Reason we were relegated.

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New Member
maybe this has been spoke about before but....

the exodus of players we have had proves that they were just mercenaries. i.e. scimeca, dickov and thatcher.

if you know you have a relegation release clause in your contract and that you are likely to be picked up by another premier league club with another signing on fee and a better contract Would you play to save the club you are with from relegation????

we must have the shittest contract lawyers, instead of giving players incentives to keep the club up, we give them first class tickets out the door if we go down.

we needed a bit more desire in those final weeks and were scimecas, dickovs. thatchers hearts really in it?

i want 11 Steve Walsh's on that pitch next season that will die for our club.
After the financial balls ups of 2 years ago that forced the club into administration, the current board of directors were crapping their Y-front's at the possibility that relegation could again put us into a pile of financial dog shiyte.
So. in order to try to maintain a position in the premier league, they needed to try to attract the type of player to the club , that might give them the edge in a relegation battle.
The problem was, if they drew up a contract that suggested a player would recieve a pay-cut in such event, they would probably have signed for a club who were prepared to up-hold their salaries. For example Wolves, pompey, blackburn, or indeed any of the better off division 1 sides.
Leicester needed to strenghten its squad and do it without gambling our future away. had we have gone down and owed another fortune the laws of bankruptcy wouldnt have dealt us such a benevolent hand a second time round.
So , you see its a bit of a catch 22 situation. sign better quality and allow them to go somewhere else where the wages would be of a similar amount, or keep them on their contract and have to release them anyway, because you dont have the funds to pay them after relegation.

We are now however, in a perfect position to offer a player a great deal on any future signings.
As a first division club, there is nothing stopping us signing a player , who we might deem to be a future asset and offer him a good division 1 contract, with clauses that suit us upon a return to the premier league.
for example...
a substancial wage rise to match premier league salaries, but if we were to relegated then the wage structure would be altered back to that of a first division wage.

incidentally, whens the fixture list out . my gaffer wants me to book my saturdays off for the new season, hes a fekkin f****t tree(wanka) said:
After the financial balls ups of 2 years ago that forced the club into administration, the current board of directors were crapping their Y-front's at the possibility that relegation could again put us into a pile of financial dog shiyte.
So. in order to try to maintain a position in the premier league, they needed to try to attract the type of player to the club , that might give them the edge in a relegation battle.
The problem was, if they drew up a contract that suggested a player would recieve a pay-cut in such event, they would probably have signed for a club who were prepared to up-hold their salaries. For example Wolves, pompey, blackburn, or indeed any of the better off division 1 sides.
Leicester needed to strenghten its squad and do it without gambling our future away. had we have gone down and owed another fortune the laws of bankruptcy wouldnt have dealt us such a benevolent hand a second time round.
So , you see its a bit of a catch 22 situation. sign better quality and allow them to go somewhere else where the wages would be of a similar amount, or keep them on their contract and have to release them anyway, because you dont have the funds to pay them after relegation.

We are now however, in a perfect position to offer a player a great deal on any future signings.
As a first division club, there is nothing stopping us signing a player , who we might deem to be a future asset and offer him a good division 1 contract, with clauses that suit us upon a return to the premier league.
for example...
a substancial wage rise to match premier league salaries, but if we were to relegated then the wage structure would be altered back to that of a first division wage.

incidentally, whens the fixture list out . my gaffer wants me to book my saturdays off for the new season, hes a fekkin f****t tree(wanka)

I think that both Psychotic Fox and JK Fox are right - they are describing two sides of the same coin. The end result was that the team UNDERPERFORMED - it did not go down fighting ( posters who believe it did are simply confusing the backing from the loyal support with the team's mediocre performances even in critical games.)- there was just a bit of a flourish when relegation was decided i.e. against Pompey & Arsenal as players looked to put themselves in the shop window.

Maybe all this was inevitable & now is the time to draw a line - but as I look at another current thread, this looks like potentially just about the weakest squad in the approximately million years I have followed City & I hope there is a drastic improvement in the next few weeks - but to me there is a lack of credibility which runs through the club. One interesting feature is that a year ago -Micky seemed to be on the verge of moving on at any moment -what a difference a year and a relegation makes!
JKFOX said:
maybe this has been spoke about before but....

Yes, several times.

if you know you have a relegation release clause in your contract and that you are likely to be picked up by another premier league club with another signing on fee and a better contract Would you play to save the club you are with from relegation????

Are you suggesting that Thatcher and Dickov didn't try to stop Leicester getting relegated?

The only players likely to be picked up by another Premiership club were those players who played well for Leicester. So that's hardly an incentive not to try.
So I don't think the clause was an incentive for players not to play well. In fact it may have had the reverse effect. If we'd been virtually down by Christmas those players with opt out clauses would still have had an incentive to play as well as possible for the rest of the season if they wanted to stay in the premiership and continue to earn Premiership wages.

The only players to benefit from opt out clauses are those players who played well enough to play in the Premiership. I'm sure Keith Gillespie has a similar contract, but I can't see Premiership clubs queueing up to sign him.
webmaster said:
JKFOX said:
maybe this has been spoke about before but....

Yes, several times.

if you know you have a relegation release clause in your contract and that you are likely to be picked up by another premier league club with another signing on fee and a better contract Would you play to save the club you are with from relegation????

Are you suggesting that Thatcher and Dickov didn't try to stop Leicester getting relegated?

The only players likely to be picked up by another Premiership club were those players who played well for Leicester. So that's hardly an incentive not to try.
So I don't think the clause was an incentive for players not to play well. In fact it may have had the reverse effect. If we'd been virtually down by Christmas those players with opt out clauses would still have had an incentive to play as well as possible for the rest of the season if they wanted to stay in the premiership and continue to earn Premiership wages.

The only players to benefit from opt out clauses are those players who played well enough to play in the Premiership. I'm sure Keith Gillespie has a similar contract, but I can't see Premiership clubs queueing up to sign him.

We've been down this road before & it would be testing everyone's patience too much to regurge all the same arguments -but I can't believe that anyone thinks that this was a good way to proceed & its just left lots of people pretty disenchanted -to put it very mildly.
did anybody watch ther spurs match ???????? did not go down fighting?????? :roll:
lazzer said:
did anybody watch ther spurs match ???????? did not go down fighting?????? :roll:

4-4, great game :roll:
Yeah that match just showed how we were unable to hold on to a vital lead and man mark!
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