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  1. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread
  2. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread

    Thanks. I tried editing but the icons never showed. Now I can't edit again. I am fairly new so maybe i'm not allowed to.
  3. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread I don't know how to post videos.
  4. Nightguard


    I post on foxestalk. I'm regarded as a raving leftie loony by a couple of them because i speak up for the underdog, disabled,and low income families and not the bankers and boardroom directors. :)
  5. Nightguard

    How Are People Feeling Today?

    Happy that City won. Had to buy a new TV. that is after a PC and a laptop died on me. BTW I have not been on here for a while. (4/5 years) Forgot my log in details. A lot has happened. My last job ended in the company going into receivership. I was coming up to 60 so new job prospects slim...
  6. Nightguard

    RIP Neil Jarvis

    Re: From FT Can't believe it. I was only reading his posts in a controversal thread on FT yesterday and thinking what a nice sensitive and intellegent fellow this was. A sad loss to all who knew him.
  7. Nightguard


    Thank you all. Sorry about late reply. Been away. My age imfo must have been a slip of the finger.
  8. Nightguard

    What's your current avatar and why did you pick it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Boy Genius I was once locked in a toilet with George, he's got a lovely cock Anything like this one?
  9. Nightguard

    What a load of bollux......

    so far I've been to two games Hull and Colchester, am I unlucky or a jinx?
  10. Nightguard

    This smiley

    Depends on how many fingers he's got. How can a smiley alone offend anyway? If it's accompanied by text which is offensive or abusive then action can be taken over that if a moderater thinks it deserves it.
  11. Nightguard

    wiping it clean.

    I didn't see that program but I heard about insecurity there is about leaving the drives intact. Even when wiped clean a good hacker would be able to convert the memory codes which are something like 111000111 that are 0000000 and a tiny trace of the original would be seen. One person was...
  12. Nightguard

    General chat new rules

    Is a smiley depicting a someone holding a glass of Beer OK in a sig as it appears one that I have tried adding has been blocked? I did not think the Temperance Society had spread to football fans. Bit of a mis-match. LOL
  13. Nightguard

    What's your current avatar and why did you pick it?

    I'll keep the present sig if thats OK. Anyway I checked yourtube and the vid is public I copied and pasted the link on the profile page and it worked. I would like to edit it or redo it though. It's just a load of photos and some music. With editing I'll be able to do the pictures to appear...
  14. Nightguard

    Definition of pub

    Can't find a :beer: smiley. LOL
  15. Nightguard

    What's your current avatar and why did you pick it?

    It's the cat taking potshots. It's a long time since I've been on here so can't exactly rember the thinking behind coosing it but it fits in with my SOH. I've been trying to add a sg picture/smile from the list on my forum but it's only showing in the preview and not on posts so far. Any...
  16. Nightguard

    Definition of pub

    not here to cause trouble. Don't want to be thrown out after just arriving. LOL
  17. Nightguard

    Definition of pub

    You have a Sub-Forum called The Pub yet no section about beer. A pub with no beer is like a sewing machine with no needles. Pointless.