my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to city

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my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to city.
ive just realised that last season was a training excersise for englands last minute defeat against the frogs.
just think , if we never had all them late defeats last season, then the england result would have been a total unexpected catastrophe, and i, (not being used to such things), could have had the right hump, swore at the missus, killed the kids and kebabbed the dog. so for saving my family from a night of wrath, thankyou city for being shiyte last season :shock:
it's good training this leicester lark!
Missed a penalty,
Goaly gives away a penalty
Bad back pass
Manager reserves three players when we are winning
Lose the game in the last three minutes of the game

Are they leicester in disgiuse
I think most of us have just become immune to this type of thing, so we can deal with the hurt much better than other's. :wink:
lazzer said:
apart from the fact i had lampard 1-1 at 60/1 ouch still hurting now :roll:

And I would have had a fiver on England winning at half time and France Winning at Full time if the bookies hadn't closed for the football!
Not as much as it hurts a typical England fan. I was like, "Never mind" and others were absolutely gobsmacked!
Re: my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to ci said:
my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to city.
ive just realised that last season was a training excersise for englands last minute defeat against the frogs.
just think , if we never had all them late defeats last season, then the england result would have been a total unexpected catastrophe, and i, (not being used to such things), could have had the right hump, swore at the missus, killed the kids and kebabbed the dog. so for saving my family from a night of wrath, thankyou city for being shiyte last season :shock:

Top post. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Would the chant have changed from "Brazil, its just like watching Brazil" To "Leicester, its just like watching Leicester"..... :lol:
Re: my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to ci

xsubmariner said:
Would the chant have changed from "Brazil, its just like watching Brazil" To "Leicester, its just like watching Leicester"..... :lol:

God really hated us lot didn't he.. cursing us with having to support two shit teams. Sigh. :cry:
Re: my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to ci said:
my missus, the kids and the dog say a big thankyou to city.
ive just realised that last season was a training excersise for englands last minute defeat against the frogs.
just think , if we never had all them late defeats last season, then the england result would have been a total unexpected catastrophe, and i, (not being used to such things), could have had the right hump, swore at the missus, killed the kids and kebabbed the dog. so for saving my family from a night of wrath, thankyou city for being shiyte last season :shock:

My sentiments exactly, couldn't have put it better myself. :lol:
Watched the game with my mate who is a V*lla fan. Although the defeat was not what we wanted I couldn't help but smile at the look on his face, I was thinking 'now you now what it's like mate'. :lol:
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