Danny Coyne leaving

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City Fan

Well-Known Member
This is from bluearmy.co.uk -

"In addition second-string goalkeeper Danny Coyne is the subject of a £25,000 deal with Burnley where Steve Cotterill, who was on City's coaching staff last season, is now the manager.

This was an unexpected development and Adams said: "As soon as I get another goalkeeper in to the club, that move will got through."

That might not be the end of the departures from City because Adams added: "In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

Whats the point? Could we get a better keeper for less than £25K? What a joke.
This is an apalling piece of business. I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week. Micky is in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks we are going to get a better keeper for 25k. That does not even pay Matt Elliotts wages for s single week.

This is pointless and annoying.
trickytrev said:
This is an apalling piece of business. I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week. Micky is in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks we are going to get a better keeper for 25k. That does not even pay Matt Elliotts wages for s single week.

This is pointless and annoying.

Wot the hell is going on, there must be summat going off ere, no bugger wants to stay.
Ooops - Tom W posted about this 2 minutes before I did. Sorry :oops:
"In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

well said tell em to **** off.....
I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week

So we drop walker to appease Coyne?! yeah, makes sense.
MA said:
That might not be the end of the departures from City because Adams added: "In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

Is it Leicester City or MA no-one wants to play for. :? :? :? :roll:
Steven said:
MA said:
That might not be the end of the departures from City because Adams added: "In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

Is it Leicester City or MA no-one wants to play for. :? :? :? :roll:

shut up.... why would every player (except howey) who leaves or arrives have good things to say about adams if no-one liked him.
Dunc said:
I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week

So we drop walker to appease Coyne?! yeah, makes sense.

No seel the one you wuill get money for and who is on a big wage.

Coyne is easuiloy good enough to be a first choice keeper in Division One.
trickytrev said:
Dunc said:
I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week

So we drop walker to appease Coyne?! yeah, makes sense.

No seel the one you wuill get money for and who is on a big wage.

Coyne is easuiloy good enough to be a first choice keeper in Division One.

you drunk?
trickytrev said:
Dunc said:
I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week

So we drop walker to appease Coyne?! yeah, makes sense.
No seel the one you wuill get money for and who is on a big wage.
Coyne is easuiloy good enough to be a first choice keeper in Division One.

Two points, firstly, you have to find someone to buy Walker, Walker has to want to leave and he would want similar wages. All 3 aren't appearing to be happening. You can't sell a player no-one wants.

Secondly, if Walker went, how many hundreds of posts would moan that we are losing our best players, where's the clubs ambitions, MON wouldn't have ever done this BLAH BLAH BLAH.

And another point, why would we want to sell the best keeper in the division just to keep Coyne?
Dunc said:
trickytrev said:
Dunc said:
I am sure Coyne does wantot play for this club, he just doesn't want to sit on the bench every week

So we drop walker to appease Coyne?! yeah, makes sense.
No seel the one you wuill get money for and who is on a big wage.
Coyne is easuiloy good enough to be a first choice keeper in Division One.

Two points, firstly, you have to find someone to buy Walker, Walker has to want to leave and he would want similar wages. All 3 aren't appearing to be happening. You can't sell a player no-one wants.

Secondly, if Walker went, how many hundreds of posts would moan that we are losing our best players, where's the clubs ambitions, MON wouldn't have ever done this BLAH BLAH BLAH.

And another point, why would we want to sell the best keeper in the division just to keep Coyne?

Okay fair enough, Maybe I am being irrational. It is just that on the surface a keeper like Danny Coyne who was rated as one of the best in the division should not obly be kept hold of, but if he is sold must have a transfer value of over 25k.
Babylon said:
Steven said:
MA said:
That might not be the end of the departures from City because Adams added: "In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

Is it Leicester City or MA no-one wants to play for. :? :? :? :roll:

shut up.... why would every player (except howey) who leaves or arrives have good things to say about adams if no-one liked him.

After two years we knew MON was a good manager. After two years we knew PT was a bad manager. After two years people like you are still making excuses for him, saying phrases "I hope MA knows what he is doing" and chanting the ever popular "Keep the faith". :roll:

Wake up and smell the roses. If we are still unsure what sort of manager MA is after two years then how good or bad is he. I am not sure I really want a manager that we cannot quantify after two years. After all will we still be urged to "Keep the faith" in another two years. :? :?

It is time for MA to start delivering or get off the pot. It is also time for people to stop making excuses for him. :wink:
He has delivered. He has done a fantastic job for the club over the past couple of years.
I'd agree with Steven if there was anyone better, but so far he's come up with Steve Bruce and MON.

Now I may be wrong and willing to admit it, but surely those 2 managers won't come to us?!

So steven, if its time for MA to get off the pot, who do you want to replace him?!
Steven said:
Babylon said:
Steven said:
MA said:
That might not be the end of the departures from City because Adams added: "In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

Is it Leicester City or MA no-one wants to play for. :? :? :? :roll:

shut up.... why would every player (except howey) who leaves or arrives have good things to say about adams if no-one liked him.

After two years we knew MON was a good manager. After two years we knew PT was a bad manager. After two years people like you are still making excuses for him, saying phrases "I hope MA knows what he is doing" and chanting the ever popular "Keep the faith". :roll:

Wake up and smell the roses. If we are still unsure what sort of manager MA is after two years then how good or bad is he. I am not sure I really want a manager that we cannot quantify after two years. After all will we still be urged to "Keep the faith" in another two years. :? :?

It is time for MA to start delivering or get off the pot. It is also time for people to stop making excuses for him. :wink:



Babylon said:
Steven said:
Babylon said:
Steven said:
MA said:
That might not be the end of the departures from City because Adams added: "In the mood I am in, if anyone does not want to play for this club, they can go.''

Is it Leicester City or MA no-one wants to play for. :? :? :? :roll:

shut up.... why would every player (except howey) who leaves or arrives have good things to say about adams if no-one liked him.

After two years we knew MON was a good manager. After two years we knew PT was a bad manager. After two years people like you are still making excuses for him, saying phrases "I hope MA knows what he is doing" and chanting the ever popular "Keep the faith". :roll:

Wake up and smell the roses. If we are still unsure what sort of manager MA is after two years then how good or bad is he. I am not sure I really want a manager that we cannot quantify after two years. After all will we still be urged to "Keep the faith" in another two years. :? :?

It is time for MA to start delivering or get off the pot. It is also time for people to stop making excuses for him. :wink:

So you dont think getting us promoted makes him a good manager. Maybe if he won the champions league you might like him... Then again probably not.

Oh the quotes you put i have never said.

Sorry about the caps

Don't waste your time and don't waste my time. :roll:
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