this is it.....todays the day.! connolly will he/wont he?

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Re: this is it.....todays the day.! connolly will he/wont

woznotwos said:
gonna be a nervous day today,is he gonna put pen to paper for us or sunderland? :shock: :?

:shock: Hope he decides today, can't stand this waiting......
Is he definately making a decision today then :?:
"The arrival of striker David Connolly from West Ham continues to be delayed while the Irish international sorts out severance terms with the Hammers."


BORED NOW :x :x :x W-Ham are clearly holding out for some reason

I know on the scale of absolute B*ll*cks this rates very high but W-ham have been linked with Blackburn for a straight swap of Dwight York and David Connolly. Probably utter tripe but I saw it so I thought I had better share it with you all.

If it is true.......Souness, I WILL find you :x
SilverFox said:

I know on the scale of absolute B*ll*cks this rates very high but W-ham have been linked with Blackburn for a straight swap of Dwight York and David Connolly. Probably utter tripe but I saw it so I thought I had better share it with you all.

If it is true.......Souness, I WILL find you :x

Same source: "leeds are going to pip leicster and sunderland for west ham's David Connelly" STOP!! This is getting silly :evil:
Blaarev said:
SilverFox said:

I know on the scale of absolute B*ll*cks this rates very high but W-ham have been linked with Blackburn for a straight swap of Dwight York and David Connolly. Probably utter tripe but I saw it so I thought I had better share it with you all.

If it is true.......Souness, I WILL find you :x

Same source: "leeds are going to pip leicster and sunderland for west ham's David Connelly" STOP!! This is getting silly :evil:

I'm getting so bored with all this waiting around...might put a bid in myself :lol:
I'm sensing that all our hopes and expectations are going to be dashed and we are going to miss out on Connolly. Its not the clubs fault because W-Ham would have announced that they had accepted our bid if we hadn't. Just hate that 'kicked in the gut' feeling that is likely to spring from these events :cry:
Have I missed something here ?

Are we all about to rip our season tickets up, burn our replica shirts and go and watch hockey because David Connolly is considering his options ??

He would be a very good signing IMO, but he is hardly worth crying over is he ? If he was, then there would be better clubs than us and Sunderland trying to sign him up for half a mill.

Chill out.

He will probably sign, and that would be great - but if he doesn't then lets not all pretend we've been dreaming of signing him all summer 'cos he is the saviour of us all.
EMC Fox said:
Where have all those reassuring "trust-me" sounds gone today? :cry: :cry:


Wasn't expecting a saviour, but he is a good goalscorer and this situation has now been going on for weeks.

They leave us in the space of a minute, but signing the buggers takes half a season :cry:
the Riddler said:
Batman said:
EMC Fox said:
Where have all those reassuring "trust-me" sounds gone today? :cry: :cry:

riddle me this batman, do you actually think connolly will be as prolific as Dickov was?

:lol: :lol: Better finisher in my opinion, but it remains to be seen if he offers the same level of workrate. There has been talk that he plays in a similar way to Dickov, i.e. chases everything and never gives up, but I haven't seen him play enough to possibly say. Should be a good signing though! If we EVER complete the deal.
SilverFox said:
the Riddler said:
Batman said:
EMC Fox said:
Where have all those reassuring "trust-me" sounds gone today? :cry: :cry:

riddle me this batman, do you actually think connolly will be as prolific as Dickov was?

:lol: :lol: Better finisher in my opinion, but it remains to be seen if he offers the same level of workrate. There has been talk that he plays in a similar way to Dickov, i.e. chases everything and never gives up, but I haven't seen him play enough to possibly say. Should be a good signing though! If we EVER complete the deal.

Agreed. Should be a good signing, in the Dickov mould but with a touch more skill (tho i'm not discrediting what Dickov achieved here), and better finishing ability...can actually shoot from outside the box.

Finally you have caught up with me riddler, tho I think I know your true identity!?!?!?!? :lol:
Batman said:
SilverFox said:
the Riddler said:
Batman said:
EMC Fox said:
Where have all those reassuring "trust-me" sounds gone today? :cry: :cry:

:twisted: :evil: :idea:

It remains to be seen if Connolly can do the job (if he actually signs for us), if we could have had the same forwards as we did last season, we would undoutbly go straight back up.

By the way Batman you will never find out my true identity. I have your friend the boy wonder trapped in a gigantic mouse trap, I am going to leave him and go somewhere else assuming all will go according to plan. If you want tot save him you will have to solve this riddle:
What kind of people are always rushing?
the Riddler said:
Batman said:
SilverFox said:
the Riddler said:
Batman said:
EMC Fox said:
Where have all those reassuring "trust-me" sounds gone today? :cry: :cry:

:twisted: :evil: :idea:

It remains to be seen if Connolly can do the job (if he actually signs for us), if we could have had the same forwards as we did last season, we would undoutbly go straight back up.

By the way Batman you will never find out my true identity. I have your friend the boy wonder trapped in a gigantic mouse trap, I am going to leave him and go somewhere else assuming all will go according to plan. If you want tot save him you will have to solve this riddle:
What kind of people are always rushing?

Thats easy riddler...Russians! :wink: You'll have to do better than that to beat the Bat!

You make a good point but we don't have last years forwards! We have tricky trev...woe is me!

Oh, and I'm almost certain I know who you are!
[ :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Has Connolly signed yet does anyone know? I think it is right that he is a better finisher than Dickov, but I like to watch players who put in 100 per cent all the time. Will Connolly do this?

Try this one then Batman?

Why does a cowboy wear a belt?

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
the Riddler said:
[ :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Has Connolly signed yet does anyone know? I think it is right that he is a better finisher than Dickov, but I like to watch players who put in 100 per cent all the time. Will Connolly do this?

Try this one then Batman?

Why does a cowboy wear a belt?

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Easier keep up his pants!!! :)

Connolly will give it 100%, he's in the same mould as Dickov, but more skilful. On the West Ham sites they are gutted at losing him! He has yet to sign but MB (the man in the know) seems to think tomorrow is a good punt for him finally joining us. I have faith in his knowledge, but in football nothing is certain until the deal is sealed...probably go to Sunderland after all this talk! :x
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

I am glad to have anyone who can score goals, if Connolly can score them then I will be happy.

So you think that my riddles are to easy batman?
you think your pretty smart don't you batman?

riddle me this riddle me that, whose afraid of the big black bat.
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