FIFA and PES 2010

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so who's buying what then? i reckon i will buy one of them eventually, but no pre-ordering this time round as i'm skint/i wouldn't know which to buy. My instinct tells me to side with FIFA this time round though.

I expect reviews of each game to be placed in this thread to help me make my mind up though :icon_wink
PES 2010 for me altho i heard strong rumours that FIFA is really good this time round, i shall download the demo's if they are released
I read couple of reviews earlier about the demos.

Sounds like Konami may have actually made an effort this year. Can't wait to try it.

FIFA has improved too, but it sounds like they have only corrected niggling problems rather than have a massive overhaul. set-piece editing looks useful.

Not sure whether PES will catch back up but i hope so. I'll probably end up renting both before buying.
Demo is out for FIFA and PES so i shall download PES when i get home tonight!
I have played both demos on the 360 and my thoughts are as follows, bear in mind I genuinly went in with an open mind. My thoughts are also merged with those of a guy here who played both on the PS3:

Fifa: Not massively different to 09 on the demo, though it does feel a bit like you are running on ice, any sprint and you fly past the players. Also you don't really need to tackle anymore, if you bump into a player you most often get the ball. Not bad but not worth the upgrade.

PES: I lasted one half before turning off and deleting it. The PS3 guy the same, and he is a long time PES fan. It is just plain aweful. It feels like there is no fluidity to the movements and feels very clunky. Worse than the last version by a long way seems to be the view here.
Dissapointed with the review on PES, I hope I find it different becuase I'm looking forward to playing it.
Like years PES was so bum clenchingly bad i'm a fully fledged Fifa-ite now.
Always a PES fan until the last installment. Have downloaded both demos and Fifa pisses all over Pro Evo.
Like Beighton this Pro Evo demo has now been deleted.
Played both.

Fifa for me feels more fluid and is more akin to real-life gameplay. Good little improvement, hopefully it's AI have improved and it's Manager Mode is sorted.

Pro's worse IMHO than the previous but my brother seems to reckon it's alright. Shoot from anywhere within 30 yards with a decent player, it's a goal.
The demos are all I've got to go on to decide whether to part with near enough £40 though. I shan't be getting either until Fifa is reduced to at least £15
Will be getting FIFA on the day it comes out, like every year. But I agree that it hasn't changed that much, but to be fair it didn't need to as 09 was unbelievable.
Hope to god they have sorted the shit quality of referee and stupid advantage rule out on Fifa.
I have given up on PES, its a great game when you have all the lads round but FIFA is hands down winner since 09. Manager mode and the online challenges are very addictive and the graphics just blow PES out the water.

The only thing i want improoved is the offsides! :mad: So frustrating.It counts the offside from 2 seconds after the ball has left the passers foot !!

Followed by the ever annoying Andy Gray " Owww, Its close but he was right"
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