Sven Out!!!!

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i've said to my mates for ages that we need some TRUE English grit from our national manager. yeh, he may be a good coach but when we need firing up he just ain't the man for the job.

we need a real BRIT in my opinion. call me cynical but i'm just an English man that wants his national team to do well.

in principal i agree!
an englishman will do better surely!
see what happens...
I did say earlier that i wasnt particulary bothered about England, but this last game was a disgrace and the ref needs shooting, also it was a dreadful England performance, we made a poor side look good, Svens tactics are completely wrong, Portugal are a very weak side at the back and this should have been exploited but we sat back instead same against France, yet again costing the side the lead and the game. I agree Sven out.
before this game i thought we had by far the best midfield in the competition. but they didnt know how to play. Beckham has been awful, Gerrard gave the ball away all the time, Scholes was non existant but Lampard was alright.

we were so deep all the game, like they said on the BBC James should push em out. hes a nonce .

flapper james = bag o' shite
Kieron Dyer & Emile Heskey on the bench? Two small forwards and long ball is being played? :? :?
rotherhamfox said:
Svens tactics are completely wrong, Portugal are a very weak side at the back and this should have been exploited but we sat back instead same against France, yet again costing the side the lead and the game. I agree Sven out.

How many times have you seen Leicester do exactly the same thing over the last couple of years?

I don't think the manager can do a great deal about it, when you go ahead against a good team it's only natural for the players to try and defend the lead and not take any risks.

With us playing so deep when Rooney got injured I'd have put Heskey on instead of Vassell, Heskey had several years of chasing long balls out of defence at Leicester, and he was good at getting onto the end of them and hanging onto it until his team mates caught up with play, or winning a free kick/thrown in/corner. Vassell is too much like Owen, I think Owen would have preferred Heskey alongside him. Or maybe he could have brought a midfielder on and pushed Scholes forward to act as the link between the eight man defence and Owen.
webmaster said:
I don't think the manager can do a great deal about it, when you go ahead against a good team it's only natural for the players to try and defend the lead and not take any risks.

With us playing so deep when Rooney got injured I'd have put Heskey on instead of Vassell, Heskey had several years of chasing long balls out of defence at Leicester, and he was good at getting onto the end of them and hanging onto it until his team mates caught up with play, or winning a free kick/thrown in/corner. Vassell is too much like Owen, I think Owen would have preferred Heskey alongside him. Or maybe he could have brought a midfielder on and pushed Scholes forward to act as the link between the eight man defence and Owen.

i agree with you about the Vassel/Heskey thing. give emile hes due, one thing he can do is chase balls and hold up play to let the midfield push up. i think the manager must be able to do things in these situations. when players are feeling tired and down you need someone that can fire em up, give them a bollocking tell them your gonna screw their missus if they don't score. etc.

he just sits there and does nowt.
I think Dyer would have been perfect running at a tired defence, I also think Sven listens to the media a little too much and since Heskey got slaughtered for conceding that free-kick against France, he's not been given a chance.
To be honest with you guys bI think once Rooney went off you were fcuked. I can't believe how much you relied on him this tournament.
Still shit happens. :roll:
What annoyed me also, how unfit were they, how can Motson the gobshite say oh they are tired, they get payed tons they should be in top condition.
The players that were left on after Rooney's injury are more than capable of beating a average Portugal side. Too many poor performances, and no passion. Ashley Cole had his best game in an England shirt and Sol Campbell was immense. beyond that the rest didn't perform....although Owen didn't get a chance.

Bad tactics is to blame. Sven was pissing about with our "best" 11 players and "best" formation right up until the last game before the tournament. SURELY that is not the way to get a team to perform like a team.
rotherhamfox said:
What annoyed me also, how unfit were they, how can Motson the gobshite say oh they are tired, they get payed tons they should be in top condition.
Being paid lots of money doesn't mean they'll be fit does it?? :roll:

Also... back to the main point of the thread... SVEN OUT!! :twisted:
Craig said:
rotherhamfox said:
What annoyed me also, how unfit were they, how can Motson the gobshite say oh they are tired, they get payed tons they should be in top condition.
Being paid lots of money doesn't mean they'll be fit does it?? :roll:

Also... back to the main point of the thread... SVEN OUT!! :twisted:

Well they should work for the money, part of that is being in good condition.
Not really, no money can change the physical and mental condition you're in. If a players tired, a players tired, end of story, by giving him £1000's it doesn't make him 100% again does it??
JKFOX said:
i've said to my mates for ages that we need some TRUE English grit from our national manager. yeh, he may be a good coach but when we need firing up he just ain't the man for the job.

we need a real BRIT in my opinion. call me cynical but i'm just an English man that wants his national team to do well.



We were let down by 4 English midfielders not the Swedish Coach. Sven should stay and the starting 4 should be publicly flogged and then have slat rubbed into their wounds and have the words "When I play for england I will not lump every ball up front to 2 midgets and occasionally I will make a short accurate pass" tattooed onto their foreheads so it can be read correctly when they look in the mirror.

Losers. :evil:
. Lampard, I thought was the best midfield player. Ashley Cole and Sol Campbell were stunning. I though they were running the team. Cole controlled Ronaldo(who by the way is cheating,lying little git) excellently.

As for the disallowed goal in the 89th minute, the referee was no way near the ball, he couldn't see what was going on. Terry did nothing wrong, he was not obstructing the goalie, It was the Ricardo's positioning that was crapm and that was his fault.

Imagine what would have happened if Porugal had then counterattacked and scored a goal after Sol's disallowed one, There would have been mayhem.

I hate Cristiano Ronaldo :evil:
Dickovforengland! said:
JKFOX said:
i've said to my mates for ages that we need some TRUE English grit from our national manager. yeh, he may be a good coach but when we need firing up he just ain't the man for the job.

we need a real BRIT in my opinion. call me cynical but i'm just an English man that wants his national team to do well.



We were let down by 4 English midfielders not the Swedish Coach. Sven should stay and the starting 4 should be publicly flogged and then have slat rubbed into their wounds and have the words "When I play for england I will not lump every ball up front to 2 midgets and occasionally I will make a short accurate pass" tattooed onto their foreheads so it can be read correctly when they look in the mirror.

Losers. :evil:

Dickovforengland??? change your user name!!
Im absolutely behind sven all the way. Im not saying that he hasnt dropped a few clangers or made some rather bazaar choices, but tell me a manager who hasn't
But before anyone berates him and calls for his head, lets take stock and see the facts..
1/ If Campbells goal had been allowed(as it should) we wouldnt be having this debate now.
2/. we aint used to playing in temperitures of 30 degrees, unlike the portuguese.
3/. sven can only play the players he has available to him. due to the influx of foreign transfers, there isnt too many english players who are breaking through into the first team squads of our premier league teams.
4/. our defence desperately needs a marshall. david seamen was more competant in the air and could command his area better than tony james ever will, also the likes of terry butcher, tony adams , stuart pearce and steve bould were capable of commeanding their penalty areas, presently we dont have english defenders of a substancial enough quality to be able to do this.
5/. our midfield. great individuals as they are, they somehow dont seem to be able to gel when theyre up against a quicker, more agile opposition. Due to the defencive confusions that we,re enduring, theyre spending more time being pulled back to cover for a very deep positioned back four.
6/. We have a real gem in wayne rooney, but lets not forget hes still only 18. darias vassel was maybe the wrong chioce of partner for an excellent micheal owen, but, sven wanted a forward on who has in the past ran at defences and matched them for pace. could you see heskey running at them without falling on his arse?
7/. Can you think of another coach to take over if you were to get your wish and have sven sacked?......................errrrrrrrrrr no.
well not one that would want the job anyway. peter taylor, all of us at leicester know just how shiyte he really is. steve mcClaren, not exactly a legend at middlesborough. martin o'neill....IF ONLY WE COULD ENTICE HIM...SOD OFF SVEN 8)
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