Why I am still backing Adams.

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Right now I will probably get called a whole lot of derogatory names for making this post, but before I start I want to ensure that you understand that I am not attacking anyone elses opinion, simply giving mine.

I am of the opinion Adams should stay. Why? Here are my reasons:

Firstly Leicester are not in as bad a position as everyone thinks. We are mid-table in the Championship with just a quarter of the season gone. I know we have had some bad results at home but lets not forget the good ones as well, like a hard-fought 2-1 win at Derby, a comfortable win away at Gillingham (not an easy place to go, Leeds will vouch for that) and a few other wins. Yes we have had poor results, but we are not going to go up as easily as we did last time like a lot of Leicester fans seem to think.

Looking through Adams' history as Leicester manager. His first full season, he inherited a team rock bottom on confidence having just gone down with very few points. We had no money and were under a transfer embargo. We also were entering a new stadium which is usually a kiss of death for many teams. We started the season brightly only for a former player's agent to push us over the dark financial line and into adminstration. However, it takes a good manager and motivator to keep the players focussed on the job in hand and so we did and kept winning. Around Christmas time was a celebration as we heard we would finally be coming out of administration. It was then realised that the fact that we had kept our excellent form going through these terrible times was a job well done and a testament to the whole club, manager, staff and players. As everyone knows, we went on to achieve promotion in probably the most difficult season off the field in the club's history. Micky Adams at this point was considered to be one of the club's best ever managers.

So up to the Premiership we go. Now name me one single realist who expected us to go up to one of the best divisions in europe, with next to no money to spend and expect us to stay up in a division that is made of money? I certainly didn't. Lets not forget that Micky actually brought in a wealth of good players to give it a good shot, the likes of Bent, Ferdinand, Dabizas, no-one of which was complaining at the time about those signings. What other transfer tactic could Micky adopt than bring in as many players as possible and get rid of the bad ones? Risks had to be taken, some of those paid off, some did not.

We ended up what I believe giving it a damn good shot in that division. We had the potential to go down with the fewest points ever having gone up with no money. The teams who came up with us did have money to spend and spent it. Portsmouth successfully managed to stay up with the players they bought, Wolves spent about £8m more than us yet we matched them. Surely they should have been moaning more than us? But no, we apparently have a god given right to be better than them and the fact that they had spent about 10 times more than us bore no resemblence on the fact that our season was a disaster.

So down we go, again Micky has no choice but to change the squad around getting rid of players who are on too high wages or don't want to play nationwide football. So he brought in some excellent division one players, the likes of Gareth Williams, Dion Dublin and David Connolly could only inspire confidence and the Leicester fans were overall pretty damn pleased with them. However, a quarter of the season has passed and we have only shown glimpses about what we are capable of (Gillingham, Rotherham & Sheff Utd), but we are still in a fairly respectable position in the league when you put it into perspective with the likes of Wolves. Wolves who went down on the same points as us, but with a hell of a lot more money to spend this season. They are 20th, we are mid-table. Count your lucky stars you aren't a wolves fan.

Are we really in a crisis? I believe not. Get behind them and things will get better.
Wonderful post SheffieldFox, I hope you can post like that more often, wonderful from the word go.

No derogatory names from me.

Well done 10/10 A*
Well you won't get called any names offa me, but i just don't know what to think of Micky anymore, i really do appriciate what's he done in the past, and in the close season i felt he brought in mostly the right players to get us promoted, but problems from last year have remained really basic tactical mistakes are being made, i did hope they would have ended long before the end of last season but sadly Micky has persisted with his own bemusing at times ways. One problem which i do label at the fans is on the whole expectation is way too high, this club nearly went out of business a couple of years ago, i think some forget that, to even be playing is a blessing. A play off place would be a great achievement this year, im sure some wouldn't even be happy with that.
I wouldn't dream of calling you derogatory names Sheffield and I respect your opinion. I now have got over my mood on Saturday, cats are wonderful anger managment tools, but I would like to see some kind of improvement from 'Our' manager.

It's true that the season is less than 1/4 of the way through however I do not believe that we are in a great place. This league will be one of the most difficult that we've been in and if, we keep playing like we have been for the past few games I am doubtful if we'll finish in the top 10 never mind the playoffs.

Last season we experienced an unexperienced manager dealing with the big time. Unfortunately fate and a few dubious decisions, and I'm being kind here, transpired to settle us in this division on our backsides. Now putting all that aside 'Our' manager willingly informs us that he now has his own players. Well come on then. You picked them, use them.

Now I understand that teams have got to gel and that to insist that instant success is a must is irresponsible and unfair however the clock is ticking and before too long half the season will be gone.

I think the time has come for 'Our' manager to pick himself up, dust himself off and get back in the race. It's quite simple really top two will do although top would be nice.

The wheel is turning but I need to see if the hamster is still alive. :roll:
Great post Sheffield.
I fully respect your point of view, even if I disagree with it

My opposition to Adams is not about a belief that LCFC has a divine right to appearing in the Premier League, or even a divine right to be challenging for promotion.
Its not about some rose-tinted perspective that has been borne out of the Martin O'Neill era - like some on this forum advocate as being the root cause of dissatisfaction. he was a one off - I was not dissatisfied before he came along, and I have not been overly dissatisfied, until now, since he has gone. I have a reasonably balanced view of where our club sits in the pecking order, and it ain't challenging for Europe.
It's also not about raw statistics about how many wins/draws/losses over six/ten/twelve months

My opposition is about emotion and passion and desire and effort.
I don't see it exhibited in any performance this season. I don't see it from our manager on or off the touchline - even when he does deign to give an interview. And I don't see it running right through the playing staff.
I sit and watch every game and I see nothing inspiring, I see nothing to be proud of, and I see nothing to make the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. I don't expect that all the time, but now and again would be nice.
We had some poor players in the past, and we've played some terrible awful football. But never has any Leicester team inspired me to apathy and the general acceptance of another invetibale defeat or draw.

People on here have spoken about losing their "mojo", and that is exactly what this club has done. It is hardly surprising there is no atmosphere or desire amongst the home support - this team has rendered them impotent with their complete lack of oomph.

I've had enough of watching passionless football, and I want it to take me in and absorb me completely like it has throughout the thirty five years I have been watching. I've seen some shite in that time, but nothing has left me with an empty feeling like I have this season.

I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of feeling empty week in week out
I'm sick of the complete inability of Adams to take responsibility (it was Connolly/Pressman/the players/the defence/the ref/the crowd that were to blame, but never Micky Adams)
I'm sick of raising my expectations every week, only to have them dashed
I've had enough of this arrogant ignorant little man, and the total gloom and doom that he spreads across the county

I've no doubt I will be slaughtered by the ignorant and intolerant that populate parts of this forum, but that is my view.

It's not the same as yours, but I don't care
You're right, derogatory comments will no doubt follow.

No-one seeks to take credit away from MA for the job he did two seasons ago, but you'd have to view the world through a pair of "MickyAdamsGlasses" to believe that MA is immune from criticism for last season. Relegation hurt, more than usual, because while almost expected in June, it became distinctly avoidable and in the end was quite unnecessary. MA got as many signings right as wrong, but his tactics and use of substitutes showed a man either with a lot to learn or out of his depth, depending on your viewpoint. MA had the grace to admit he could have done better, and if we had not collapsed so often (Wolves, Boro just being the worst 2 examples) we would not have been relegated.

One of the reasons for the late collapses was the average age of the team. What has MA done to put that right? Arguably his use of substitutes has become more eccentric, and almost without exception we are poorer in the second half of games than the first - just what does MA say and do at half time? Each second half starts with the team playing as they did in the first, but less effectively, before disintegrating into total tosh. Has anyone seen any evidence of MA having a Plan B for any situation,ever?

But the reason, hinted at by your post, for the unrest is not the results so far obtained nor the current league position, but the standard of performances of the team so far. Quite simply, we have been dreadful to watch - even against Sheff U - and we are only capable of taking points from the terminally inept. The ordinarilly inept, such as Preston, know that at the merest hint of difficulty, we'll crumble. And while we crumble, MA's there on the touchline, arms folded in a "don't look at me" way, inspiring apathy in the players and despair among the fans.

Sorry, but he has to go - he's lost confidence in himself and the players, the players aren't playing for him, the fans have concluded that he don't know what he's doing, and we're right. Go, Micky, please.
sheffield_fox said:
Count your lucky stars you aren't a wolves fan.

I do, but I also consider that Wolverhampton is a smaller town than Leicester, along with Bolton, Blackburn, Norwich, Southampton, etc... We should be up with them.

We shouldn't get sucked into that typical Leicester attitude of "they are shitter than us therefore it's O.K". I am in no way blaming MA for this, it's something that has gone on since I can remember. Only one man whose name I am sick of hearing changed that thinking and soon p*ssed off when he realised he was carrying passengers.

When will the people who run the club come out and support MA and tell us where we stand? They should stop living in the glory of rescuing a sinking ship which some of them were sailing when it hit the rocks.

I hope MA sorts out the current problems.

But we should always ask for more from LCFC.
Bobby Smith said:
sheffield_fox said:
Count your lucky stars you aren't a wolves fan.

I do, but I also consider that Wolverhampton is a smaller town than Leicester, along with Bolton, Blackburn, Norwich, Southampton, etc... We should be up with them.

We shouldn't get sucked into that typical Leicester attitude of they are shitter than us therefore it's O.K. I am in no way blaming MA for this, it's something that has gone on since I can remember. Only one man whos name I am sick of hearing changed that thinking and soon p*ssed off when he realised he was carrying passengers.

When will the people who run the club come out and support MA and tell us where we stand? They should stop living in the glory of rescuing a sinking ship which some of them were sailing when it hit the rocks.

I hope MA sorts out the current problems.

But we should always ask for more from LCFC.

I fink maybe we should be slightly higher, but were a poor side it has to be said, after reading Homers quite brilliant post i fink the only thing we have to ask for is a bit of heart and players wearing the blue shirt with a bit of pride.
Thumbs up Sheffield!!! I agree with you completely.

Micky Adams!! Micky Adams!! Micky Adams!!
Babylon said:
Thumbs up Sheffield!!! I agree with you completely.

Micky Adams!! Micky Adams!! Micky Adams!!

Wake up and smell the coffee :!: :shock: :? :? :oops: :roll: :wink:
sheffield_fox said:
Right now I will probably get called a whole lot of derogatory names for making this post,

well i for one think you're a tosser, nothing to do with the post, i agree with you. you are just a big fat ugly tosser....who smells....alot
Steven said:
Babylon said:
Thumbs up Sheffield!!! I agree with you completely.

Micky Adams!! Micky Adams!! Micky Adams!!

Wake up and smell the coffee :!: :shock: :? :? :oops: :roll: :wink:

Bloody hell i thought you had buggered off.... sod off steven you knob jockey, your kind aren't wanted around here. :lol: :wink:
The point someone made earlier about Leicester being a bigger town then Blackburn means **** all mate- Bristol is a bigger city n they are worse off.
Personally i do feel that Micky Adams is a decent manager, yet he has lost his way. i feel for his and the clubs benefit he needs to move on and turn over a new leaf as things are getting stale
I also agree with Homers view- the team has no passion which is 100% true. A prime example is keith gillespie. A player who hasn't got anywhere near the starting line up this season, you would feel should be working his arse off to try and make an impression, yet he couldn't give a monkeys and gives away possession cheaply which leads to Prestons 2nd goal. In fact Trev Benjamin is the only person i seen play his heart out this season.
Great post Sheffield but I am afraid I am in agreement with Homer.

We arent getting results.

Our football is boring, unattractive and one dimensional.

There seems little or no passion or commitment.

Micky and Corky seem to have run out of ideas.

There appears to be blame culture developing within the club.

Micky is to inflexible in his team selections and tactics.

Micky cannot retrieve this situation the only way to move forward now is to part company and inject some fresh ideas and impetus we have gone stale under Micky.
drummindefender said:
The point someone made earlier about Leicester being a bigger town then Blackburn means **** all mate- Bristol is a bigger city n they are worse off.
Personally i do feel that Micky Adams is a decent manager, yet he has lost his way. i feel for his and the clubs benefit he needs to move on and turn over a new leaf as things are getting stale
I also agree with Homers view- the team has no passion which is 100% true. A prime example is keith gillespie. A player who hasn't got anywhere near the starting line up this season, you would feel should be working his arse off to try and make an impression, yet he couldn't give a monkeys and gives away possession cheaply which leads to Prestons 2nd goal. In fact Trev Benjamin is the only person i seen play his heart out this season.

I agree with you there drummin, the size of the city bears hardly any resemblence on how big a club should be. If that was the case, all of the London clubs would be consuming the Premiership completely. Living in one of the five largest cities in England myself, I know that this bears no resemblence. Sheffield is a city that feels it deserves a big club, but I can't see it getting a really big club without a merge which is simply out of the question here. But going back to Leicester, to claim that because we geographically have a larger city than the likes of Blackburn, Bolton etc. does not mean we have a god given right to be better than them.
Great post Sheffield, saw it on the other shite, errr sorry site ! I have quit that site now, run by people who have no regard for LCFC and certainly not a brain cell between them, what`s your name ? errrr Adams out ! where do you live ? errrrr Adams out ! great result at Gillingham lads ? Yeah, errrrr Adams out ! 10pts from 5 games, great a ? errr yeah Adams out ! am bluddy ashamed of our "supporters" sometimes !! good to see there are still plenty of the REAL fans on here, well done.
Couldn't agree more sheffield son. We haven't had a terrible start, eveyone seems to think we've started worse than forest. We've been average, but there have been signs of improvement. The next 3 games, against decent teams, will tell us a lot more.
Sheffields and Bristols support is divided between 2 teams the only City that is Bigger than Leicester that has 1 team is Leeds, do you think they are happy with the situation that they find themselves in? Why should we?

As I said earlier I don't blame MA for this attitude. This club has constantly underachieved.

sheffield_fox said:
I agree with you there drummin, the size of the city bears hardly any resemblence on how big a club should be. If that was the case, all of the London clubs would be consuming the Premiership completely. Living in one of the five largest cities in England myself, I know that this bears no resemblence. Sheffield is a city that feels it deserves a big club, but I can't see it getting a really big club without a merge which is simply out of the question here. But going back to Leicester, to claim that because we geographically have a larger city than the likes of Blackburn, Bolton etc. does not mean we have a god given right to be better than them.


The Premiership is made up of just under 1/3rd of London clubs. It's not bad is it?

I didn't say that we have a god given right to be better than Blackburn and Bolton.

What is the point of watching City if we think mid table in the championship is not a bad position to be in?

We should all demand better until City actually achieve something of note or we die. With the small time attitude that has always existed at City I know which outcome is more likely.

I see Theo has made it along side the likes of Adriano in the shortlist for World Player of the Year. It's amazing what a few good games can do.
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