Charlton Post Match Thread

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Hello. First post.

This may upset some people but what the hell. If you don’t go to the games and you don’t see how our team are playing then I don’t care about your opinion as opinions are like ars*holes - everyone has one.....

Today was the worst I have ever felt watching Leicester. There was no pride and no passion. the side that megson put out was a joke. Why play two right backs in your team without playing either at right back. - especially when you have kishishev on the bench. A player who has a poor 45 minutes and by this forum never gets another look in. very shallow.

To people that say MM has every right to sack managers, I challenge that. As much as you feel that MA was not the man to lead us forward, all I will say is the 4 - 1 defeat of Watford was a hell of a lot better than the two nil reverse today at Charlton. This clubs needs to sort itself out and to do so quickly.

Two nil down at half time and two substitutions. Strange ones I have to admit. He must have thought that no one would notice give the half time beer. Unfortunately no one told megson that regardless of how long you queue, apparently Charlton don’t sell beer at half time!

Please lets bring in a manager who brings in some pride brings in some passions and lets kick @rse!!!

Welcome bert, don't worry about upsetting anybody, I do it all the time.

Are you still sleeping with Ernie?
Please lets bring in a manager who brings in some pride brings in some passions

Are you judging MA2 by his antics before kick off against Watford and suchlike? I'm not having a dig, for what it's worth I was really pissed off when MA2 got the heave ho. That was because on the surface he seemed as if he was in tune with the supporters and in tune with the players. Maybe that wasn't really the case with regards to the players but he seemed, to me at least, like someone who I could really identify with and who would bring passion and style back in a way that has been missing since O'Neill.

But then I took time to rationalise and came to the conclusion that maybe that is how it looked from the outside, the reality was perhaps totally different. I really have no choice but to trust Milans judgement at the moment. Admittedly this has been made harder by his choice of a guy who wouldn't have featured in my top 20 choices of new manager - but still.

Before today I don't really think too many people would have held out too much hope of a result at Charlton. Obviously the dire play from us is regrettable but the end result was not surprising. Same with the Villa game Wednesday, I'm going in the hope that I will not see us embarrassed rather than going in the expectation of a result.

Whilst Megson was not our first choice, he needs a few months at least to adjust to what he has. He can't bring anyone else in yet, he has to work with what he has inherited - a lot of whom were bought in by MA2 don't forget.

We have two home league games coming up and for me, in deference to Megson short reign, I will only start to form my opinions about where we are going this season after those.
Hi, i never post but i thought i should start to, ive just come back from charlton and it was a complete SHAMBLES. Our tactics in the 1st half were so poor, charlton were all over us, and it looks like if we play anymore like that we'll be in for another relegtion fight this season. We really dont know what to do with the ball when we get in on a counter attack, stearman is useless with it, and im not sure about mattock either. Hume was our best player in the first half i think, twas a shame he was brought off. Martin Fulop looked a bit dodgy at times. Our forwards werent good enough, fryatt isnt good enough and carl cort is no where near good enough to get a regular place in the first team unfortunatly for him, but im sure he will get better. De vries should have played today i think, campbell played alright but he hardly had any support. Kishishev i thought played alright, and kisnorbo played well and made a few good tackles but when charlton were attacking most of the time our defence was all over the place. In the second half we played a bit better, charlton were less attacking which was probably their tactic, we left it too late yet again though.

Our training and warm up didnt look very good either before the match, its not really good to have shooting practice just before kick off is it, its just like a little game to get the crowd going and its not very productive.

I hardly go to leicester matches cos i live in kent, so charlton isnt far so i always go there when we play against them, but i thought that some of our supporters on the right side were right cocks, they chant 'stand up and support your team' to people sitting down, and then they slag off all the players and chant cruel things to megson, who even though he used to be with the florists, we should still get behind him cos he controls our team. Im only 16 but i know what gets the players morales up and what obviously doesnt.I clapped at most things our team got right, even if it was just small tackles that conceded corners, thats called getting behind the team, not shouting in corts face'f**king sh**e your are', just when hes getting back into regular football after a torrid time in injury.Also shouting 'Theres only one martin allen' isnt getting behind the team either is it, chanting that wont make milan bring him back, nor will it get the players morales up. The incident involving two fans just topped it all off, it was only 3 rows behind me right when we had a free kick in a good position, did anyone actually see what happened, cos i was concentrating on the match?? Its so stupid getting into fights like that when there are small children going to their first football matches, it just shows what football is turning into, films like the football factory and green street dont help! Charlton clapped us at the start for our good sportsmanship during the week, i wonder what they think now.

I hope i havnt accidently slagged anyone off on these forums :)

P.S I paid a fortune to get kaebi on the back of my shirt, am i ever going to see him play!! :mad:

I agree with you 100%
We have two home league games coming up and for me, in deference to Megson short reign, I will only start to form my opinions about where we are going this season after those.

The, largely suppressed, rational part of my head thinks the same as that spionfox but to be honest I think we're f*cked.

Not for any one particular reason, just too much shit going on for any manager to get a good season out of this squad.
Todays result sadly was of no surprise.

On a positive note, at least we'll get the chance to beat f0r£$t in league matches next season, presuming they beat the drop themselves.
I don't watch women's TV programmes so can't comment on that I'm afraid. :icon_wink


Just in case you missed it :)
just out of interstet, how many of you actually go to the games???? not many i guess judging by your comments....
just out of interstet, how many of you actually go to the games???? not many i guess judging by your comments....

All home games for the past decade or so. All away games up to 5 years ago when personal circumstances meant I had to re-apportion my spending. Nowadays, only 5 or 6 away games per season sadly.
just out of interstet, how many of you actually go to the games???? not many i guess judging by your comments....

Was it my Sesame street comments that gave it away?
just out of interstet, how many of you actually go to the games???? not many i guess judging by your comments....

Haven't missed a game this season. (unfortunately).

I thought today was the worst we have played this season. Blackpool was bad, the first Forest match was bad, but this was worse. Defensively we were a shambles, McAuley and Kisnorbo couldn't handle the aerial ability of Iwelumo and the pace of Varney. Mattock and Stearman looked, again, completely out of their depth. Sheehan had a shocker, Chambers as expected didn't produce being played out of position, Hume did nothing, Fryatt tried but struggled against their big centre backs, and Cort was woeful. The only player who I thought had a reasonable game was Clemence, but he was nothing special.

If we play like that against Villa next week we will be in for a christmas turkey-esque stuffing. Absolutely shit performance. Promotion this season Meelan? Think again.
Hi, i never post but i thought i should start to, ive just come back from charlton and it was a complete SHAMBLES. Our tactics in the 1st half were so poor, charlton were all over us, and it looks like if we play anymore like that we'll be in for another relegtion fight this season. We really dont know what to do with the ball when we get in on a counter attack, stearman is useless with it, and im not sure about mattock either. Hume was our best player in the first half i think, twas a shame he was brought off. Martin Fulop looked a bit dodgy at times. Our forwards werent good enough, fryatt isnt good enough and carl cort is no where near good enough to get a regular place in the first team unfortunatly for him, but im sure he will get better. De vries should have played today i think, campbell played alright but he hardly had any support. Kishishev i thought played alright, and kisnorbo played well and made a few good tackles but when charlton were attacking most of the time our defence was all over the place. In the second half we played a bit better, charlton were less attacking which was probably their tactic, we left it too late yet again though.

Our training and warm up didnt look very good either before the match, its not really good to have shooting practice just before kick off is it, its just like a little game to get the crowd going and its not very productive.

I hardly go to leicester matches cos i live in kent, so charlton isnt far so i always go there when we play against them, but i thought that some of our supporters on the right side were right cocks, they chant 'stand up and support your team' to people sitting down, and then they slag off all the players and chant cruel things to megson, who even though he used to be with the florists, we should still get behind him cos he controls our team. Im only 16 but i know what gets the players morales up and what obviously doesnt.I clapped at most things our team got right, even if it was just small tackles that conceded corners, thats called getting behind the team, not shouting in corts face'f**king sh**e your are', just when hes getting back into regular football after a torrid time in injury.Also shouting 'Theres only one martin allen' isnt getting behind the team either is it, chanting that wont make milan bring him back, nor will it get the players morales up. The incident involving two fans just topped it all off, it was only 3 rows behind me right when we had a free kick in a good position, did anyone actually see what happened, cos i was concentrating on the match?? Its so stupid getting into fights like that when there are small children going to their first football matches, it just shows what football is turning into, films like the football factory and green street dont help! Charlton clapped us at the start for our good sportsmanship during the week, i wonder what they think now.

I hope i havnt accidently slagged anyone off on these forums :)

P.S I paid a fortune to get kaebi on the back of my shirt, am i ever going to see him play!! :mad:

Nice post Andy and from the heart. I can see exactly where your coming from
Seems that no one on here noticed we changed to a 3-5-2 second half (hence the two subs) - needless to say it didn't work.

I spent nearly 3 and a half hours going to this game and it really pisses me off when the team fail to put in any kind of a performance given the amount of time money and effort the fans make to attend these games!

Not one single player came out of today's match with any credit at all in my opinion. We will really struggle to do anything at all this season unless we can find some performances from somewhere!

And did anyone else notice that Gerry sat all through the second half? Was this at the request of Megson, who I would imagine feels undermined by Gerry given his 'cult' status at the club. The club is just a total shambles at the moment left right and centre and I am honestly considering going up to tell Milan what I think of him and his decisions! I hope he is happy with what he has done.

I genuinly feel that we would be better off with Rob Kelly in charge today.
Why on earth would you take Hume and Sheehan off and replace them with two defenders when you're 2-0 down and needing to score ... I don't know who advised him on team selection but they were obviously pulling his leg ... considering we walloped Watford who are top of the table I thought it was really stupid of Megson to say the team isn't good enough ... hardly the words to inspire effort and determination ... they obviously hate him already and this is their way of getting him out ... and he will go ... the sooner the better ... ginger twit ... :tumbleweed:
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