Matt Jones' article

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Read it on the OS, very modest isnt he, how he finks hes loved and respected by all the fans, erm yeh matt.
Cheers for admitting defeat Matt, I thought he would sit out his contract then retire. He's done the decent thing there, good luck in what ever he does next.
Malf said:
Matt Jones = Legend IMO

absolutly... top quality guy. Not many players would have retired in his postition of a year to run.
Babylon said:
Malf said:
Matt Jones = Legend IMO

absolutly... top quality guy. Not many players would have retired in his postition of a year to run.

Yeh you do have to give him credit for that, its only cos Micky sent Scowy round to bite his ears off.
I'm pretty sure he's a genuine bloke, and it's heartwarming to hear him talk about how he's going to miss football. Despite his forest adventure he seemed committed to us, and always attended the home games

Doesn't take away the fact that he has taken several million pounds out of the club in fee and wages and produced f*ck all. I can't really blame him - it was The Bastard's fault for signing him in the first place. He was was vastly overrated, and we paid far too much for him, and he was vastly overpaid
There's nothing cynical about that mate, good call!
homer said:
I'm pretty sure he's a genuine bloke, and it's heartwarming to hear him talk about how he's going to miss football. Despite his forest adventure he seemed committed to us, and always attended the home games

Doesn't take away the fact that he has taken several million pounds out of the club in fee and wages and produced f*ck all. I can't really blame him - it was The Bastard's fault for signing him in the first place. He was was vastly overrated, and we paid far too much for him, and he was vastly overpaid

He was better at Leeds than he was with us, Leeds fans have always said he was quite a steady player.
Ay Malf, why's it so dead on here today?
Fancy some General Chat?
Ricey said:
God you lot are hard on him!! :roll:

He never says he was loved by the fans, he says the fans took to him after his debut which is true!

I respect Matt Jones a lot and it annoys me that people slag him off for no reason.

I think some have us have been a bit hard on him myself included but lets not forget that he has basically won the lottery. I don't think we should feel to sorry for him. He clearly would have loved to have been a premiership footballer but so would thousands of other lads, the only difference is that they don't end up as millionaires.
Bobby Smith said:
Ricey said:
God you lot are hard on him!! :roll:

He never says he was loved by the fans, he says the fans took to him after his debut which is true!

I respect Matt Jones a lot and it annoys me that people slag him off for no reason.

I think some have us have been a bit hard on him myself included but lets not forget that he has basically won the lottery. I don't think we should feel to sorry for him. He clearly would have loved to have been a premiership footballer but so would thousands of other lads, the only difference is that they don't end up as millionaires.

We should feel sorry for him, the job he's always dreamed of doing that he's been lucky enough and gifted enough to get in to has been taken away from him at such a young age. Fair enough we all dream of it, but to have that dream come true and then snatched away from you it must be so much harder to stomach.
It would be like making a massive cake and not being allowed even a tiny slither of it. Shocking.
Malf said:
Bobby Smith said:
Ricey said:
God you lot are hard on him!! :roll:

He never says he was loved by the fans, he says the fans took to him after his debut which is true!

I respect Matt Jones a lot and it annoys me that people slag him off for no reason.

I think some have us have been a bit hard on him myself included but lets not forget that he has basically won the lottery. I don't think we should feel to sorry for him. He clearly would have loved to have been a premiership footballer but so would thousands of other lads, the only difference is that they don't end up as millionaires.
We should feel sorry for him, the job he's always dreamed of doing that he's been lucky enough and gifted enough to get in to has been taken away from him at such a young age. Fair enough we all dream of it, but to have that dream come true and then snatched away from you it must be so much harder to stomach.
Agreed Malf but it would be a whole lot harder to take if he now had to go and work in a british gas call centre to finance his life or something. At least he has got the dirty sanchez job to fall back on. :D
Dirty Sanchez career? Don't be silly, Jones will be working in the Porn industry before too long - Ian Walker apparantly set it up for him.
Bobby Smith said:
Malf said:
Bobby Smith said:
Ricey said:
God you lot are hard on him!! :roll:

He never says he was loved by the fans, he says the fans took to him after his debut which is true!

I respect Matt Jones a lot and it annoys me that people slag him off for no reason.

I think some have us have been a bit hard on him myself included but lets not forget that he has basically won the lottery. I don't think we should feel to sorry for him. He clearly would have loved to have been a premiership footballer but so would thousands of other lads, the only difference is that they don't end up as millionaires.
We should feel sorry for him, the job he's always dreamed of doing that he's been lucky enough and gifted enough to get in to has been taken away from him at such a young age. Fair enough we all dream of it, but to have that dream come true and then snatched away from you it must be so much harder to stomach.
Agreed Malf but it would be a whole lot harder to take if he now had to go and work in a british gas call centre to finance his life or something. At least he has got the dirty sanchez job to fall back on. :D

That's true, he'll get a few hundred grand for his appearances on Sanchez. He's doing that ice and foreskin trick isn't he?
i think a lot of you are way to harsh here. this gut has only known football all his life. and to have to admit defeat at his age must be heart breaking. so wot if he was earning x amount a year......he never will again.

he had a lot of respect for us lot, so we should feel the same about him. he was one of the most promising talents in football.

and hes had his career ended. i feel for the guy, and although he never shone......he never had a chance.

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