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I do hope your kiddie grows up as a Leicester City supporter. However, it is worth remembering that it is more important that a child grows up to love books and sees parents enjoying them.

Don't spend so much time working that you miss your child growing up. That is so easy to do. Too many men are in a job where you are out of the house before the child wakes up and don't come back until it is nearly time for bed.

One other tip. The years will pass very quickly and it seems far away now - though so is the kiddies first soccer match - before the age of 11 get a child's chemistry set. A child who has played with a chemistry set has a tremendous advantage when it comes to learning science.

Best wishes to you and your family
David Gwilliam
Hello all.

I might just do that. The best things come to those who wait. Well, either the best things or death, whichever comes soonest.

Thank you for inviting me along, much appreciated.
No. I don't post on FT, I'll give Hefner a listen then.

The Mountain Goats I've liked what I've heard, never heard any of the other stuff.

And yeah most've "the new Dylan" stuff is crap, but I can really understand the comparisons to Highway 61/Blonde on Blonde era Dylan in this case.

At work writing an assignment on risk management, so this is a nice distraction!

I always considered myself to be quite well informed and perhaps 'widely listened' but a) there is so much stuff out there and b) now it's just not the case. I think the only new stuff I've got in to over the last two years is Laura Marling (who I'm not even sure I like) and Conor Oberst - give him a go. I much prefer his stuff with the Mystic Valley Band than I do anything previous (save say 3 or 4 stand out Bright Eyes tracks).

Anyway, I've never heard of this chap or the album, but I'm sure it is better than some other artists I was recommended as being the new Dylan (Fionn Regan and Dustin Kensrue).

I will track it down and give it a listen mate.

Do you only post here? I kind of came here because FT is blocked at work and I needed news and match reviews etc.

Have you ever listened to/got in to the music of Hefner. Might be totally not your thing, but early Hefner I think is fantastic from a songwriting point of view. When I first got in to them I thought they were somewhere between Pavement and Kings of Convenience, but actually, they are (were) far better than either.

What about Mountain Goats, Hidden Cameras, Wave Pictures etc? I'm probably listing off bands here that were popular about 5 years ago!

At work writing an assignment on risk management, so this is a nice distraction!

I always considered myself to be quite well informed and perhaps 'widely listened' but a) there is so much stuff out there and b) now it's just not the case. I think the only new stuff I've got in to over the last two years is Laura Marling (who I'm not even sure I like) and Conor Oberst - give him a go. I much prefer his stuff with the Mystic Valley Band than I do anything previous (save say 3 or 4 stand out Bright Eyes tracks).

Anyway, I've never heard of this chap or the album, but I'm sure it is better than some other artists I was recommended as being the new Dylan (Fionn Regan and Dustin Kensrue).

I will track it down and give it a listen mate.

Do you only post here? I kind of came here because FT is blocked at work and I needed news and match reviews etc.

Have you ever listened to/got in to the music of Hefner. Might be totally not your thing, but early Hefner I think is fantastic from a songwriting point of view. When I first got in to them I thought they were somewhere between Pavement and Kings of Convenience, but actually, they are (were) far better than either.

What about Mountain Goats, Hidden Cameras, Wave Pictures etc? I'm probably listing off bands here that were popular about 5 years ago!
Just wandering if you ever listened to "In the Aeroplance Over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel?

It's essentially just a singer-songwriter album by a guy named Jeff Mangum and it's the closest thing we've ever got to a modern day Dylan and the best album of the past 40 years imo.

It's a slow burner though, I hated it at first but once I "got it" it's just incredible.

Mangum's surreal storytelling and interpretive lyrics is very much like Dylan's style and even his voice shares the gravelly similarity.
Alrite mate,

Thanks a lot for that message! I'm trying to put Thursday off but hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it will be, I'll let you know how I get on!
Hello Harbro,
I remember you were worried about your A-levels. I gather the results are out this week so this is just a message wishing you the best of luck with the results.
David Gwilliam

Weale Neilson Morrison Hobbs Berner N'Guessan Oakley King Dyer Campbell Fryatt ////Vitor and Gallagher both not fit, Moreno and Crcnic not received international clearance.Subs: Logan Kennedy Parkes Liam Moore Jorrin John Howard Wellens