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Southern Fox

New Member
Right I am travelling from sunny Sheppey to watch the England game in the centre of the universe. Yes LEICESTER!!!!!!

I want a decent pub that is going to be crammed and a really good atmospere but I dont want a pub where I may lose a limb or part of my face.

Come on local lads, where can you recommend for me. Me & the old man drink at the Gateway before games and I like in there with the big screen and bustling atmosphere.

Ideas please...........
Varsity have a big screen, but you might lose a limb in there. I don't know Leicester that well, as I live in Hinckley. Hinckley possibly has the best atmosphere for England games, I watch it in The Litten Tree and it is immense.

What about Lloyd's?
Long story but I have to be in Nottingham *spits on ground* Thursday night for a conference friday morning.

There is no way im watching it in that shit hole so am making my 3 other work colleagues detour to Leicester and watching it there before driving to Nottingham *spits on ground*

Malf said:
Varsity have a big screen, but you might lose a limb in there. I don't know Leicester that well, as I live in Hinckley. Hinckley possibly has the best atmosphere for England games, I watch it in The Litten Tree and it is immense.

What about Lloyd's?

Malf, the top bloke that sits next to me every game in our ST's lives in Hinkley. Are you there tonight then??
Southern Fox said:
Malf said:
Varsity have a big screen, but you might lose a limb in there. I don't know Leicester that well, as I live in Hinckley. Hinckley possibly has the best atmosphere for England games, I watch it in The Litten Tree and it is immense.

What about Lloyd's?

Malf, the top bloke that sits next to me every game in our ST's lives in Hinkley. Are you there tonight then??

Yeah i'm in The Litten Tree in Hinckley tonight, it is quality atmosphere mate. You need to get there quite early and then you get a pick of the seats near the massive screen. I imagine most pubs are good when the boys are on, but I love the litten tree for the games.
Malf said:
Southern Fox said:
Malf said:
Varsity have a big screen, but you might lose a limb in there. I don't know Leicester that well, as I live in Hinckley. Hinckley possibly has the best atmosphere for England games, I watch it in The Litten Tree and it is immense.

What about Lloyd's?

Malf, the top bloke that sits next to me every game in our ST's lives in Hinkley. Are you there tonight then??

Yeah i'm in The Litten Tree in Hinckley tonight, it is quality atmosphere mate. You need to get there quite early and then you get a pick of the seats near the massive screen. I imagine most pubs are good when the boys are on, but I love the litten tree for the games.

Watch out for my mate from work - he's taken today and tomorrow off and he's gonna be in there later... don't think he'll remember much about the game! :lol:
EMC Fox said:
Malf said:
Southern Fox said:
Malf said:
Varsity have a big screen, but you might lose a limb in there. I don't know Leicester that well, as I live in Hinckley. Hinckley possibly has the best atmosphere for England games, I watch it in The Litten Tree and it is immense.

What about Lloyd's?

Malf, the top bloke that sits next to me every game in our ST's lives in Hinkley. Are you there tonight then??

Yeah i'm in The Litten Tree in Hinckley tonight, it is quality atmosphere mate. You need to get there quite early and then you get a pick of the seats near the massive screen. I imagine most pubs are good when the boys are on, but I love the litten tree for the games.

Watch out for my mate from work - he's taken today and tomorrow off and he's gonna be in there later... don't think he'll remember much about the game! :lol:

Will do mate, no-one will be as leathered as I will be. Got nailed by the bouncers on monday for taking my shirt off! :lol:
Southern Fox said:
where are all the other local lads. The students must be out of bed now as well

Scowcroft has just emerged he tends to watch it up Leicester, possibly The Glass House.
Malf said:
Southern Fox said:
where are all the other local lads. The students must be out of bed now as well

Scowcroft has just emerged he tends to watch it up Leicester, possibly The Glass House.

Yep, The Glass House. Massive screen to watch it on. Wasn't too full for the Croatia game.
Scowcroft said:
Malf said:
Southern Fox said:
where are all the other local lads. The students must be out of bed now as well

Scowcroft has just emerged he tends to watch it up Leicester, possibly The Glass House.

Yep, The Glass House. Massive screen to watch it on. Wasn't too full for the Croatia game.

Does anyone know the Gateway??? I think thats where its called??
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