Yellow - Despite various challengers across the competition from Homer, Notts, Lazzer, Fryatt Fox and eventually Fcukcov...he held them off after building an early lead on the last race of the first day. Steven takes the yellow.
Pink - He managed just two winners and I believe both of those were short-priced favourites. Pds takes the pink.
Polkadot - The competition really sprung into life when Fcukcov's fine late punt Zemsky won the 4.00 at 33/1. Incredible selection which meant the competition was still alive on the final race. Fcukcov takes the polkadot.
Green - Well Steven was constant throughout scoring 33.5 points over the 4 days which included 8 winners. This record will stay as the benchmark but as this 'jersey' leads to no vCash prize, the best non-yellow winner will be awarded with it for fun. This is Lazzer with 28 points (5 wins, 6 seconds, 1 third).
The full standards on the points
(3 for a winner, 2 for second, 1 for third, .5 for fourth if relevant)
1. Steven 33.5
2. Lazzer 28 WINNER
3= Homer 26
3= MK 26
5= Hazzman 25
6= Fox58 25
8. Fryatt Fox 24.5
9. Enderby Fox 24
10. Bocadillo 22
11= Willow 21
11= Nottingham Fox 21
13. Doggie Muz 20
14= PDS 17
14= Fcukcov 17 (Incredible when you consider his final position)
All applauds to Doggie Muz for the most well-run tipsters ever.