Where will Leicester finish next season ?

Where will the Foxes finish ?

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Where we will finish

The choice of 9th was not available hence not able to vote :o .
But no matter where we finish it will still be higher than F****t
who will be in the NATIONWIDE for yet another year where they must feel at home in by now. Youngsters who are used to going to see old relics like Robin Hood and who support them ask their granddads when they had a team that were succesfull and have difficulty forming the word Premiership as it is so long since they were there and a place they will never see again :D .
At first we were afraid we were petrified
Thinking we couldn’t live with the Premiership side by side
And after many Summer nights thinking how they’d do us well
We grew strong But we learned how to get along
AND now we are back…… from the Nationwide
and we all go round with a smile upon our face.....................
Poor, sad sad forest fans, clinging on to the past. It's true, I am jealous of your history, but that means nothing this coming season does it. What would you rather look at, an old trophy room or our fixture list?
When we visit Walkers it will be to see Liverpool, Arsenal, Man u etc.
When you visit the Shitty ground its to see the trophy cabinet or Grimbsy. Poor sad sad Forest fan. Even if we do finish 20th we're still higher than you.
We are a better team than you.
We have more fans than you.
We have a better ground than you.

Still, you were good once - granpa. 8)
do you really think that signing 3 newcastle rejects is going to get you anywhere? do wave as we pass at the end of the season :lol:
I know it's difficult being a thick tree, but try to grasp this logic - by definition WE ARE A PREMIER LEAGUE TEAM okay it's difficult for you, but try to follow me -THEREFORE WE ARE PREMIER STANDARD - got that bit -THAT MEANS OUR PLAYERS ARE PREMIER STANDARD - okay still with me - THEREFORE WE ARE BETTER THAN YOU. I know tis difficult for thick tree to understand. So just look at the stats.
We are a better team than you.
We have more fans than you.
We have a better ground than you.
Please show us another photo of your dusty old trophy granpa it makes us laugh - have you any WW2 war medals you could show us aswell?
No, you are in the Premier League, but your players are 1st Division standard. That is why you are going down.

I hope your 10000+ new age plastic fans enjoy their one season in the Premiership, as you will be back in Division 1 the season after.
You know this kind of thing makes me laugh, we have almost the same team that was in europe minus a few but those have been replaced by good enough players this year. We only ****ed up cos of taylor.
We beat you
We finished higher than you
We are better than
We spent one season in the Nationwide for a laugh.
We got over the disaster of Taylor because we are never say die legends
You never recovered from Platt (what a fcking hero - ha)
You will be be stuck in the Nationwide forever
scottmeister said:
We beat you
We finished higher than you
We are better than
We spent one season in the Nationwide for a laugh.
We got over the disaster of Taylor because we are never say die legends
You never recovered from Platt (what a fcking hero - ha)
You will be be stuck in the Nationwide forever
You Foxes make me chuckle.

Apart from a few average seasons under ex-Forest boy MoN, Leicester have been one of those average clubs who never trouble anybody.

Now all of a sudden you are acting like you are Man Ure with arrogant statements like "We spent one season in the Nationwide for a laugh." At least we realise we don't have a devine right to be in the Premier League, do you ?

Would you care to bet that we will be in the Nationwide Forever, say 5 grand ?
Now all of a sudden you are acting like you are Man Ure with arrogant statements like "We spent one season in the Nationwide for a laugh." At least we realise we don't have a devine right to be in the Premier League, do you ?

Would you care to bet that we will be in the Nationwide Forever, say 5 grand ?[/quote]

Thanks for comparing us with Man U.
No we dont have a devine right to be in the Premier, we just have the right to be there.
It would take an act of divinity to get you there however.
I know a F****t fan called daz from college is that you ''Marlon''
tut tu tut.......y do these forest fans come on our forum..is it cos we're better than them,have better players than them...or that they have so few fans that they cud discuss their tiny club in toilet cubical..plus there'll b room to spare in there!!

We will finnish higher than forest regardless next season........sorry to say that the city ground is gonna hev to get used 2 teams like wigan and preston
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