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This VE day thing seems strange to me, it was not celebrated to any degree in my town as far as I know. I don't know of anyone who did celebrate to be honest. Also, I can't see any evidence of an increase in cases, perhaps I'm missing something. The 7 day average of new cases since the 15th May has continued on a descent as far as I can see, the 15th being the earliest you would expect an effect to manifest itself. Perhaps it's my useless maths, but the rolling 7 day average of confirmed new cases has fallen from the 15th ( 3,621 ) to the 7 day average reported yesterday of 2,311. Of course many cases are not reported as we all know.

This is the chart from the CMMID that I found most illuminating.

VE day....and the vague message that everything will be great by Monday made an impact on peoples behaviour here like. Our next door **** neighbours (****s before all this just to clarify) had their ancient parents over to their front garden. They moved the back garden furniture to the front for **** knows what reason. Smaller space? I also dropped shopping off for others and people were getting smashed in eachothers gardens.
Errr, why has the UK government decided to lift restrictions now? The numbers of cases and deaths per day still seem way too high to lift the foot off the viruses neck. I think there are some questonable motives in this government (if you can call them that). Good luck to you all.
Virus Explosion day?
This VE day thing seems strange to me, it was not celebrated to any degree in my town as far as I know. I don't know of anyone who did celebrate to be honest. Also, I can't see any evidence of an increase in cases, perhaps I'm missing something. The 7 day average of new cases since the 15th May has continued on a descent as far as I can see, the 15th being the earliest you would expect an effect to manifest itself. Perhaps it's my useless maths, but the rolling 7 day average of confirmed new cases has fallen from the 15th ( 3,621 ) to the 7 day average reported yesterday of 2,311. Of course many cases are not reported as we all know.
I think your town must be the most intelligent or the most boring or possibly both.
Is it Grantham?
On VE Day it seemed that half the population of Melton thought it was fine to gather as long you were a) in a front garden or b) on plastic garden furniture arranged in a circle. I saw about 50 people all just stood there, for the sake of it basically, on a small side street when I was walking the dog.

The being outraged at idiots bit of the virus has worn off now, I’m resigned to the likelihood that the full lockdown will have to come back and everything that brings. No work to do, panic buying, moronic conspiracy theories....
Yep, loads out here.

On VE Day it seemed that half the population of Melton thought it was fine to gather as long you were a) in a front garden or b) on plastic garden furniture arranged in a circle. I saw about 50 people all just stood there, for the sake of it basically, on a small side street when I was walking the dog.

The being outraged at idiots bit of the virus has worn off now, I’m resigned to the likelihood that the full lockdown will have to come back and everything that brings. No work to do, panic buying, moronic conspiracy theories....
“Social distancing”, or in other words “I’m stood/sat slightly away from you”, seems to be a justification for doing what the **** you want now, sadly. My mates and I, who normally meet in The Boat on a Friday after work, still stuck to our virtual meeting yesterday, although I’m sure many others didn’t. The play close in town seems to be doing slightly better than the country park, where it seems to have been a free for all for weeks. People won’t wait for the slightly relaxed regulations to start on Monday, it’ll be all over the shop this weekend.
“Social distancing”, or in other words “I’m stood/sat slightly away from you”, seems to be a justification for doing what the **** you want now, sadly. My mates and I, who normally meet in The Boat on a Friday after work, still stuck to our virtual meeting yesterday, although I’m sure many others didn’t. The play close in town seems to be doing slightly better than the country park, where it seems to have been a free for all for weeks. People won’t wait for the slightly relaxed regulations to start on Monday, it’ll be all over the shop this weekend.

Remember that our 'lockdown' has never been very clear or very well enforced. Our messaging has been much more open to interpretation than most countries. Hence why we've never managed to get it under control.

VE day was the start of the collapse as far as I could see. People meeting up, hilariously pretending to social distance, and then forgetting entirely after the third beer/wine.

Then the hot weather kicked in and many people increasingly thought '**** this' and went where they liked and did whatever they liked. Let's go to the seaside today . . .

Then Dominic Cummings and the governement reaction to his actions lost another major proportion of the country. If he can do that, then I can have a BBQ . . .

Now the messaging from government is even more confusing. I don't think anyone can properly explain what people are allowed to do. And so people will do whatever they want . . .

Some scientists and epidemiologists are pointing out that we're in no shape to do all this and not go backwards. However, the government and their parade of idiots are rolling the dice and crossing their fingers.

It is possible that the infection rate won't rise sharply. However, it is just pure luck now. Utter chance whether we have another surge in deaths.

Meanwhile, three weeks today, apparently things will be so much better that we'll be playing Watford . . .
Remember that our 'lockdown' has never been very clear or very well enforced. Our messaging has been much more open to interpretation than most countries. Hence why we've never managed to get it under control.

VE day was the start of the collapse as far as I could see. People meeting up, hilariously pretending to social distance, and then forgetting entirely after the third beer/wine.

Then the hot weather kicked in and many people increasingly thought '**** this' and went where they liked and did whatever they liked. Let's go to the seaside today . . .

Then Dominic Cummings and the governement reaction to his actions lost another major proportion of the country. If he can do that, then I can have a BBQ . . .

Now the messaging from government is even more confusing. I don't think anyone can properly explain what people are allowed to do. And so people will do whatever they want . . .

Some scientists and epidemiologists are pointing out that we're in no shape to do all this and not go backwards. However, the government and their parade of idiots are rolling the dice and crossing their fingers.

It is possible that the infection rate won't rise sharply. However, it is just pure luck now. Utter chance whether we have another surge in deaths.

Meanwhile, three weeks today, apparently things will be so much better that we'll be playing Watford . . .
I agree.
“Social distancing”, or in other words “I’m stood/sat slightly away from you”, seems to be a justification for doing what the **** you want now, sadly. My mates and I, who normally meet in The Boat on a Friday after work, still stuck to our virtual meeting yesterday, although I’m sure many others didn’t. The play close in town seems to be doing slightly better than the country park, where it seems to have been a free for all for weeks. People won’t wait for the slightly relaxed regulations to start on Monday, it’ll be all over the shop this weekend.
As you know I live just round the corner from the country park and I’ve given up on going now, unless I’m up dead early at the weekend. It’s not that it’s busy, it’s the massive groups of teenagers everywhere and people with no awareness of blocking paths or keeping dogs under control.

I take my dog to work with me so I’ve been stopping at Asfordby park on the way home with her, never anyone there.

It’s nice to have a chat, there’s nothing to stop people being decent to their neighbours but the attitude that you can do what you like so long as you don’t physically touch someone really takes the piss.
As you know I live just round the corner from the country park and I’ve given up on going now, unless I’m up dead early at the weekend. It’s not that it’s busy, it’s the massive groups of teenagers everywhere and people with no awareness of blocking paths or keeping dogs under control.

I take my dog to work with me so I’ve been stopping at Asfordby park on the way home with her, never anyone there.

It’s nice to have a chat, there’s nothing to stop people being decent to their neighbours but the attitude that you can do what you like so long as you don’t physically touch someone really takes the piss.
Exactly. I’ve been there a couple of times as my mates live very near you, so I’ve had two social walks (with one person at a time), but now when I go for a walk with one of them we walk on the other side of town, as it’s so much quieter.
Tell that to fitz.

My neighbour is an absolute ****. His dog is free range and his double drive is rarely used for their 2 cars. One is always badly parked in front of someone else's house. He's a grade A bellend. My bellend grading has been massively reduced since moving next to the prick.

Put his house on the market in March too....great timing.

Other neighbours? All lovely.
My neighbour is an absolute ****. His dog is free range and his double drive is rarely used for their 2 cars. One is always badly parked in front of someone else's house. He's a grade A bellend. My bellend grading has been massively reduced since moving next to the prick.

Put his house on the market in March too....great timing.

Other neighbours? All lovely.

Hate that. What a ballbag.

We had some neighbours we didn’t like clear off yesterday. New ones are spot on.
Hate that. What a ballbag.

We had some neighbours we didn’t like clear off yesterday. New ones are spot on.

Honestly man......I'm being generous to him saying its a double drive. We've had 4 smallish (fiesta size) cars parked on ours before. But he parks one on drive then one by the grass and over the end of someone's drive. The dog is the main gripe like. We've not spoken since my wife went radge at his wife when they were both out and the dog shat on our lawn.

Going a bit off topic but these are coping strategies which are important in lockdown.
Honestly man......I'm being generous to him saying its a double drive. We've had 4 smallish (fiesta size) cars parked on ours before. But he parks one on drive then one by the grass and over the end of someone's drive. The dog is the main gripe like. We've not spoken since my wife went radge at his wife when they were both out and the dog shat on our lawn.

Going a bit off topic but these are coping strategies which are important in lockdown.

Yeah on a day to day basis, nothing can get under your skin quite like living near or a next to a ****. It’s been magnified by what’s been going on too. You get in that position where you want to ignore them and act like you don’t care but then they just get away with being selfish dickheads the rest of the time.

At least they intend to **** off at some point eh!
Has Boris invited his police force and military to open fire on his own constituents yet?

have you got thousands of people protesting in the streets about facism in the midst of a pandemic?

It’s ****ing ace here....
Has Boris invited his police force and military to open fire on his own constituents yet?

have you got thousands of people protesting in the streets about facism in the midst of a pandemic?

It’s ****ing ace here....
Yeah but I bet gas is well cheap there at the minute! Swings and roundabouts ain’t it?
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