Well that was a waste of everybody's time wasn't it?
Very poorly organised and really quite embarrassing.
I turned up and thought 'oh, this might be something, there are a lot here'. I then waited. And waited. And just before 12, we walked to the ground with the odd song being sung and a couple of flares being let off*
It was piss poor. The banners on the van were a mix of good and awful which didn't help. I'd guess that there were 600-700 in the 'march' and most of us wished we hadn't bothered.
If this was a start, so be it. If this was it, blimey, King Power will be pissing themselves laughing this afternoon.
*Pop - I know you'll be concerned about this terrible criminal behaviour but I can assure you that there were loads of police about and they were totally disinterested in intervening. The only issue was when a little kid picked one up in front of a police officer. I did think I should grab the kid and hand him over asking for him to be removed from his family. Does the fact that I didn't mean I need to be banned?