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If MM is taking on the stadium debt he's doing no more than the current board did when they took over. In fact the total debt - including player contracts, money owed to the inland revenue etc was over £40 million when the current shareholders took over.
MM will not be personally liable for this debt, if the only way the takeover could go ahead was if he personally became a guarantor I think it's unlikely he'd go ahead with it, too much risk for him to take on. Most businessmen prefer to take risks with other people's money as much as possible, not with their own.

Inland revenue didnt that get written off? even if it didnt the current board had 44million+ pounds of turnover MM wont have which is more then the extra 24 million of debt you quote.

Regarding the stadium, if milan wanted to do little risk as possible he could just leave the current agreement in place and city pay the annual payments as they do now, if he is refinancing the stadium I expect this will be because he has to probably teachers insisting on it should the takeover happen, and if he is refinancing it for favourable terms to be allowed he must be in some manner even if small acting as a garantor or securing it on something.

I dont think he is going to buy the stadium unless teachers say it must happen, and if he did there would be a new debt to city so he got his cash back I have no doubt, but more likely is he would use a new debt on better terms to pay of the teachers debt, this debt may be to city again directly but he would be involved in it on a personal level somewhere along the line.
No, I'm saying people are getting carried away with expectations of instant success if MM comes in, not helped by people talking about £25 million etc, people need to be realistic, a lot of people have been making ridiculous statments.

My expectation of manderic is we will have a increased chance of promotion and can expect to be in and around the playoffs again within 2 years.

My expectation is if he doesnt come we will slowly sell of our best players to balance the books as each year has a loss and we will eventually get relegated.

Do you think my expectations are unrealistic?
Most shareholders are not on the board. Most board members are unpaid.

doesnt answer the question.

tim davies paid
chairman paid

these 2 at head of negotiations do you think there is an element of personal interest in them?

the rest of the shareholders how many of them get business and income as a result of been shareholders at the club? we dont know.
My expectation of manderic is we will have a increased chance of promotion and can expect to be in and around the playoffs again within 2 years.

My expectation is if he doesnt come we will slowly sell of our best players to balance the books as each year has a loss and we will eventually get relegated.

Do you think my expectations are unrealistic?

I think if MM comes in there will be an increased chance of promotion. But what worries me is what happens if the club gets into loads of debt and doesn't get promoted. I've said all along I'm not against the takeover as long as there are guarantees about the club's future if MM gets us deeper into debt. And he will get us into more debt, I don't think there's any doubt about that (Portsmouth got into loads of debt when he was there), it's a question of whether the money is spent wisely and we get promoted, to pay off the money that's been borrowed.

I think people are being far too pessimistic about what will happen if MM doesn't come in. I think we'll end up selling a couple of players - but that's something the club has had to do for most of its history without dropping out of the top two divisions. Financially we should have no problem surviving at this level, if we get relegated it will be down to bad management rather than lack of money.
tim davies paid
chairman paid

these 2 at head of negotiations do you think there is an element of personal interest in them?

The chairman has been brought in specifically to get new investment, if MM comes in I'm sure he'll see it as success - and he may end up walking away with a bonus for a job well done. Certainly with his record in business he'll have no problem getting another job.
TD on the other hand is another matter, he may well be trying to look after himself.
I think people are being far too pessimistic about what will happen if MM doesn't come in. I think we'll end up selling a couple of players - but that's something the club has had to do for most of its history without dropping out of the top two divisions. Financially we should have no problem surviving at this level, if we get relegated it will be down to bad management rather than lack of money.

True, we have been generally a selling club.

However, I can't recall us previously being in a position where we have sold off our best players whilst hovering above the relegation zone to the third tier.

It's easy to dramatise these situations but my gut feeling is that we are near to entering a spiral taking us down if - as I expect - the MM takeover aborts: supporters disenchantment; substantial fall in ST sales/ gate receipts for next season; sale of the one or two 'sellable' players; RK - not quite up to it - but battling on - evenually sacked........relegation.
If he is shifting debts bear this in mind.

He is taking it on in his name so the amount 15million in your example is him as guarantor.

I would expect the payments would change possibly from a reduced interest rate and different payment terms. Should during transfer windows for example the club wants extra cash MM could choose to defer payments for the stadium to generate cash.

A few assumptions there, it depends how flexible Teachers want to be or don't (as was the case over ground sharing), they could choose to offer him worse terms than present, of course he could look for a different finance company but again that depends on what settlement Teachers would then demand.

However the liklihood is the focus would be on players & not changing any stadium financing at least initially.
Happens every day in all the papers in various stories.

The current shareholders invested 6million, how much of that 6 million is not recuparated eg. by board members who get paid by the club.

That doesn't make it right does it? - we have a duty to at least keep our members (and surely all fans really) informed with as true a picture as we can paint.

It is as damaging to MM as anyone else if fans believe he will get his cheque book out upon arrival & sign several £1m players, even Bill Anderson has finally caught up today & talked about loan signings this season & spending transfer cash in the summer.

There are 2 paid board members, all others commit time for free.
doesnt answer the question.

tim davies paid
chairman paid

these 2 at head of negotiations do you think there is an element of personal interest in them?

the rest of the shareholders how many of them get business and income as a result of been shareholders at the club? we dont know.

Chairman is doing the negotiations, TD supplies the numbers. Chairman told us when he took on the role his aim was to find new investors & if he succeeded and as a result he then had to stand down as chair, he would regard that as a success.

A number of shareholders have hospitality boxes which they pay the going rate for each season, so they continue to put money into the club in that way.
A number of shareholders have hospitality boxes which they pay the going rate for each season, so they continue to put money into the club in that way.
This is a totally bollox statement, I can't believe you actually wrote it

If they pay for their boxes, which if you say so then I believe it. They are customers not shareholders so this CANNOT ever be classed as investing, or putting money into the club

Does every box payer become a shareholder. Because I buy two season tickets each year does that put me in the same bracket as a shareholder because I have never been consulted on any of the matters being discussed.

Still can't believe you wrote that
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But they were replying to the allegation that the shareholders were taking money out of the club by way of freebies.
But they were replying to the allegation that the shareholders were taking money out of the club by way of freebies.
The context that it was put across in was that they are continuing to put money into the club.

I'm sure most people will read that the same as I do. It's a stand alone sentance that bares no reference to freebies, only expenditure and giving money to the club
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