MP quizzed over sex assault claim

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You asked me to guess. The only clue I had was the words "Slavery: A solution?" which suggested that you were supporting 19th century abolitionists like William Wilberforce; 18th century slave traders like David Tuohy did not see there as being a problem to be solved.

Of course if people want their "true feelings on the matter" to be clear it might be more sensible not to begin with the comment "I'll let you guess".

I may be doing you an injustice and your second quote may be aimed not at me but at Chuck where it is perhaps more pertinent. In the original post Chuck claimed that Andrew Bridgen "wants the empire back please." Presumably we would both hope that Chuck has some reason for this claim Hopefully Chuck has not decided to in your elegant phrase " falsely attribute opinions to others without any knowledge regarding their true feelings on the matter." I eagerly await Chuck's evidence.

Having done a number of long posts that are not really relevant to the accusations against Mr Bridgen I will leave the thread to others. However, I will enjoy reading any further posts on the subject.

OOh I say, I have stirred things up a bit. Thow away remark really David, I met him twice in service and he was very gung ho about what our Foreign policy should be in some of the developing worlds hotspots. Boils down to me not liking him very much - personal thing, sorry if I upset anyone.
...Sorry, one more thing. Successfully completing Royal Marine Commando training and as an officer is certainly not an easy thing to do, the drop out rate is high. - you are right David. But it is the easy part of a service career. Deploying that training and knowledge in an operational theatre is the hard part where your skill, knowledge and behavior may have serious consequences for your command, your enemy, the civillian population and your country. I thought he wasted that opportunity - thats all.

I'm off to invade Cornwall for a few days.
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I've discovered that I also hold simple views about rape, membership of Europe and Jeremy Kyle.

My bigotry seems to know no bounds.
I've discovered that I also hold simple views about rape, membership of Europe and Jeremy Kyle.

Would the answer be better than sunflower, same lineup for last 8 years so no chance and die, die, die?
...die, die, die?

We've travelled far and wide,
London to Merseyside
And there is only one place for you and me
They call it Filbert Street
And it is magnifique
Police have confirmed a sexual assault case against Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has been dropped.

Backbench MP Mr Bridgen, 46, was arrested in central London in the early hours of 9 June after a 29-year-old woman made a complaint to police.

The North West Leicestershire MP was questioned by officers but not charged and released on bail until mid-July

A Metropolitan Police spokesman confirmed no further action would be taken. against Mr Bridgen..
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I wish I were as clever as David

I have some knowledge of one subject - History - and a fairly detailed knowledge of forty years. Knowledge is not the same as understanding.
On a different thread Mawsley once pointed out after a particularly inane post of mine that my understanding of science was lamentable - although he was too well mannered to use the word. He was quite right.

I wish I was as clever as the people who write on the Techie threads. The most recent started by Motown is called WinPalace.Exe; I don't even understand the title. I see that another is called CSV to DBF started by Nottingham Fox. I know all this is important and I should understand it but when I read it I am totally baffled.

One thing concerns me. People reading this thread superficially might think from some of the responses that I accused any named member of the forum of bigotry. I did not. Two members outed themselves which is totally different. As always I have nothing but unconditional regard for all members (with the possible exception of Syd.)
I have some knowledge of one subject - History - and a fairly detailed knowledge of forty years. Knowledge is not the same as understanding.
On a different thread Mawsley once pointed out after a particularly inane post of mine that my understanding of science was lamentable - although he was too well mannered to use the word. He was quite right.

I wish I was as clever as the people who write on the Techie threads. The most recent started by Motown is called WinPalace.Exe; I don't even understand the title. I see that another is called CSV to DBF started by Nottingham Fox. I know all this is important and I should understand it but when I read it I am totally baffled.

One thing concerns me. People reading this thread superficially might think from some of the responses that I accused any named member of the forum of bigotry. I did not. Two members outed themselves which is totally different. As always I have nothing but unconditional regard for all members (with the possible exception of Syd.)

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