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A dentist who faced charges of breaking wind and belching in front of patients and staff has been struck off.

Matthew Walton, 35, from Shrewsbury, also swore and made "v-sign" hand gestures to patients and staff behind their backs, a committee heard.

Mr Walton worked at the Green End Dental Practice in Whitchurch, Shrops.

The General Dental Council in London ruled his conduct required immediate suspension of his registration "for the protection of the public".

Unless Mr Walton appeals his name will be erased from the Dentist's Register in April, meaning he cannot legally work as a dentist in the UK.

He faced a number of clinical and conduct charges, including:

Breaking wind during appointments
Telling a patient he had bad breath
Exposing a nurse to X-ray radiation
Making derogatory comments about unemployed patients
Asking patients to show their money before providing treatment
Pushing a nervous teenage patient back into his chair, telling him: "You will sit and let me do it"
Mr Walton admitted all allegations about clinical issues, but denied some of the allegations of poor conduct.

But the committee ruled: "In the course of your evidence you did make further concessions regarding the [conduct] allegations."

The committee concluded it "has taken into account the nature of your misconduct both towards patients and staff and your clinical failings.

"It has also taken into account your lack of insight and lack of remediation.

"For the protection of the public and in the public interest, immediate suspension of your registration is necessary."

Mr Walton, who has not worked as a dentist since December 2007 except for one day, has not commented on the case.
BYU basketball player Brandon Davies has been suspended for violating which of the following from the college's honour code?

-Be honest
-Live a chaste and virtuous life
-Obey the law and all campus policies
-Use clean language
-Respect others
-Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, and substance abuse
-Participate regularly in church services
-Observe the Dress and Grooming Standards
-Encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code

And the answer is (espn link):
BYU basketball player Brandon Davies has been suspended for violating which of the following from the college's honour code?

-Be honest
-Live a chaste and virtuous life
-Obey the law and all campus policies
-Use clean language
-Respect others
-Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, and substance abuse
-Participate regularly in church services
-Observe the Dress and Grooming Standards
-Encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code

And the answer is (espn link):
Davies... gave the Cougars length and size inside.

Anyway, childish laughter aside. What the ****? You can't make adherence to a no sex clause a condition of someone's education, surely to ****? Putting a lad that age in college and telling him not to shag every girl he can get his mitts on is like putting a juicy, tender gazelle in front of a cheetah and telling him not to eat it while it says 'come and eat me' in Cheetahese.

Anyway, childish laughter aside. What the ****? You can't make adherence to a no sex clause a condition of someone's education, surely to ****? Putting a lad that age in college and telling him not to shag every girl he can get his mitts on is like putting a juicy, tender gazelle in front of a cheetah and telling him not to eat it while it says 'come and eat me' in Cheetahese.

It contrasts nicely with the lecture given at Northwestern University :icon_bigg

A US university president has said he is "disturbed" that a psychology professor allowed a demonstration of a motorised sex toy in a lecture hall.

The inaugural Desert Cup in Tucson...

Story: http://azstarnet.com/sports/soccer/professional/article_bf9ae085-d2d8-572a-9315-75420be38c19.html

Photos: http://azstarnet.com/photo/collection_1545afc0-4798-11e0-bc1c-001cc4c002e0.html?mode=image&photo=1

I went both nights. Friday was used to give squad players and trialists a run out. There was a decent crowd, two or three thousand. Sporting Kansas City (who used to be Kansas City Wizards) beat the Arizona Sahuaros, whoever they are, 6-1. New York Red Bulls beat FC Tucson 3-1. The only player I really knew was Carl Robinson, former Welsh international, playing for the Red Bulls. One of the trialists listed for Sporting KC was a Mr. Adda Djeziri, but sadly he didn't figure.

Saturday was a very different thing entirely. The whole event was only dreamed up a month ago and was designed to see if soccerball could be a hit with the Tucson public. The answer was a resounding yes, with a sellout crowd of over 10,000. Not bad for the first ever proper football match in the city.

First, FC Tucson bravely fought back from 3-1 down to draw 3-3 with the Arizona Sahuaros. FC Tucson is a team that doesn't really exist as they don't have a league to play in, but to be fair they were a pretty decent side with one or two genuine players. If they get off the ground I imagine I'll be a fan.

The main event was the first teams of Sporting KC and NY Red Bulls, who both put in a proper shift in a full-blooded, entertaining 2-2 draw. Thiery Henry played the full 90 minutes and looked as classy as ever. He still has a bit of pace but often dropped deep where he was dangerous, carving open the KC defense time and again. The two Mexican internationals were probably more popular with the large Hispanic proportion of the crowd, Omar Bravo and especially Rafael Marquez.

And yes, Casino Jimmy was in goal for Sporting Kansas City! He's now played more in Tucson than he did in Leicester. He spilled a shot for Thiery Henry to tap in the first goal but otherwise he looked OK. Kansas then went 2-1 up before Henry put in a killer pass for the second Red Bull goal. My only disappointment was that Ryan Smith didn't make an appearance for KC, which would have been interesting.

All in all, a quite weird but hugely enjoyable experience. I still can't believe I've just seen Thiery Henry put in a full 90 minutes on a baseball field in the corner of my local park in Tucson!

The whole event was only dreamed up a month ago and was designed to see if soccerball could be a hit with the Tucson public. Tucson!

Soccerball ?

Soccerball, FFS :102:
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I think Dessie might have been paraphrasing, in an amusing way, some of his less enlightened fellow citizens. Made me laugh anyway.

That's people from Coalville, they don't understand subtle Tucson humour.

And I thought I was quite polite about it. I never mentioned once that after a great play, someone kicked an awesome goal past the goal tender.
Bluebirds and canaries...the animals to strike fear into any team
SOME proud parents name their children after famous footballing heroes - but one Clarets-mad mum and dad went a step further.

Staunch supporters Stephen and Amanda Preston chose to name their son after the whole Burnley team.
Unfortunate surname...
Little Jensen Jay Alexander Bikey Carlisle Duff Elliott Fox Iwelumo Marney Mears Paterson Thompson Wallace Preston is already a season ticket holder and his parents hope he will emulate at least one of his 14 namesakes and go on to play for the mighty Clarets.
Yes, I can see how having a stupid name will make his life easier and therefore him more successful.
His dad Stephen (40) who took his new son along to meet some of the players, joked that his birth certificate reads more like a Turf Moor team sheet.
Really? I wonder why that is?
“We didn’t think it would fit on, but it did. Our family didn’t believe us at the start, they thought we were nuts.
Funny that.
“We did it because we went with a theme with the other three who are called Sally, Sophie and Stephen so this last one we decided to go a bit different.
You have three others with proper names? It's not all bad then.
“My wife wanted to call him Jensen, but if we were going to call him Jensen we thought we would go with the whole team that played against Nottingham Forest on the first game of the season where we won 1-0.”
You are both idiots. And why have you used Jay Rodriguez's first name instead of his surname?
Stephen, of Ruskin Avenue, Colne, and Amanda (41), who have seven children
Er, hold on. You've had another three since the start of the last paragraph?
joked his surname would unfortunately be Preston but said they have had a fantastic response from everyone. “All my friends on Facebook have been saying it’s a great name. We’ve had a very positive reaction about it.
Yes, but they're other idiot Burnley fans.
“It is definitely a bit different. They said it is just a pity about all the forms he will have to fill in when he is older.”
Yeah, that's the worst part of this.
Little “Jay Jay”, as he is affectionately known, was born at Airedale Hospital on January 25th weighing 11lb 5oz and since then the Clarets have been on an unstoppable charge towards promotion to the Premiership.

“He seems to be a lucky omen. We have not lost a league game since he was born. It would be a dream come true if we get back into the Premiership.”
Not lost a league game? You mean except that one at Doncaster a week after he was born?
He may only be six weeks old, but young Jensen already has his first season ticket in the Bob Lord stand where he sports his tiny Claret and Blue kit.

“He has already been to the Turf twice. His first game was when he was only eights days old and he was there last week when we beat Palace.
Is it good for kids that age to be around loud noises?
If you turn him around he cries. He tries to crane his neck back around to watch the game.”
Little Jensen was even beamed up onto the big screen with a picture of him sporting signed gloves from his 6ft 1in. namesake Brian - his mum’s favourite player.

“He was up on the big screen. His name was in lights with a photo of him wearing signed gloves and the purple goalkeeping shirt.”
I bet he enjoyed that. Oh, wait...
The family hope he will go on to take up those big gloves and hallowed Number 1 shirt in front of the Longside.
You are ****s. Stop having kids, and give up your existing ones. Now.
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