Despite Stringers mutterings, it seems that there is something in this. It was always only a matter of time before the names Leicester City, Mandaric, Zahavi and some rich loon were to be connected.
It's being reported in the Polish media that Wojciechowski spoke about his interest in Leicester at a dinner on Thursday attended by Pini Zahavi. This is the same fella that introduced Gaydamark to Mandaric and led to the takeover at Portsmouth.,artykul,77362,1,717.html
The owner Polish Colony Warsaw Józef Wojciechowski again surprises. -Manager Pini Zahavi urges me to purchase Leicester City-granted Wojciechowski. Both gentlemen met się w Thursday in Tel Aviv. This idea very me you. But if the initial discussions says Wojciechowski.
-It is true przekonywałem him to invest in pierwszoligowy club. To be finalised talks far route. Leicester at truth plays only in Championship, but the team, which is no real opportunities for promotion-says one of the largest managers in the world.
At the general led Wojciechowski to take an interest in this theme? -In Poland to clubs need to be efforts in England can be on them earn-translators.
Owner of a company J.W. Construction should however be borne in mind that Leicester, for which would have to pay about 10 million pounds (for the purchase Polish Colony set 20 million zlotys or about 4 million pounds) is poor for approximately 20 million pounds. On the other hand most English clubs is indebted, even Manchester United on hundreds of million pounds, and certainly cannot be said that the overall loss-making.
Apart from profits, English club would other dream Wojciechowski-finally it could watch matches his team to the stadium, which comes on more than 20 thousand fans.
-This would be good for the investment, because we all know that generates profits English football-claims Zahavi, which helped in adopting Chelsea London Roman Abramowiczowi, persuaded multimilionera also from the east Aleksander Gajdamaka, that it has invested in Portsmouth. But this could not be satisfied because the past season team mess was minus 9 point for the debts and finally fell to the first league.
The Konwiktorskiej Zahavi also is not a new form, its contacts with Polish began in 2004, when he tried to buy team lead Black shirts by company Global Soccer Agency. Finally case has been completed before the court. Now also cooperate with an LechiÄ… Gdansk. As granted Wojciechowski, soon may also operate in Polish Colony. -The following week lecÄ™ to London to discuss with Zahavim both of these themes-granted head Black shirts.
If Wojciechowski actually bought Leicester, what would happen with Warsaw Polish? -As already have spoken it, this is only preliminary talks, so that it is difficult dywagować, but certainly I somehow this pogodził, he did everything in accordance with the provisions says owner Black shirts. But it seems that as long as it would not be the obstacles that had both of these teams.
-One person may not be the owner two clubs occurring in the same competitions, i.e. the translation with a League Union, the Masters and the League in the national league-translators UEFA worker press office.
The problem would certainly be so only if both teams awansowały to European granting. Then Wojciechowski would have to remove one of them.