New profile posts

My dad met the bus as we arrived at my stop with my laptop with the SYPTE website page clearly showing that a SY Day Tripper could be used on any train/bus/tram which he showed to the driver. However he would NOT change his stance on the matter mentioning yet again it said Rail Rover and showed us from the book he had the page on plusbus which my dad pointed out was irrelevant and that he needs retraining as he has got his facts wrong.
I teach at a local school during the day and lunchtimes I am on lunch duty so please feel able to ring my dad (I also give authority for my dad to talk on my behalf) on the other number I have left.Otherwise phone me on Monday between 1-30pm and 3pm whilst on my way to another school where I help with after school activities if you need to talk to me
I purchased a Day Tripper for £6 on the train today (9th July 2011) and used it on the train on 2 First buses, a tram and 2 Stagecoach buses which I found very useful until trying to board the 8-40 X6 bus from Sheffield. Then I met the driver from hell. He refused to let me on with a perfectly valid ticket as he said it was a Rail Rover ticket and had to say plusbus. I pointed out to him that the ticket also said S Y Day Tripper as well and that me and my dad had used this type of ticket many times. He said I should go and wait for a bus that would let me on. I could not wait so I was forced to pay £3 so I could get home.I said I wanted to complain about him but he refused to give me his name.

Started watching it on line a couple of weeks ago, I can get an hour in here or there and am currently half way through series two. Needless to say its I'm finding it bloody fantastic. I can tell it will all need a second viewing though, some of the storylines at the docks have gone straight over my head so far.....
Just got into the Wire, I know I'm only about 10 years late...... Anyways, is that Stringer Bell you have as your profile pic? If not, well then thats the game yo.
Hi there EAF.
I used to live in Little Downham a long time ago. Still have friends in Stuntney that we see occasionally.
Really enjoyed Cambs but there were times when it felt very remote, especially from Filbo.
All the best,
Hi David,
I see nothing disrespectful about pointing out the truth. To accuse me of being anti-English because I dislike all monarchies, arrogantly presumes that yours is somehow the only monarchy that I find objectionable. I am very sure that you are aware that there are many monarchies in existence and, as an anarch, I find them all equally disgusting and vile. It is also a patently absurd accusation to make.

I am quite sure that you do feel that your monarchy is a part of your identity, but it would seem to me to be a very fragile identity if you find another human being having a difference of opinion so threatening.

We can agree on one thing, with regard to atheism. The difference between us being that I have no gods or masters.
Hello Macky,

We are getting nowhere on this.

You tell me that I am arrogant and absurd - though I am surprised that this is done "with respect". I am not aware of being arrogant or absurd though I would guess people are not usually aware of them and you may be right.

I take it that you accept that rightly or wrongly, sensibly or absurdly I am telling the truth that I feel the monarchy is part of my identity. The scenes from the Royal Wedding suggest that there are many other people in England who feel like this.

With regards and real respect

David, with respect, to suggest that for me to be anti-monarchy somehow makes me anti-English is the height of arrogance and is beyond absurd.
Hello Macky,

I have tried many starts but I have to stop myself writing an essay

The part of your sig that says “You are born free, you should live free and die free” is not a problem for me. The part that says “_______ all political elites” does not worry me although most sigs are intended to be funny, baffling or uncontroversial.

You believe I am deceiving myself over the monarchy I feel you are deceiving yourself over it not being connected to your nationality. The wounds (many of them recent) of what you rightly call our “troubled” history and I would add “complex” history run deep – the Irish republic is perhaps the only country where a visit from the Queen is seen as controversial. For the Irish being a republic is as fundamental to its identity as being a monarchy is to me as English (I will not presume to speak for other nationalities within the UK). It is difficult to imagine an Italian or a German feeling so strongly about the British Head of State. I believe that even if unintentional the attack is an attack on the English.

It is clear that my perception of the monarchy is totally different from yours though just as deeply felt,

Rightly or wrongly people in the UK do not feel less free than those in republics such as Germany or Italy. As for equality one of my proudest boasts is that I would be pleased to see again anyone I worked with whatever their position in “line management” and I believe they would be pleased to see me. In my experience the least equal country is republican Austria. Suffice to say I can reconcile my belief in freedom and equality with being a monarchist though I am aware this would not convince a committed republican.

There are many people for whom the monarchy is a fundamental part of their identity. I am an atheist but for me to have a sig which said ******* Jesus would be to attack people on a forum that was primarily about football and not about atheism. A gay person would be hurt by a homophobic sig although certain Christians might believe the comment was correct. In the same way a sig against Mohammed would be out of place in a forum which bring s together Leicester fans.
How would you feel if someone had a sig that expressed a hatred of the Irish. Although you may find it difficult to understand an attack on the monarchy is an attack on part of my identity.
Hello Macky,
I hope you will have a re-think about the slogan at the bottom of your posts. I realise that you live in a republic and have strong views about England and her History. We have sparred amiably on a number of threads over the year but it may be that you do not realise how hurtful that slogan is.
Saga recently published a survey which estimated that the average care home bill comes in at around £540 per week. So if a individual stays in a care home for 4-5 years, of course it could be longer, the costs would amount to between £112,000 and £140,000 and that is without taking into account any annual increase. Therefore unless there are other assets to pay these amounts the individuals property will have to be sold to pay for this necessary care.

A major concern about future care is that prices are rising faster than the costs of inflation. Saga have predicted that within 20 years the average cost of staying in a care home will have risen to over £1,000 a week for each individual. Inflation has recently been rising by an average of 2.5% p.a. whereas care home fees are rising by at least 3.5%

Therefore if you can protect at least half of your property by completing a Property Protection Trust and changing the property ownership to Tenancy in Common you can protect this for your family so they have something to inherit when both of you die!
Hello Boro,
I got my facts wrong. The visit of the Prince of Wales was in 1887 not 1867. I make many mistakes.
Nice to have you on the forum.
Hi Mate. They called me up and apologised. They said that there was a mis-communication and they offered me an alternative date for next Saturday. Not really the outcome I would have liked. Im hoping that a special guest tour guide shows up to be honest.
Hello Kingy,
I would be fascinated to know how the club reacted to your complaint about the stadium tour.