player of the decade

WHo has been Leicester's best player over recent years.

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I am only fifteen years old so my memory can only just go back this far but i was wondering who you guys thought was the best of all the players we ever had in the last ten years

My vote has to to Izzet has been great for so long and has been loyal aswell has being class and his performance di not drop when he thpught the side was doing poorly. Also totally unpredictable how greater player?signing he would be.
He was Mr. Leicester but i can only remember his days when he was perminently injured but it is always great when a player loves the club so much. Did you see him in that F.A Vase final playing for telford or someone. I could not believe he was still playing.
Ricey said:
It has to be Walsh because without we wouldn't have had the success we have had. Pity that dikhead Taylor sold him and ruined his carrer.

word for word with you on that ricey, the man was the personification of city through and through, 13 years loyal service then dumped.

i f@"*ing hate taylor.
not the most skillfull
but walshy has my vote
up front or at the back
gave everything
dirty bastard when he wanted
top leicester boy
get him back for future manager
He gets my vote as well always looked forward to playing against Wolves one thing you could guarantee was either Walshy or Bully getting booked or sent off, it was usually Walshy. He used to get slightly carried away sometimes but you knew that you were gonna get 150% from him even though he didn't finish all the games either cos he were sent off or injured. How we need someone like that next season. Top geezer, not sure if Elliott would agree with me on the last point!!
Walshie, magnificent ! if you cut him he`ll bleed blue, it`s a crime that he is`nt still with us in some role, Mr Leicester City and my hero FOREVER :!:
Its has to be Walshy! He made us the club we are now. Remember the play-off final against the sheepshaggers when he got us to the Premiership?
turner said:
Its has to be Walshy! He made us the club we are now. Remember the play-off final against the sheepshaggers when he got us to the Premiership?

what a day, i was working and living in london at the time, i hadn't got tickets.

my plan was to drive upto wembley with the misses just to soak up the atmosphere, then sit and listen to the game on a tranny outside the ground.

the game had kicked off about two minutes, just walking round the ground when a voice said want two tickets at face value, voila knocked him down a tenner as the game had started and got me and the misses in for fifty quid.

we were about six rows into a sea of black and white, and i had to endure about twenty minutes of some gob shite who kept leaning forwards to a young lad sitting next to my misses,slurring you and me youth at arf time, i'm gonna have ya' you're ****ing dead youth etc. the young lad was with two other poor misplaced jnr foxes, no more than about 16. the piss head was with a couple of mates in their 20s who looked embarassed by gobby.

infact when i finally snapped nad turned round leaned back and gripped his inner thigh explaining" i'd paid £50 to watch an hour and a half of footy with my partemer, and if he didn't shut up i wouldn't wait until half time to rip his throat out" his two mates grinned sheepishly.

i my misses and the three jnr foxes then sat back to watch our beloved boys in blue go on to win the play off final.

walshies 2nd goal had me the young foxes and my misses in the air .

it was sue my partners 1st ever footy game, what an introduction, what a day, steve walsh what a man, player of the decade, no contest.

"he' here , he's there, he's every..........
My vote goes to super Stevie Walsh.
His battles with Bully. The play off against the sheepshaggers. The Palace play off, his 60 yard "pin point " pass to Muzzy , who then cut in the box and won the penalty. The Fulham cup game, he gives away their 2nd goal, and falls to the floor, but who is up the other end getting the equaliser to take the game to extra time, only the legend himself.(And look what it meant to him!)
And what about the little and large show up front, Walsh and Joachim.
Since he's left the scene we've never had anyone to gee up the rest (kick 'em up the #rse).
The players on the list all bring back fond memories but no one brings back as many as Steve Walsh. And yes it does seem a crime that he is not at City in some aspect or other.
Seem him play in the FA Vase the other week and all red did not suit him at all!
Xsub, your memories of Walshie bring them back to me aswell, and what about the cup final replay at Hillsborough second period of extra time to quote Andy Gray, " Walsh has been a giant, an absolute giant" ps I have pm`d you twice, I have a picture for your avatar !
Madbiker, my reason for missing the replay off was that back then "xsub" was a "sub", and listened to the game in the submarine's wireless shack.
It was still a brill feeling when Claridge scored and City won.
I was on Terra firma for all the play offs and the other cup games, just missed the Middlesboro 2 games.
Comparing Mattty Elliot to Walshy he seems to lack the fire in his belly that Steve had, the will to win. He doesn't seem to inspire the troops or the crowd the way Steve Walsh did. Lets see what Howey can do.
Thanks for the offer of the piccy. Could you send it on through webmaster please, many thanks :wink:
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