Sunday May 4th, 2.00pm - We Need You!!!!!
It's the end of a wonderful season, there's a cup final atmosphere around the club, and it's the biggest game in or history.
Ollie and the boys have been busy preparing for our "Cup Final" in true cup final tradition. For the next three days the boys will be busy in the recording studio ready for a Sunday release of our very own Cup Final song. Training has been suspended as "the boys know they've got to do, I can't tell them anymore" according to top man, Ollie.
Released on Sunday, under the name of
Ian Holloway and the Blockheads, the single entitled
Reasons To Be Relegated, Part 300, is set to be a sure fire hit with the Blue Army.
We need your support on Sunday, we can't do it alone, the boys and the Manager have given everything they've got this week, they are 100% prepared. So please, please, please, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, just stop, get behind the lads, give it you're all, and rush out and buy the record. They need your support.
To help in the success of this single, we have limited tickets to that game at Stoke (we think), so that those of you lucky enough not to be able to get tickets, are in the fortunate and privileged positon of being able to buy the record upon instant release.
Downloads are available for £13.99, and to World subscribers for the bargain price of £13.49 from on Sunday at 2.00pm.
Blue Army!!!