Post Match Bristol City 1 Leicester 0

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Im feeling really down. We're not going to get automatic promotion, we don't have what it takes to win the first round of the Play-Offs, and we're stuck watching Puel football.
Apparently Leeds are calling for the manager to leave and the board to quit after they couldn’t beat a team with only 2 wins in 15
I have to admit that I’m struggling after todays performance.

We’ve had two weeks off to galvanise, regroup and focus and yet we come into the game with a dreadfull approach.

We appear to always look for safety and a backwards pass rather than pushing forward.

We need to focus x this shit quickly or as a club we are really in the brown stuff.
I have to admit that I’m struggling after todays performance.

We’ve had two weeks off to galvanise, regroup and focus and yet we come into the game with a dreadfull approach.

We appear to always look for safety and a backwards pass rather than pushing forward.

We need to focus x this shit quickly or as a club we are really in the brown stuff.
This performance was deeply worrying.
That would be a bad manager then.
Possibly. Or not. More than likely however, it's a mixture of some poor management and some poor performance caused by arrogance and an 'I know better' attitude.

That's the point.

Plenty of good managers have had excellent careers after seeming to 'fail' elsewhere because their new positions have individuals with more self worth and less arrogance. Like I say, forgiving the players of every last drop-off responsibility in cases such as today is foolish and far too easy.
On the positive side, we only need one win in the next eight games to be assured of a place in the play-offs.
I've had to wait until the early hours to come on & post as I've needed to calm down.

I mean what the actual ****ing **** was that supposed to be ? Bristol City are the absolute definition of a bang average championship side. & yet look. Over 60% possession & we manage 3 shots on target.

Having had time to settle my mind & have a think about what I've seen since the new yeas, not just today, I've decided a few things.

Firstly, our manager is a ****. Everyone has figured us out & they know we won't change the way we play under any circumstances. If we were 4-0 down he'd carry on regardless.

He's a loony fundamentalist. He's learned to play a certain way under Pep. Pep doesn't change the way he plays, so neither will he. Ever.
The plan is never wrong. It can't be. Because it is the master's plan & the master is infallible. It seems Enzo is too ****ing thick to realise that Pep doesn't change the way he plays because he doesn't ****ing have to.

That doesn't apply at any other club in the world but our esteemed manager can't work that out.
When was the last time he made a substitution that was anything other than a like-for-like change?

He did the ****er again today. I was screaming at the telly. He's a ****ing moron. Every bit as much of a fraudulant chancer as Rodgers was.
We started well under him too didn't we? All Enzo has managed to do so far is condense the peak to trough journey under Rodgers into one season.

& then of course there's the continuation of the other great transformation that Rodgers brought to LCFC. Turning a squad famous for never knowing when they were beaten & refusing to quit under any circumstances, into a collection of knicker wetting, pant shitting ****ing cowards who hide at the slightest sign of adversity.
The very opposite of what any elite sportsman needs to be to succeed. If your attitude stinks the way almost every member of our squad's does, you'll win **** all. Ever.

I'm watching my club go down the same miserable path it navigated 20 years ago & there's been no reason for any of it. ****s the lot of them. I want them all out. Especially the collection of worthless, time serving corporate ****ing zombies at the top. I hate them more than any player or manager. None of them should ever work in football again.

****ing ****s being paid a fortune to achieve nothing. British business at it's finest.

The only mystery at this point is whether or not we can manage to lose every game from now on & actually not even make the playoffs.

& you know what? It wouldn't ****ing surprise me. Thats the worst part.
Puel would never have gotten us relegated

Yep. Signed some good players too.

Hold on. This situation is bad, but don't let that cloud your mind on Puel. Have a look at everything said by anyone that worked with him during his time here. All said he was horrendous. Even Appleton, his assistant manager here, said on RL pre season that he was awful and IIRC, implied he was the worst he had worked with.

I believe several of the players said the same.

And just incase that isn't enough, this is the guy that said Jamie Vardy was finished and decided to play Demari Gray as a sole striker instead. I believe he was sacked shortly afterwards...
I've had to wait until the early hours to come on & post as I've needed to calm down.

I mean what the actual ****ing **** was that supposed to be ? Bristol City are the absolute definition of a bang average championship side. & yet look. Over 60% possession & we manage 3 shots on target.

Having had time to settle my mind & have a think about what I've seen since the new yeas, not just today, I've decided a few things.

Firstly, our manager is a ****. Everyone has figured us out & they know we won't change the way we play under any circumstances. If we were 4-0 down he'd carry on regardless.

He's a loony fundamentalist. He's learned to play a certain way under Pep. Pep doesn't change the way he plays, so neither will he. Ever.
The plan is never wrong. It can't be. Because it is the master's plan & the master is infallible. It seems Enzo is too ****ing thick to realise that Pep doesn't change the way he plays because he doesn't ****ing have to.

That doesn't apply at any other club in the world but our esteemed manager can't work that out.
When was the last time he made a substitution that was anything other than a like-for-like change?

He did the ****er again today. I was screaming at the telly. He's a ****ing moron. Every bit as much of a fraudulant chancer as Rodgers was.
We started well under him too didn't we? All Enzo has managed to do so far is condense the peak to trough journey under Rodgers into one season.

& then of course there's the continuation of the other great transformation that Rodgers brought to LCFC. Turning a squad famous for never knowing when they were beaten & refusing to quit under any circumstances, into a collection of knicker wetting, pant shitting ****ing cowards who hide at the slightest sign of adversity.
The very opposite of what any elite sportsman needs to be to succeed. If your attitude stinks the way almost every member of our squad's does, you'll win **** all. Ever.

I'm watching my club go down the same miserable path it navigated 20 years ago & there's been no reason for any of it. ****s the lot of them. I want them all out. Especially the collection of worthless, time serving corporate ****ing zombies at the top. I hate them more than any player or manager. None of them should ever work in football again.

****ing ****s being paid a fortune to achieve nothing. British business at it's finest.

The only mystery at this point is whether or not we can manage to lose every game from now on & actually not even make the playoffs.

& you know what? It wouldn't ****ing surprise me. Thats the worst part.
I've had to wait until the early hours to come on & post as I've needed to calm down.

I mean what the actual ****ing **** was that supposed to be ? Bristol City are the absolute definition of a bang average championship side. & yet look. Over 60% possession & we manage 3 shots on target.

Having had time to settle my mind & have a think about what I've seen since the new yeas, not just today, I've decided a few things.

Firstly, our manager is a ****. Everyone has figured us out & they know we won't change the way we play under any circumstances. If we were 4-0 down he'd carry on regardless.

He's a loony fundamentalist. He's learned to play a certain way under Pep. Pep doesn't change the way he plays, so neither will he. Ever.
The plan is never wrong. It can't be. Because it is the master's plan & the master is infallible. It seems Enzo is too ****ing thick to realise that Pep doesn't change the way he plays because he doesn't ****ing have to.

That doesn't apply at any other club in the world but our esteemed manager can't work that out.
When was the last time he made a substitution that was anything other than a like-for-like change?

He did the ****er again today. I was screaming at the telly. He's a ****ing moron. Every bit as much of a fraudulant chancer as Rodgers was.
We started well under him too didn't we? All Enzo has managed to do so far is condense the peak to trough journey under Rodgers into one season.

& then of course there's the continuation of the other great transformation that Rodgers brought to LCFC. Turning a squad famous for never knowing when they were beaten & refusing to quit under any circumstances, into a collection of knicker wetting, pant shitting ****ing cowards who hide at the slightest sign of adversity.
The very opposite of what any elite sportsman needs to be to succeed. If your attitude stinks the way almost every member of our squad's does, you'll win **** all. Ever.

I'm watching my club go down the same miserable path it navigated 20 years ago & there's been no reason for any of it. ****s the lot of them. I want them all out. Especially the collection of worthless, time serving corporate ****ing zombies at the top. I hate them more than any player or manager. None of them should ever work in football again.

****ing ****s being paid a fortune to achieve nothing. British business at it's finest.

The only mystery at this point is whether or not we can manage to lose every game from now on & actually not even make the playoffs.

& you know what? It wouldn't ****ing surprise me. Thats the worst part.
This is your calm....?
The thing is at the moment, we aren’t playing well and haven’t done so since (it feels) before Christmas.

We look so negative in the way we play and it is as if the whole team is waiting for something to happen, and generally, nothing does.

We could quite easily have been 2 down at the break but for poor refereeing.

Vardy missing two sitters really papers over the cracks, we shouldn’t have won and we didn’t. No one is going to tell me that our overall performance deserved more than it got.

At half time he should have changed 2 players bringing on Albrighton and Perreira and moved the shape more onto a front foot.

He didn’t and at 60 minutes we were still toiling and he ABSOLUTELY had to change it then, and once again he didn’t.

Changing Vardy for Nacho without a supply line was a mistake and I’m sure Vardy would have been chomping at the bit to put right his misses.

So in the end the game just grinds out as attritional and we could all see that they would eventually score.

Sometimes you have to change something wholesale in match and I am now really concerned that Enzo doesn’t have it in him to do this either via experience or arrogance.

“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”
The thing is at the moment, we aren’t playing well and haven’t done so since (it feels) before Christmas.

We look so negative in the way we play and it is as if the whole team is waiting for something to happen, and generally, nothing does.

We could quite easily have been 2 down at the break but for poor refereeing.

Vardy missing two sitters really papers over the cracks, we shouldn’t have won and we didn’t. No one is going to tell me that our overall performance deserved more than it got.

At half time he should have changed 2 players bringing on Albrighton and Perreira and moved the shape more onto a front foot.

He didn’t and at 60 minutes we were still toiling and he ABSOLUTELY had to change it then, and once again he didn’t.

Changing Vardy for Nacho without a supply line was a mistake and I’m sure Vardy would have been chomping at the bit to put right his misses.

So in the end the game just grinds out as attritional and we could all see that they would eventually score.

Sometimes you have to change something wholesale in match and I am now really concerned that Enzo doesn’t have it in him to do this either via experience or arrogance.

“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”

This is where having a player like Ulloa to throw up top with Vardy used to work very well. We just don't have those options in attack now, but as you say, Albrighton and Ricardo was blindingly obvious.
People saying it’s in our hands… it was when we had a 12 point gap. We have ****ed it. That game yesterday was piss poor. Leeds and Ipswich play until the end always looking for something, always with belief. By comparison we look like a bunch of ****s.

It’s gone and the consequences for this club will be catastrophic.

KP don’t need to go, but some ****ing time ago they needed to acknowledge that they are well out of their depth and get a proper director of football to run the place. By that I don’t mean Rudkin or any of the rest of the cast of Animal House who we seem to currently be employing.

Biggest shower of ****ing twats since someone told Peter Taylor he could be a football manager. Honest to god, to take the position we had and turn it into this. It is beyond incompetence. If you went to my kid’s school and picked a collection of 8 year olds to run our club from 2018 until now they wouldn’t have ****ed it up so overwhelmingly.

I thought 24 hours might cool me off, but it hasn’t. This is somehow less forgivable than relegation last year and that really is saying something.

We deserve every ounce of what is coming because we passively allowed it.

It is a total waste of energy expecting something from the next game. None of these lads want it. They probably don’t want an injury. Got to look after their contracts some place else next season. Our manager will also not change a ****ing thing. We are fighting for our lives but no one on the pitch either knows that or cares.

**** this ****ing cancer ridden club.
People saying it’s in our hands… it was when we had a 12 point gap. We have ****ed it. That game yesterday was piss poor. Leeds and Ipswich play until the end always looking for something, always with belief. By comparison we look like a bunch of ****s.

It’s gone and the consequences for this club will be catastrophic.

KP don’t need to go, but some ****ing time ago they needed to acknowledge that they are well out of their depth and get a proper director of football to run the place. By that I don’t mean Rudkin or any of the rest of the cast of Animal House who we seem to currently be employing.

Biggest shower of ****ing twats since someone told Peter Taylor he could be a football manager. Honest to god, to take the position we had and turn it into this. It is beyond incompetence. If you went to my kid’s school and picked a collection of 8 year olds to run our club from 2018 until now they wouldn’t have ****ed it up so overwhelmingly.

I thought 24 hours might cool me off, but it hasn’t. This is somehow less forgivable than relegation last year and that really is saying something.

We deserve every ounce of what is coming because we passively allowed it.

It is a total waste of energy expecting something from the next game. None of these lads want it. They probably don’t want an injury. Got to look after their contracts some place else next season. Our manager will also not change a ****ing thing. We are fighting for our lives but no one on the pitch either knows that or cares.

**** this ****ing cancer ridden club.
It’s still on our own hands, though ;)
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00

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