If chandler is not a fan, then what is he?
He always claims to be in the know and seams to be aware (even if slightly confused) about what is happening at city.
From his posts, I am sure he does go to watch some of the matches.
So, could he be a player? His knowledge of football indicates not.
Could he be MA or one of the coaching staff, some how I doubt that anyone with that kind of knowledge would get so many facts, so wrong.
So maybe he works in the ticket office, is a waiter in the boxes or serves in the bars at half time. But how long would he last without threatening customers. I doubt he would last long and cant see it
He could be the little fat Saint Johns man that waddles around the pitch at city, but he is not compassionate enough, so again, a big NO there.
Ok, What do we know about him?
He thinks he is always right
Sees everything in black and white (Right or wrong) and nothing in between
Does not like people breaking the little rules that govern his life
He uses threatening behavior to try and get his own way
He likes authority and discipline
Never questions those in positions of power
Never contradict those in positions of power
Uses violence to make a point
Is frustrated with his poor communication skills (Probably sexually frustration as well)
He can not express himself in writing or vocally, so resorts to name calling
This only leaves two careers for him, both of which attend football matches: The first is a copper; well he could never pass the entry test so he isn’t a copper. That leaves one and only one option.