Luis Suarez

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KKK mask - surely the answer is pretty obvious as it's enciting racial hatred.
Perhaps I'm an old fuddy (not that old) but I do believe in courtesy and basic manners. Where would we be if we start excusing these kind of actions. Let's not forget this guy is a role model to some young people and is setting a poor example. If everyone looked away like you it would be accepting poor behaviour.


So, let me get this right: because I am not going to get all bent because one man didn't shake another man's hand (and find all the hysteria being whipped up about it pathetic) I am responsible for the decline in social graces in society?

So Suarez should add hypocrisy to all his other "crimes". Evra is an obnoxious turd who thinks he is bigger than the French football team. I wouldn't want to shake Evra's hand either.
Come on! he refused to shake the hand who accusing him of being a racist. He was never proven guilty and if his version of events was correct he's well within his rights. It's the FA's fault for not scrapping the pre match handshake.
Perhaps I'm an old fuddy (not that old) but I do believe in courtesy and basic manners. Where would we be if we start excusing these kind of actions. Let's not forget this guy is a role model to some young people and is setting a poor example. If everyone looked away like you it would be accepting poor behaviour.

Or he's setting a fine example if he's prepared to stand up against the whole media furore to clear his name. Evra behaved like a spoiled child today. So Suarrez didn't shake his hand for whatever reason. So what? Get over it! But not content with throwing his rattle out immediately afterwards, which I might have forgiven him for in the hat of the moment, he then tried to take him out in the very first minute, had to cause a bust up in the tunnel and then make the show all about him at the end. If anything, the way he reacted today lent more credibility to Suarrez's version of events than Evra's. Rant over
It's the FA's fault for not scrapping the pre match handshake.

Completely agree, did make for a bit of soap opera comedy before the grudge match though.

I couldn't give a shit about this little incident or that Rio had to stand up for his "brothers'" cause. More bothered nasty Manure got all three points.

So, let me get this right: because I am not going to get all bent because one man didn't shake another man's hand (and find all the hysteria being whipped up about it pathetic) I am responsible for the decline in social graces in society?


There's nowt quite like reading in between the lines is there? I didn't say anything of the sort so please don't try out and make yourself big by insinuating that I did. Infact I find this post slightly hypocritical given that you have moaned about people making a big deal out of a nothing incident (your thoughts not mine) given that you have just done the exact same thing with my reply.

Also surely he WAS proven guilty otherwise he wouldn't have been given an 8-game ban? I'm no fan of Patrice Evra or Manchester United either but I think Suarez's behaviour today has been petty and childish and I don't much rate the way that Liverpool as a club have dealt with the incident either.
There's nowt quite like reading in between the lines is there? I didn't say anything of the sort so please don't try out and make yourself big by insinuating that I did. Infact I find this post slightly hypocritical given that you have moaned about people making a big deal out of a nothing incident (your thoughts not mine) given that you have just done the exact same thing with my reply.

Also surely he WAS proven guilty otherwise he wouldn't have been given an 8-game ban? I'm no fan of Patrice Evra or Manchester United either but I think Suarez's behaviour today has been petty and childish and I don't much rate the way that Liverpool as a club have dealt with the incident either.

He wasn't proven guilty. The FA have made it clear in their report that they believed Evra more than they did Suarrez. They classed him as a more reliable witness. That does not constitute proof and that is why it never got near the courts.
There's nowt quite like reading in between the lines is there? I didn't say anything of the sort so please don't try out and make yourself big by insinuating that I did. Infact I find this post slightly hypocritical given that you have moaned about people making a big deal out of a nothing incident (your thoughts not mine) given that you have just done the exact same thing with my reply.

Make myself big? As in the sense of John Holmes, John Candy or the Jolly Green Giant?

I haven't made a big deal out of your post, I took the piss out of it because it was stupid to the power of dumb, just not as much as the one I've just quoted.
He wasn't proven guilty. The FA have made it clear in their report that they believed Evra more than they did Suarrez. They classed him as a more reliable witness. That does not constitute proof and that is why it never got near the courts.

You really need to read the report rather than what is written on LFC fansites. Almost everything you've posted on this so far is complete bollocks.

And the signpost that you haven't read it from this particular post - why would it go near the courts?
You really need to read the report rather than what is written on LFC fansites. Almost everything you've posted on this so far is complete bollocks.

And the signpost that you haven't read it from this particular post - why would it go near the courts?

Because it is the same charge that Terry is facing. This would never have got anywhere near the court because there is no quantifiable evidence.

I have read the report and it is incredibly flawed. I also have a knowledge on linguistics having a BA in Communications. I've also been a juror on a 3 week court case and therefore have an idea what is deemed as proof and what isn't by the justice system.

you said the case was proven against him. It certainly was not.
Who seriously gives a shit? I don't, I don't know either of them, I wouldn't wish it know either of them. They are both just overpaid, spoilt brats with huge egos, an over inflated sense of self importance and who need to grow up.

Two examples of why I am becoming disillusioned with modern football.
He wasn't proven guilty. The FA have made it clear in their report that they believed Evra more than they did Suarrez. They classed him as a more reliable witness. That does not constitute proof and that is why it never got near the courts.
Was a complaint made to the police by Evra? Without that the CPS wouldn't get involved.
Was a complaint made to the police by Evra? Without that the CPS wouldn't get involved.

I'm not sure, I assumed it had because it was reported to the ref and therefore assumed he had to report it once again. This may or may not be the case. However, it doesn't matter, it wouldn't have got a conviction. There is absolutely no evidence. If it hasnt been reported this may be one of the reasons why. I honestly don't think the Terry case will get a conviction, even though it is weighted with more evidence, as I can see the defence successfully arguing that lip reading isn't 100% reliable.
I'm not sure, I assumed it had because it was reported to the ref and therefore assumed he had to report it once again. This may or may not be the case. However, it doesn't matter, it wouldn't have got a conviction. There is absolutely no evidence. If it hasnt been reported this may be one of the reasons why. I honestly don't think the Terry case will get a conviction, even though it is weighted with more evidence, as I can see the defence successfully arguing that lip reading isn't 100% reliable.

How did they find him guilty with no evidence. Sounds to me like you are telling porkies to sound important.
How did they find him guilty with no evidence. Sounds to me like you are telling porkies to sound important.

Personal testimony is evidence but you need other evidence to back it up. Otherwise it is nowhere near enough. There was no other quantifiable evidence.
Because it is the same charge that Terry is facing. This would never have got anywhere near the court because there is no quantifiable evidence.

I have read the report and it is incredibly flawed. I also have a knowledge on linguistics having a BA in Communications. I've also been a juror on a 3 week court case and therefore have an idea what is deemed as proof and what isn't by the justice system.

you said the case was proven against him. It certainly was not.

It's more and more clear you haven't read it. Suarez was facing an FA charge, not a criminal charge. The section of the report on the burden and standard of proof makes this clear. Which is also, of course, the reason it wouldn't go near the courts. Read the report, please, just so you don't keep making such a tit of yourself.
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