Blues signing Butt

Will Butt sign for Blues?

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Blues are aperantly signing BVutt for £5million!!!!

I don't think it will happen though due to his wage demands!!!
Just shows the stature of the side now doesn't it? How depressing, we could have been that big, O'Neil had led us to the size of Brum, only for Taylor to knock us right down again.
dave said:
Because butt's 10 times better than any of them!!!!

Butt and Savage in midfield? Doesn't seem a good combination with them being both defensively minded. Before you suggest Butt/Dunn partnership, Bruce will not drop Savage.
Dunn will play wide left which in my opinion is where he is best. Savage is not as defensive as he used to be at Leicester. I have to say Bruce is putting together a top side at Birmingham.
trickytrev said:
Dunn will play wide left which in my opinion is where he is best. Savage is not as defensive as he used to be at Leicester. I have to say Bruce is putting together a top side at Birmingham.
they are the joint worst scorers in the league with 19 the same as leeds, they are relying on forsell and the defence to much!
Good players all the way through the team. When they find a decent front pairing they will be quality.
Not completely sold on Bent. Gives the ball way far too much. If Micky and Corky can do a good job on him he could be the business for us for years to come.
trickytrev said:
Not completely sold on Bent. Gives the ball way far too much. If Micky and Corky can do a good job on him he could be the business for us for years to come.
he scored 7 goals for us though which is alot more than alot of ppremiership strikers. i think recently bent has been our best player, he has the never say die spirit and will always chase balls down no matter what. i think in the man city replay he was our best player down the wing and looked threatening there and was taking people on well! unless we manage to sign him in the summer i can see a few premiership teams wanting him as he's a youngish, inform, scoring striker!
He did play well aginst Man City. He is certainly a better winger than Scarecrow. As I sai dpotential but he isd still bloody roar and he's not exactly a young kid these days.
trickytrev said:
He did play well aginst Man City. He is certainly a better winger than Scarecrow. As I sai dpotential but he isd still bloody roar and he's not exactly a young kid these days.
i'd like to see him play down the right with les and paul upfront, as obviously our strong point is in the air and the wingers haven't been taking players on and crossing balls in for the stikers, i think bent is well capable of this and has alot of pace and the ability to take players on!
trickytrev said:
Good players all the way through the team. When they find a decent front pairing they will be quality.

You think Villa are a good side (21 goals in 22 games) along with Brum (19 goals in 22 games) Clearly, these teams do not score enough goals to be considered decent. Brum are in a decent position in the league, but there is only so much you can rely on your defence.

Brum do have some good individual players though - But no to the extent where they can be considered 'quality'.

Upson is a good defender, though I think he is overrated - He does make alot of errors and does get caught positionally wise.

David Dunn is another player who is technically very sound, however he is a player who doesn't show it very often. He's a player who doesn't seem to have the ability to perform consistently week in week out to be considered a decent Premiership player. On the whole, he's played awful for Brum this season, and this is reflected in the amount of goals they have scored.

You said if they get a decent strike force, they could become 'quality'. I'm not sure about that. Even if they do get Butt, they don't have the all-round ability in the team to create. As I said, Dunn doesn't really provide this as he doesn't perform consistently. We all know about Savage, and I have to say he has improved a considerbale amount, especially with his Beckham-esque free kicks! However, he is not a player who will 'create'.

You could say that if Leicester City get a few decent defenders, we could be quality, especially with the strike force we have, and the amount of goals we are scoring (31 in 21 games). It just aint going to happen.

Brum - Good solid hard working team, lack that 'cutting edge'.......
But Leicester will always concede goals because we never keep the bloody ball.

Being a massive David Dunn fan i will have to disagree with you. If he woulkd sort out his bloody weight he has got the running baility and goal scoring ability to be an England player.

Savage has some of the best delivery from free kicks in the premierleague and I also believe they could do with some more exciting full backs.

In temrs of Goal scoriong when I see them they create and miss chances. Not actually a massive Forsell fan myself aswell. As for Clinton Morrisson, how he ever made it to prmeirship football I will never know. Duggary=Lazy.

Villa are a good team, mark my words. I've put my neck on the line and I said they will be the next team to break into the top 5 with Liv,New,ManU,Arse and Ski.
Being a massive David Dunn fan i will have to disagree with you. If he woulkd sort out his bloody weight he has got the running baility and goal scoring ability to be an England player.

I'm not sure that would make any difference. He didn't really pull up any trees at Blackburn, and rarely ever shows the form people believes he has. I can't see him playing for England as there is too much competition in midfield. Especially with the likes of Scholes, Gerrard, Beckham, Lampard, Cole and Dyer all competing to play centrally. I don't think he can play left side either. I've seen him a few times for Blackburn, and again never impressed.

How many times have you seen David Dunn have a good game? Not many IMO.

In temrs of Goal scoriong when I see them they create and miss chances. Not actually a massive Forsell fan myself aswell. As for Clinton Morrisson, how he ever made it to prmeirship football I will never know. Duggary=Lazy.

All teams create chances - Brum are not different. I honest don't believe they have the required players to score enough goals. Creating chances is Ok, scoring them is totally different. I can see your argument that a goal scorer could improve this, but what decent striker would go to them?

Villa are a good team, mark my words. I've put my neck on the line and I said they will be the next team to break into the top 5 with Liv,New,ManU,Arse and Ski.

Obviously that is your opinion, but I cannot see Villa breaking in to the elite. Doug Ellis more concerned with expanding his stadium to fit 50k in a stdium that attracts only 30k. With Ellis at the helm, they will never progress as they won't have the funds to be able to get a player that could make all the difference. They are meidocre at best.
I've seen Dunn have some fine games and I've seen him being inaffective. If he lost weight he could run faster and he would be even better than he already is at taking players on. He has got loads of natural ability and an ego and a half. I think you will find that at Balckburn he was eratic. Sometimes he did set the world alight.

Doug Ellis has always backed his mangers financially it has just been the problem that he has always had the wrong manger. David O'Leary is the right mager.
tricky trev said:
Villa are a good team, mark my words. I've put my neck on the line and I said they will be the next team to break into the top 5 with Liv,New,ManU,Arse and Ski.

i doubt that very much! imo the next team will be charlton,
a great manager, (mon type)
quality premiership players; parker, holland, di canio, perry, keily etc
and hold 4 place by a few points!
Manager will leave. Parker is good but not that good. Play nice football but haven't got the Players/Stadium/Fanbase/Finances to develop any further.
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