McCarthy - future captain?

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I know he gave away a penalty today but i reckon McCarthy would make a good captain next season. He's already captained Man City reserves and the Ireland youth team and i've been pretty impressed with him so far this season. For me, a captain should always be a defender or central midfielder and Tiatto can't lead from wide left.

What does everyone else think?
100% agree. Dublin captain for 2005/2006. Paddy can be looked at from then on.
He certainly a commanding guy, when Walker didn't come out to claim some balls today, McCarthy was having a right go at Walks, not having any shit from the so called established big named players.
For the past two games in particular he has looked excellent. What a great buy by Levein!
He has looked an ace buy. Just hope he doesn't go the same way as Heath who was tipped as a 'future captain' of leicester not so long ago. Although it may have been just MA who said that...

Still, hope Paddy's not a flash in the pan.

basfordfox said:
He has looked an ace buy. Just hope he doesn't go the same way as Heath who was tipped as a 'future captain' of leicester not so long ago. Although it may have been just MA who said that...

Still, hope Paddy's not a flash in the pan.


Dabizas said that Heath would make captain, but he knows nothing about defending, leading the line or much to do with football. paddy again looked pretty solid when in the center of defence. would love to see kenton stay around for a while longer as the pair of them looked like they had an understanding
fitz said:
basfordfox said:
He has looked an ace buy. Just hope he doesn't go the same way as Heath who was tipped as a 'future captain' of leicester not so long ago. Although it may have been just MA who said that...

Still, hope Paddy's not a flash in the pan.


Dabizas said that Heath would make captain, but he knows nothing about defending, leading the line or much to do with football. paddy again looked pretty solid when in the center of defence. would love to see kenton stay around for a while longer as the pair of them looked like they had an understanding

For a relatively small guy, Kenton gets quite a lot of headers, he positions himself pretty well and has a great leap, seems to play better at the back than out wide as he doesn't support the attacks as well as Maybury.
McCarthy is already quickly becoming one of my favourite players at the club, along with Hughesie and Maybury and they were all signed this year so i think that shows good promise.

i think next season Tiatto will be captain unless he definitely decideds to return to oz. but Paddy would be a contender for captaincy along with Stephen Hughes if you ask me. i think Dubs next season will be his last and i hope he chooses to spend it with us.
Scodger Cubs said:
Melton Fox said:
100% agree. Dublin captain for 2005/2006. Paddy can be looked at from then on.

Yeh but isn't Tiatto captain at the mo?? and therefore keep him as captain? :-?
There is a distinct difference between the 2 styles.

Tiatto captains with outright aggression, determination, and sometimes anger.

I feel a captain should be calm, collected and have the ability to step back from the action, assess every situation in every part of the pitch and act with his brain. I feel this is where Dublin would be far superior to Tiatto.
Early days admittedly but I think McCarthy could become the next 'Steve Walsh' but I wouldn't make him Captain just yet.Hard to say who will be when we aren't sure of who will be here next season.

HF i've been saying that since i saw him at Burnley!!! :mrgreen:

talking to Levein last night...he said that Paddy was a very honest player and there is a LOT more to come from him next season.

when he asked me and my mate Kelly if we liked him,we said yep and he went 'ooooooh more Paddy fans!!' in a girly voice PFFFT

that's when i corrected him and said not like that...but because he reminded me of walshy when he first joined the club,and that i hoped he would do half as well as he did.
Melton Fox said:
Tiatto captains with outright aggression, determination, and sometimes anger.

mmmm - the same things that gets him all his bookings!!

Meanwhile McCarthy gets all his bookings through being straightforward clumsy. Have you seen how bookings Paddy has got? FIVE in FIVE matches recently and more since then!

Tiatto has got 15 bookings this season (yes, 15 - soccerbase had missed one) - that's SIX matches of suspensions. McCarthy gets bookings at a far quicker rate and would undoubtedly get his six matches of suspension PLUS a visit to the discip,linary committee so that they can deal with him 'as they see fit'. And that's without the RED cards that he will inevitably get from two bookings in the same game.

IMO a team needs a captain who is going to be available for most, if not all, games. McCarthy won't manage it without a change. Let's hope he's bright enough to make that change!

And while we're talking about players who pick up a lot of bookings - how is it that they *can* manage not to get two in the same game, even though they get mpre in a season than all of their colleagues? Look at Tiatto, look at McCarthy and look back at Robbie Savage. All get loads of YELLOW but very little RED. They obviously know how to avoid the second card - so why don't they use the same method to avoid the first one?
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