Recent content by fosseboy83

  1. fosseboy83

    What strange things have you seen?

    Shane McGowan
  2. fosseboy83

    Scarborough's Rate and Review Thread

    did you watch the extras, great little documentary on there
  3. fosseboy83

    The Talking Balls Book Club

    yes, couple of years since i read it from what i remember not a bad read (not a ringing endorsement but honest:icon_bigg)
  4. fosseboy83

    NYE in Dublin

    its new years itll be hectic, the couple of days after, ill be getting my walk on and exploring the place. as above i dont fancy sitting on the street with a bottle of lambrine if i can help it, i thought the collected knowledge of tbers might give me a few gems that i might not otherwise find
  5. fosseboy83

    NYE in Dublin

    thanks for the tips guys!:023:
  6. fosseboy83

    Wales manager Gary Speed confirmed dead

  7. fosseboy83

    NYE in Dublin

    any ideas chaps & chapesses? thanks
  8. fosseboy83

    Messages from strangers

    ask for the address and send them one of these...
  9. fosseboy83

    The Talking Balls Book Club

    Kafka on the shore is brilliant too. Just got my hand son iq84, cant wait to start it
  10. fosseboy83

    Cassano Stroke
  11. fosseboy83

    Speculation Next Leicester manager

  12. fosseboy83

    Trick or treat great picture they've picked:icon_bigg
  13. fosseboy83

    London Midweek Parking

    wembley or neasden.