Brian Little

Looking back on his time at City how do we regard him now?

  • Not quite legend but admire what he done for us.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • So, so. Can't qutie forgive him for what he done.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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No.6 Muzzy Izzet...

Active Member
Brian Little at one stage was becoming a Leicester legend, from taking us (on a shoe-string budget) from a very poor team in old div 2 to premier league status that Martin O'Neil built on. Then he commited a cardinal sin by fckuing off to Villa. Now back in the lime light and doing well for Tranmere, how do we regard him now?

Personally I have the utmost respect for him and hope he does well; Tranmere for the Cup.
I could tolerate him more if he just made his voice a bit gruffer it whines like alan ball :twisted:
Did very well i thought but also brought some of the worst players ever to grace a city shirt Coatsworth, Willis, Carey, Gibson
even though he left us under controversial circumstances, looking back on it now I'd have to say he did a great job with us. Remember he turned us from a near relegation side the season before, to the brink of promotion the next season.
Would you lot have him back if Adams ever left i would
Little did a good job for us, hope he knocks scummer boy out the cup....
rotherhamfox said:
Would you lot have him back if Adams ever left i would

don't think i'd go for little mate, i reckon there are better, younger managers around!
i think he proved he cant really cut the mustard at a higher level than he is now.
You look back at it and you appreciate the great job he did for us. Forgetting his departure, he did an exceptional job for us.

Let's hope he knocks wankers' Millwall out the cup. :twisted:
They will, 2-0, put a fiver on it today, guaranteed.
Joe_Fox said:
They will, 2-0, put a fiver on it today, guaranteed.

bit of match fixing going on there me thinks...guaranteed 2-0 tranmere win, ahem! :shock:

ps. i really want wise to get his face stamped on...followed by a stamp on his balls! it's all good! :twisted:
This is one circumstance where time is a great healer. He did a brill job for us , yes he did leave under a cloud (grass certainly wasn't any greener!).
But I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. Would we be where we are now without his legacy, I doubt it. 8)
I wish him all the best in the cup and the future. Do Wisey for us Brian :twisted:
xsubmariner said:
This is one circumstance where time is a great healer. He did a brill job for us , yes he did leave under a cloud (grass certainly wasn't any greener!).
But I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. Would we be where we are now without his legacy, I doubt it. 8)
I wish him all the best in the cup and the future. Do Wisey for us Brian :twisted:

Did a good job and although I was dissapointed at him going I you could see the pull of a club he had played for and had good times at. His departure was not in the league of Magoo. Little could of handled the departure a lot better (more stright forward about why and what he was doing) but the actual fact I can understand.

I think he would have to do a lot more to convince me to have him back I think we are better going for an up and coming manager even if it is high risk and then you get the how long will he stay problem but you can have some good times on the way! Hopefully there will not be a vacancy for many years, given what he has had to deal with and how little he has been given to work with Micky has done wonders to have us still in with a chance of staying up.
Moral Kiosk said:
What about Mark Mcghee???? :P

Brian Little paved the way for the O'Neill era. Just look at the average attendance before he came. Little gave us the belief that we could make it to the Premier League. He was also the first Leicester Manager to win at Wembely.

He was also inflential in the development of Joachim and turned Walshie into a better player. He took us into the Premier League with f*** all money, and he discovered Iwan Roberts.

For those things I will always be grateful to him, in my eyes he's a legend, if he wasn't no-one would've cared when he left for Villa. It's because we loved him so much that it hurt so much. So much more than when Mark McGhee left.
spoken like a person who remembers it well. people forget that before he came we had some very dark days possibly the lowest the club had ever been,
Brian Little is a very genuine guy and he proved the point when I met him at a booksigning.
How many managers nowadays would spend 20 minutes talking tactics/team selection to a spotty 14 year old? Brian did, he appreciates the fans - and he certainly got the best out of the players available.
His problem is that he is too nice - Brian is not one to go off at players ala Ferguson stylee, he's has a bit too much Houlier in him.
We have a lot to thank Brian though, remember the days of Pleat? Jesus we did well stay in div 2(as it was then)

How I wished Tranmere beat the dirty midget on Sunday, let's hope they do the biz at the Rovers!
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