being a 'boss' in the old fashioned (& worst) senses of the word.
Here's how things can be better: After 'the Revolution' (it aint gonna happen, but let me fantasise a moment) all managers will have to be elected to the role by the whole workforce, save for the smallest enterprises & businesses. All boards of directors will have significant worker representation.
All profit-making companies will find it it is illegal to shed staff or bring about redundancies without having to pick up their unemployment payments (which should be a sufficient deterrent). Exporting jobs - such as call-centre and admin jobs - to India and the far east, will be made illegal at a stroke. This will be facilitated by similar revolutions throughout Europe and the Americas so that the UK is not placed under temporary competitive disadvantage by other advanced economies.
Re: Clapham Joins

It is almost axiomatic that a Boss is all the things you describe... and the worst are bullies. The funny thing is, most of them are no less wage slaves than the rest of us - but they just take on the mantle of being a 'boss' in the old fashioned (& worst) senses of the word.
Here's how things can be better: After 'the Revolution' (it aint gonna happen, but let me fantasise a moment) all managers will have to be elected to the role by the whole workforce, save for the smallest enterprises & businesses. All boards of directors will have significant worker representation.
All profit-making companies will find it it is illegal to shed staff or bring about redundancies without having to pick up their unemployment payments (which should be a sufficient deterrent). Exporting jobs - such as call-centre and admin jobs - to India and the far east, will be made illegal at a stroke. This will be facilitated by similar revolutions throughout Europe and the Americas so that the UK is not placed under temporary competitive disadvantage by other advanced economies.

That's excellent - so will he start tomorrow, or do you reckon we should stick with Mattock ?
Re: Clapham Joins

It is almost axiomatic that a Boss is all the things you describe... and the worst are bullies. The funny thing is, most of them are no less wage slaves than the rest of us - but they just take on the mantle of being a 'boss' in the old fashioned (& worst) senses of the word.
Here's how things can be better: After 'the Revolution' (it aint gonna happen, but let me fantasise a moment) all managers will have to be elected to the role by the whole workforce, save for the smallest enterprises & businesses. All boards of directors will have significant worker representation.
All profit-making companies will find it it is illegal to shed staff or bring about redundancies without having to pick up their unemployment payments (which should be a sufficient deterrent). Exporting jobs - such as call-centre and admin jobs - to India and the far east, will be made illegal at a stroke. This will be facilitated by similar revolutions throughout Europe and the Americas so that the UK is not placed under temporary competitive disadvantage by other advanced economies.

That's all very well consty, but if she starts another sentence today with the phrase "Could you just......" I'm going to have break something off her head.

It's f*cking Friday, why is she expecting me to work FFS?!?!

I'm a Muslim on Fridays
Re: Clapham Joins

I reckon as I imply, that most bosses are running dogs, lackeys, petit bourgeois, oligopoly, pimp whores of capitalism, imperialism and oppression.
I think you may agree with me.
As for Macky's female boss, perhaps in line with most Sun readers, maybe you don't care so long as she's got big tits.
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Re: Clapham Joins

sorry to go off topic but what the hall has this got to do with Clapham coming to lcfc :102:


So long as we have a player playing on the left, I don't mind. After the revolution, all players will be on the left.
returning to topic.... I'd play Clapham, and use Mattock sparingly for the rest of the season.
Re: Clapham Joins

As for Macky's female boss, perhaps in line with most Sun readers, maybe you don't care so long as she's got big tits.

She hasn't, she's about 3' tall with a 3' waistline and reminds me of a penguin and not one of the cute penguins either.
She's a vampire penguin with a bad attitude who doesn't respect my religious beliefs.

I'm also not in line with any Sun readers
Re: Clapham Joins

She hasn't, she's about 3' tall with a 3' waistline and reminds me of a penguin and not one of the cute penguins either.
She's a vampire penguin with a bad attitude who doesn't respect my religious beliefs.

I'm also not in line with any Sun readers

The solution is simple. She needs a good shagg$ng from a mutant ninja dwarf with big penis and correct revolutionary principles. Redemption through love. Then, after the revolution, she will be executed.

ps didn't take you for a Sun reader world-view.
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