Why Are Forest Still Relevant To Us?

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Profondo Rosso

Well-Known Member
Having just been talking to my mate on MSN about Friday's match, he was already fired up for the Forest match over a month away, saying we'll thrash those bastards etc. but this has been an issue that's been bugging me for a while.

Like many, I was brought up to hate Forest. When I was a kid and first started following Leicester in the mid 90s, back when Mark McGhee had just left as our manager. Back then, I was brought up by my dad and the fans around me that Forest were our big rivals, at that time Derby were a distant second, and Wolves were also considered rivals at the time because of what had just happened with Mark McGhee and the obligatory Steve Walsh vs Steve Bull fight that would always end up happening.

Although, we moved to Hinckley when I was 7, and the Coventry influence kicked in, and the Derby rivalry seemed to become much fiercer at that time because of the endless classic games we had with them (Walshie play-off final, Iwan hat-trick, Marshall hat-trick, 4 up inside 15mins. etc.). I still considered Forest the big rival despite the fact I knew no Forest fans, knew loads of Cov fans and watched us play some classic games with Derby, simply because it was "tradition".

I think it was at that League Cup match a couple of years a go, where the Forest fans started cheering "We Only Care About Derby" to which our fans started booing and reacting in a hostile way, which made me realise how ridiculously illogical and well, embarrassing, this rivalry has become. As much as many City fans hate to admit it, we are not only a significant mile behind Derby, we have slipped behind the likes of Sheffield United now on Forest's radar.

I am well aware Forest and Leicester were big rivals in the 60s and 70s until the Clough effect kicked in and Forest's attention turned towards Derby, so I could understand why older fans would still enjoy beating Forest, but to me this rivalry has become ridiculously one-sided and depressing.

All that happens is we lose to Forest their fans get the bragging rights, but when we lose to Forest and they start bleating the "we don't care about you" line. It's win, win for Forest, they can hate us when it suited them, and it has become absolutely no fun as a Leicester fan. When our fans start trying so hard to get in on this rivalry i.e. booing their fans when they start chanting "we only care about Derby" it just becomes an embarrassing farce and makes our fans look so desperate.

So, I've come to realise that not only do I not look forward to the Forest games, I'm actually starting to dread them, it just seems like it will end up in our fans being mocked with no retort.

Like, I said, I can understand why some of the older fans still enjoy beating Forest, because of the big rivalry back in the day, and hell, they might even have been envious of Forest when they reached the dizzy heights in the late 70s and early 80s, but why nowadays, particularly for the younger fans like myself do people still cling on to this one being the big game. I don't see how our fans can get that much pleasure out of this any more. Forest fans always have the upper-hand on us and its no fun.

With Derby there have been many classic games over the past 15 years or so and with Coventry there is a much bigger reciprocality to it so you can actually get some genuine banter going with their fans, but there hasn't been a classic match or a particularly significant incident with Forest in the past 20 years, and for this reason the rivalry has waned on the Forest side, then how come it hasn't seemed to on the Leicester side?

So, why, do people, particularly of the younger generation, still consider Forest the big rivals over the likes of Derby or Coventry for the sake of tradition? It just seems illogical to me.
They always have been and always will be our biggest rivals for me.
I was also chatting with a mate on MSN earlier about (amongst other shit) our win last night and the Cardiff v F0r£$t match and how I couldn't bring myself to hope for a f0r£$t win despite the benefit to us[football is a cruel mistress]. He, a ManUre fan, was laughing that I couldn't even allow myself to type their name.
Utter, utter scum and the bollocks about the Sheep being their only rivals is purely to try to wind us up, end of.
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...and while I think of it, i actually did myself out of a very lucrative contract a couple of years ago after I found out that the prospective boss was a f0r£$t fan.
I ended up calling him a **** (a nice enough lad as it goes, a bit gay though) and that was the end of that.

Not a single regret. **** him and his job.
They always have been and always will be our biggest rivals for me.
I was also chatting with a mate on MSN earlier about (amongst other shit) our win last night and the Cardiff v F0r£$t match and how I couldn't bring myself to hope for a f0r£$t win despite the benefit to us. He, a ManUre fan, was laughing that I couldn't even allow myself to type their name.
Utter, utter scum and the bollocks about the Sheep being their only rivals is purely to try to wind us up, end of.

Isn't that my point? Our fans always seem so desperate to retort and to falsify this claim, just as you did, that they always have the upper hand on us. They can pick and chose when they hate us and they can string our fans along, it just seems so desperate and undignified on our side to me.

Like I said, it may be a generational thing.
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Isn't that my point? Our fans always seem so desperate to retort and to falsify this claim, just as you did, that they always have the upper hand on us. They can pick and chose when they hate us and they can string our fans along, it just seems so desperate and undignified on our side to me.

Maybe. But I really don't care, the hatred is too deep seated.
They are the scum to me and I honestly can't understand a City fan questioning it.

Like I said, it may be a generational thing.

Quite possibly and it's an interesting point. The covscum seem to be the popular bete noire for City fans, but to me that's a minor rivalry that has only come to prominence since '87.
Maybe. But I really don't care, the hatred is too deep seated.
They are the scum to me and I honestly can't understand a City fan questioning it.

Quite possibly and it's an interesting point. The covscum seem to be the popular bete noire for City fans, but to me that's a minor rivalry that has only come to prominence since '87.

Fair enough. I guess you're right, that if you were old enough to remember their heyday under Clough, or the big rivalry prior to that, then the hatred for teams becomes too deep seated to go back on. Can't imagine if Chelski ever ended up falling from grace I would stop loathing them.
Can't imagine if Chelski ever ended up falling from grace I would stop loathing them.

Interestingly, any Chelsea rivalry for me is based on 'off field' events and isn't anything to do with their Chelski recent history.

Not glorifying that side of the game, just being matter of fact.
They only say "we only care about Derby"; they don't mean it - they're just trying to ignore their hurt. And don't you think they sing "we only care about Leicester" to the Derby fans? As much as the F!"£$t fans would like to hide it, they know that they are number 3 in the east midlands - and they hate it!
And don't you think they sing "we only care about Leicester" to the Derby fans?

No. Quite the opposite. Frankly, I'd imagine they sing stuff about shitting on Derby from above etc.
No. Quite the opposite. Frankly, I'd imagine they sing stuff about shitting on Derby from above etc.

You're letting it get to you. That's exactly their intention.
The intention is to make or fans get frustrated and wound up by it, which I'm not. I just don't find it enjoyable as a rivalry. The Forest games no longer excite me, seeing Forest fail no longer excites me, because as soon as we think we have something to gain from it in terms of bragging rights etc. They just use that retort. I just don't get any pleasure from it.

Maybe I am falling for it, but everything I've seen from the Forest end leads me to believe this is a one-sided rivalry and is much fiercer on our side nowadays than it is theirs, and our fans get built up for the Forest games then theirs. When we play Forest next month, I bet my hat it is not a significantly bigger crowd than average and they don't have the ott pre-match build up or spend the game singing songs about defecating on our city as we will theirs. 20 years a go? Probably, but not these days.

When our fans start trying to claim how big this rivalry on their side to us, I just find it frankly quite desperate.
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If you lived in Melton or Loughborough (I have lived in both) you will find plenty of Forest fans who do care about the rivalry.

It's probably much the same as for you with Coventry. Personally I know no Coventry fans and it wouldn't even cross my mind to go there so I have no feel for the place. As a result I have no particular feeling for our matches against them. To me it feels like we're playing against a west midlands team like Brum or Villa. This may sound strange to you but Coventry doesn't feel close to me so it doesn't feel like a rivalry.

I have also lived in Nottingham though and while I was there I played football for what is now Carlton Town so knew plenty of Forest fans. Whether you like it or not, Derby is their derby. They like to let us know when they beat us but retreat from the rivalry when they lose but they do care more about Derby. Clearly for them it's nearer but remember they also have more Clough history between them.

Overall my point is, if you want to feel more about the Forest rivalry from Forest fans, move to the north of the county, there's a lot of them here who do care about it :icon_wink
A friend of mine who lives in Nottingham and goes to Forest games says that Derby is their derby and in his opinion that LCFC sense of intense rivalry isn't reciprocated by most Forest fans.

ps I think you and Macky ought to try going to bed at a reasonable time instead of discussing such matters on msn into the early hours.
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Apart from when we are playing them I'm totally indifferent to either Forest or Derby.

I have a slight hatred of Cov(I don't know why, I'm not from that side of the county) but it's nothing to my hatred of ManUre.
All depends were you live, past experiences,workmates.

Ilive in south Leicester and its always been Cov for me,i also dislike Forest...not on the scale of Cov due to there arrogance.

As for Derby not bothered in the slightest.

When i was kid,i remember when Leicester fans ran on the pitch at Highfield Road..cannot think of the year though...mid 80's:102:
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