Boltons Tatics: Fair or Not

Was it wrong or right

  • right - fair play to them

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Fair, no question. I thought it was a good idea and confused us a few times. I think we should do it from now on, we are good from set pieces and i think this will help even more. But it should be someone quicker than Taggart running back! Maybe Bent.
I have noticed Southampton doing this lone before this directive came in. They would put about 5 players miles offisde and they would all run back. I remember last season Southampton benefited from this by scoring against Arsenal.

Obviously its legitimate, but its an absolute farce. Its just going to confuse officials, and all teams will now be employing these tactics. Its changed the whole complexion of football now - If aint broke, why fix it?
I'm sorry, but I thought it was a farce!
I want to see a game of football - not a game of chess
Surely if you are in the Keepers vision, you are causing a distraction, thus interfering with play.
If you are not gaining an advantage from standing in that position - then why were they standing there?
ScarboroughFox said:
we did do it!! taggart did it and it nearly worked i still think its taking reading the rule book a bit to far

Good old Taggart. I actually thought he was taking the piss :lol:
Bolton's Sam Allardyce has explained the way in which he exploited the change in the offside law to claim a share of the points against Leicester City.
Bolton used a system of placing players in obvious offside positions but then running back, taking advantage of Fifa's ruling change.

The system caused Leicester all kinds of problems - and the equalising goal came directly from such a set-piece.

"We've had a look at the new regulations and we have got to use them to our benefit," said an apologetic Allardyce.

"I don't like them and I think they detract from the game, but it is not the referee's fault he has to implement them and I blame Fifa.

"They have to change them, but in the mean time we have to use them to our advantage.

"It doesn't add anything to the game and it leave players and fans upset and angry.

"What we have done today doesn't look good to the fans but it makes it hard for the opposition. I think it shows the rule up to be honest."
The tactics Bolton used are allowed so fair play to them for exploiting it.
Referees struggle to get the simplist of off side decisions right. What hope have they got now.
Ok so Taggart is not the fastest to dart from an offside position back to being on side but if Dickov decided he wanted to do it the linesman would not have clue.
Pretty stupid really :roll:
City Fan said:
The tactics Bolton used are allowed so fair play to them for exploiting it.

Exactly, so why weren't we alive to the possibilities as well :?: :roll: FIFA have got to sort this out and quickly or else there will be riots at football games. If that happens it will be FIFA's fault.
foxylady said:
....Surely if you are in the Keepers vision, you are causing a distraction, thus interfering with play.
If you are not gaining an advantage from standing in that position - then why were they standing there?

That's what I thought - it was ok when Nolan (absolute penis that he is) was way "offside", but when another player came and blocked Walker's vision, he is "active" and interferring in play. The linesman should have flagged several times but was obviously very confused and in my honest opinion clueless.

I know that Walker cocked it up, but offside should have been called way before it got that far.

I have lost a lot of respect for Bolton, CHEATING WANKERS
Joe_Fox said:
foxylady said:
....Surely if you are in the Keepers vision, you are causing a distraction, thus interfering with play.
If you are not gaining an advantage from standing in that position - then why were they standing there?

That's what I thought - it was ok when Nolan (absolute penis that he is) was way "offside", but when another player came and blocked Walker's vision, he is "active" and interferring in play. The linesman should have flagged several times but was obviously very confused and in my honest opinion clueless.

I know that Walker cocked it up, but offside should have been called way before it got that far.

I have lost a lot of respect for Bolton, CHEATING WANKERS

Sorry Joe it is not cheating, they played within the rule book and fair play to them, but the whole thing stinks because the fine line of being off side has just got finer. Linesman and refs do not have a clue and will constantly make the wrong call and it will be very sad to have a team relegated or win the championship due to a stupid technicality the FIFA have put in halfway through the season.
Unless this rule gets changed it is the death of the beutiful game :cry:
The new ruling states that the player is offside or "active" if he is blocking the keeper's or the referee's line of vision. The Bolton player was doing this, therefore he was offside!
Joe_Fox said:
The new ruling states that the player is offside or "active" if he is blocking the keeper's or the referee's line of vision. The Bolton player was doing this, therefore he was offside!

I agree Joe, but it is down to the refs opinion and because they are all total tossers the game of football will become a farse. One week a team will get away with it the next they won't and we can all guess who will never get away with it. :roll:
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