Budget 2009

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Nottingham Fox

From BBC

At-a-glance: Budget 2009
Here are the key points of Alistair Darling's 2009 Budget:


• Alcohol taxes to go up 2% from midnight - putting the price of the average pint up 1p

• Tax on tobacco to go up by 2% from 6pm - equivalent to an extra 7p on a pack of 20 cigarettes

• Fuel duty to rise by 2p per litre from September, then by 1p a litre above indexation each April for the next four years


• From next month until March 2010 motorists to get £2,000 discount on new cars if they trade in cars older than 10 years

• The government will provide £1,000 with the industry expected to provide the other half


• Income tax for those earning more than £150,000 to rise to 50% from April 2010

• Tax relief on pensions to be reduced for people on more than £150,000 a year from April 2011


• Economy forecast to shrink 3.5% in 2009

• Growth expected to pick up in 2010, expanding by 1.25%.

• Economy to grow by 3.5% annually from 2011

• Public borrowing to increase to £175bn this year

• Borrowing levels to rise by £173bn, £140bn, £118bn and £97bn in years after

• Consumer price inflation to fall to 1% by end of year.

• Capital investment to continue at historically high levels until 2012


• Government support for economy to protect 500,000 jobs

• All long-term unemployed under 25s to be offered job or training

• £1.7bn additional resources for Job Centre network

• £250m funding to help people get work experience in growth industries

• Funding to create 54,000 new places in sixth form education


• Scheme to guarantee mortgage backed securities to boost lending

• Stamp duty holiday for homes up to £175,000 to be extended to end of year

• Extra £80m for shared equity mortgage scheme

• £500m to kickstart stalled housing projects - including £100m for local authorities to build energy efficient homes

• £50m to upgrade housing for the armed forces


• Tax loopholes and schemes identified which could provide £1bn of extra revenue over the next three years if closed

• An extra £9bn in efficiency savings is planned

• Public spending to be cut from 1.1% next year to 0.7% in 2011-2012


• Child tax credit to rise by £20 by 2010

• Child trust funds for disabled children to rise by £100 a year, £200 a year for severely disabled children


• Annual limit for tax-free ISAs to rise to more than £10,000 for over-50s this year and for everyone else next year


• Britain commits to cut carbon emissions by 34% by 2020

• An extra £1bn to help combat climate change by supporting low-carbon industries

• £525m for offshore wind projects over the next two years

• £435m support for energy efficiency schemes for homes, firms and public buildings

• £405m to encourage low-carbon energy and advanced green manufacturing


• Help for loss-making companies extended - they will be able to reclaim more taxes paid in the last three years until November 2010

• Businesses' main capital allowance rate doubled to 40%

• New £750m strategic investment fund to help emerging technologies and regionally important sectors


• Grandparents of working age who care for their grandchildren will see that work count towards their entitlement for the basic state pension

• Winter fuel allowance to be maintained at higher level - £250 for over 60s and £400 for over-80s - for another year

• The basic state pension will be increased by at least 2.5%, regardless of inflation
Might get a new car :)

What's the point of getting a new car for a reduction of £2k when you can get an almost new car for a reduction of £5k+?
We're just about to buy a new van, shame they're not helping businesses with a similar scheme.
We're just about to buy a new van, shame they're not helping businesses with a similar scheme.

They are helping businesses - they are helping motor manufacturers and they are helping new car retailers; both are businesses.

Part of the idea is to get older cars off the road to reduce pollution - forgetting the fact that you cause more pollution in making a new car than you do in running an old one. And if people can't afford a new car, I can't see two grand helping a lot of them.

Totally pointless.
Someone asked a question on R5L. What is to stop someone buying a banger off eBay for £50 and then using it to get £2K discount?

You would assume that the banger would have to have been owned for a particular qualifying period but knowing this shambles of a Government and its 'back of a fag packet' thinking, perhaps they just haven't thought this through.
Someone asked a question on R5L. What is to stop someone buying a banger off eBay for £50 and then using it to get £2K discount?

You would assume that the banger would have to have been owned for a particular qualifying period but knowing this shambles of a Government and its 'back of a fag packet' thinking, perhaps they just haven't thought this through.

The person trading it in must have been the registered owner for a period of at least 12 months.
I thought the 50% tax was going to kick in at £100k? Am sure I read that on the skynews website...an outrageous amount of tax to pay
I thought the 50% tax was going to kick in at £100k? Am sure I read that on the skynews website...an outrageous amount of tax to pay

try living in France, until recently the top rate was 70%
I thought the 50% tax was going to kick in at £100k? Am sure I read that on the skynews website...an outrageous amount of tax to pay

It's all relative though. I wish I was earning enough to be taxed at 50%.
They are helping businesses - they are helping motor manufacturers and they are helping banks

I would imagine as well that the 2k is an upper limit and will not exceed the glass(?) price of the car?

The £2,000 discount is across the board. It would hardly be an incentive if you were only going to get the car's true worth.

I understand that the Government will be paying half and it will be up to the 'motor industry' to find the other half.
try living in France, until recently the top rate was 70%

When I started work the top rate of tax in this country was 98%. You'll not be surprised to hear that I earned somewhat less than the threshold for that rate.
When I started work the top rate of tax in this country was 98%. You'll not be surprised to hear that I earned somewhat less than the threshold for that rate.

yes i did hear that

the real thing to do is tax non-domiciles

the high earners will find dodges to keep them below the 150k barrier, in general i agree with it, but public spending has got to fall substantially as well

the tories are sure going to inherit a pile of shit
yes i did hear that

the real thing to do is tax non-domiciles

the high earners will find dodges to keep them below the 150k barrier, in general i agree with it, but public spending has got to fall substantially as well

the tories are sure going to inherit a pile of shit

And the whole world choruses, "What goes around, comes around".

And I think we will always have this kind of situation whilst MPs and Governments are more interested in their own survival rather than the 'greater good'.
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