Tommy Wright to Sunderland?

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This morning when i met my mate to walk to school his names sean and he is a sunderland fan(Wanker).He gave me a heart attack when he said that Sunderland had signed Tommy Wright for 200k.I diddnt believe him and i thought nothing more of it.I kept calling him a liar on the way home and saying he was jealous just because we have young talent.But did he prove me wrong i went into his house and he said that he would ptove it!And he did aswell he rang fans fc off the teletext and let me listen and there it said loud and clear that they had signed Tommy Wright and that we would be getting 200k for him.I cant believe it he is our future. is it true or is it just a joke from a shitty robbing phone call.Can anyone shed any light im pulling my hair out here! :cry:
cainy aka the man of a thousand lies.
If we were offered 200k for him we'd bite their hands off, but I don't believe Sunderland would want him.
£200,000 for an unproven striker? Nah, they prefer spending money on unproven wingers with dodgy legs. :lol:
I'm sure his parents will be very pleased when the bill arrives after calling that number :wink:

Tommy Wright has done nothing yet to impress me.
Lord_Cobley said:
I'm sure his parents will be very pleased when the bill arrives after calling that number :wink:

Tommy Wright has done nothing yet to impress me.

How about scoring the winner against the Trees?
Cainy is like Kenny Senior off Phoenix nights.
PhilaFox said:
Lord_Cobley said:
I'm sure his parents will be very pleased when the bill arrives after calling that number :wink:

Tommy Wright has done nothing yet to impress me.

How about scoring the winner against the Trees?

yes, but it was hardly a tough chance was it? :wink:
Ricey said:
rotherhamfox said:
Cainy is like Kenny Senior off Phoenix nights.

HAHAHA :lol:

"So there I was on Center Court.....I hadn't even been seeded!" :D

'ERRRRR that tastes like horse shit, and ive tasted horse shit'.
Ricey said:
rotherhamfox said:
Ricey said:
rotherhamfox said:
Cainy is like Kenny Senior off Phoenix nights.

HAHAHA :lol:

"So there I was on Center Court.....I hadn't even been seeded!" :D

'ERRRRR that tastes like horse shit, and ive tasted horse shit'.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"..and who should be in the next tent but Robert De Niro! I hammered him at swing ball!"

'Its almost as big as mine that', 'One of the balls went over next door, they said we cant have it back'.

Theres Cainy far right. Just telling Brian about the time he sold Jackie Chan some white emulsion.
cainy said:
Babylon aka **** up

Can someone fill in the blanks for me... £5 for the best answer!! :wink:
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