Calling all USA Foxes!

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USA Foxes

New Member
USA Foxes is coming!

The goal of USA Foxes is a simple one: to unite Leicester City fans living in the United States and to show our support for the club.

For more info, visit the website: and send an e-mail to [email protected]

Over the next few days, I will be
- Continuing dicsussions with Foxes Trust about becoming their regional representative for the United States,
- Contacting the Leicester City Supporters Club about establishing a regional branch for the United States, and
- Spreading the word and working on the website

The more Foxes that get involved, the more active and fun this organization will be. I'm still not 100% sure how USA Foxes will be set up, so I'd love to hear your input.

Thank you, and COME ON LEICESTER!
-Jordan from USA Foxes
Thousands of miles away and still keeping the faith.
Good stuff, I wish I was a USA Fox but I live in Hinckley, Spread the wordand see if City can get some friendlies out there or even sign some Americans. Freddy Adu would be nice
lol. :lol: :lol: The Bellion rumour has even reached :P :P 8) Good luck in the future. London Fox should join this. Isn't he going to the States?
As a City supporter who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, I can testify to the difficulty of a long term relationship with the club I love. A supporters group on this side of the pond is a great idea. I checked out the website but there doesn't appear to be a link to sign up to become a member of USA Foxes (although I'm sure it'll be added to the site soon).
I live in Canada, no9t USA, It is still North America though.
desert fox said:
As a City supporter who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, I can testify to the difficulty of a long term relationship with the club I love. A supporters group on this side of the pond is a great idea. I checked out the website but there doesn't appear to be a link to sign up to become a member of USA Foxes (although I'm sure it'll be added to the site soon).

There will soon be information on the site about membership, but for now, I just want to get the word out that there will be an LCFC supporters group in the US and see what the response is.

I'm also going to e-mail Ivar from the LCSC Scandinavian Branch to find out a little more about how they manage their group. The Scandinavian supporters could be a good "role model" for us. They've got scores of members, they're active, and they have a website with tons of info that is often updated.

Until I finalize how membership and other aspects of the club, if you send me an e-mail ([email protected]) I'll be more than happy to update you on any new developments.
trickytrev said:
I do believe our very own LondonFox is soon to be ChicagoFox.

:) :) :) :) Hey, thanx for remembering mate... you're not wrong, as of July 10 i'll be a Chicago native :) :) :) :)

Perfect timing USAFoxes... i'll definately be in touch.
Great to hear that we have fans worldwide! :D
I'm in Florida at the moment.......I'll do some word spreading....

I'll get M.Mouse and D.Duck to sign up :-)

Hope you are all well. Not missing Hinckley at all MALF.

Catcha Later
well it looks like your doing this 18 yrs to late.
iam moving back to the uk after 18 yrs in california. oh well at least there will be one more at the games. good luck with it. theres a couple more leicester fans over here i will let them know.
Craig said:
:roll: One post of stupidity, thousands of fans getting their hopes up over signing a potential world beater now :roll:
Hey, isn't exactly Page 3, so something's got to attract people's interest!
(Hmm... I thought I posted this before, but I don't see it on the thread...)
BF, Bridgeporter was the first guy to send me an e-mail!

I don't have any contact info for the LCSC. If you could hook me up with the contact info, I would greatly appreciate it! :)
Do any of you guys in america (or canada) know of anyone who would like to marry me so that i can get a green card!!!! :D I really want to come and work over there.

Alternatively if you don't want to set me up with one of your friends you could just set me up a job over there for starters. I'm a graphic designer so get hunting the job pages of ya newspaper for me!!!!!
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