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Well it looks likely Paul might be leaving us for a premiership team soon, YES i will be very sad and pissed off he is leaving after all we have done for him over the last few seasons!We have actually gave him a career in football where he has proven he CAN score goals at the top level ,But some of the threads ive read on here are ludacris ! JUDAS what the fvck how can you call this man a judas ! He stayed with us when we went down before & helped us come back to the big time , some of you lot are two faced , One minute you love him and he is the best player at leicester , now the one time he has been linked with another team you wanna kill him .Just dont get that !Well at this stage of his career(31 years old) he wants to be playing in the best league in the country . and you know what fair play to him becuase i would wanna play in the best league with the best players ! So theres no way im going to get on his back and start calling him Judas or whateva , IMO he is a LEGEND and a hero to me , Id love him to stay but we will just have to see !

Ashov said:
Well it looks likely Paul might be leaving us for a premiership team soon, YES i will be very sad and pissed off he is leaving after all we have done for him over the last few seasons!We have actually gave him a career in football where he has proven he CAN score goals at the top level ,But some of the threads ive read on here are ludacris ! JUDAS what the **** how can you call this man a judas ! He stayed with us when we went down before & helped us come back to the big time , some of you lot are two faced , One minute you love him and he is the best player at leicester , now the one time he has been linked with another team you wanna kill him .Just dont get that !Well at this stage of his career(31 years old) he wants to be playing in the best league in the country . and you know what fair play to him becuase i would wanna play in the best league with the best players ! So theres no way im going to get on his back and start calling him Judas or whateva , IMO he is a LEGEND and a hero to me , Id love him to stay but we will just have to see !

I can only echo that, the fact that some are calling him juads when hes still a Leicester player is a disgrace, IMO its a disgrace if they say that if he leaves too!
To be fair, as he is talking to so many other Premier clubs, he is a City player only in name. Until he signs the new contract offered, he is a very detached member of the squad. :roll:
I went over to the City Ground today to check out Season Ticket prices, but I didn't fancy it, then I wandered over to Pride Park and I'm considering their prices, but I thought I'd also have a look at Highfield Road, Bramall Lane and The New Den, the last one is a bit out of the way but if they have good prices, why not? I could stay at the Walkers, and I might still but I've been a loyal ST holder for two years and I feel I might need a change, I'm still Leicester through-and-through obviously, but I feel at this stage I need to watch better football, and I've helped out Leicester as much as I can with my support over the last few years (and lets face it we're not a fashionable club, so that wasn't easy), so I don't think anyone can begrudge this loyal supporter leaving. BLUE ARMY! KEEP THE FAITH!


In my opinion Ashov there are only a very few footballers who deserve to be Leicester Legends (although the use of the word legend in most cases is incorrect as you only call someone that after they're dead) and those are people like Lineker, Birch (yes, Birch), Heskey, Muzzy... players that actually appear to have given a crap about our club. Dickov isn't one of those, he could be, but he's not yet and if he leaves he'll just join the long list of footballers who left when they decided they were too good for us.

I find most of your points farcical. 'he stayed with us when we went down' where else would he have gone at that point? No-one else wanted him. '[he] helped us come back into the big time' so did Rogers and yet I don't see anyone here praising him. If Dickov is allowed to change his allegiance in moments why aren't we? You say some people are two-faced for slagging Dickov off now that he's looking to leave, what about Dickov's hypocrisy? He stands in front of 30 thousand fans and tells them he's staying, then goes talking to other clubs.

Don't use the excuse of his age as a reason for him to leave, if Southend offered him 20k a week he'd go there. At the end of it all its just a job for Dickov, he doesn't care about us, he cares about money. No he shouldn't be demonised by us but lets not call him a legend if he deserts us either.
Leigh said:
I went over to the City Ground today to check out Season Ticket prices, but I didn't fancy it, then I wandered over to Pride Park and I'm considering their prices, but I thought I'd also have a look at Highfield Road, Bramall Lane and The New Den, the last one is a bit out of the way but if they have good prices, why not? I could stay at the Walkers, and I might still but I've been a loyal ST holder for two years and I feel I might need a change, I'm still Leicester through-and-through obviously, but I feel at this stage I need to watch better football, and I've helped out Leicester as much as I can with my support over the last few years (and lets face it we're not a fashionable club, so that wasn't easy), so I don't think anyone can begrudge this loyal supporter leaving. BLUE ARMY! KEEP THE FAITH!


In my opinion Ashov there are only a very few footballers who deserve to be Leicester Legends (although the use of the word legend in most cases is incorrect as you only call someone that after they're dead) and those are people like Lineker, Birch (yes, Birch), Heskey, Muzzy... players that actually appear to have given a crap about our club. Dickov isn't one of those, he could be, but he's not yet and if he leaves he'll just join the long list of footballers who left when they decided they were too good for us.

I find most of your points farcical. 'he stayed with us when we went down' where else would he have gone at that point? No-one else wanted him. '[he] helped us come back into the big time' so did Rogers and yet I don't see anyone here praising him. If Dickov is allowed to change his allegiance in moments why aren't we? You say some people two-faced for slagging Dickov off now that he's looking to leave, what about Dickov's hypocrisy? He stands in front of 30 thousand fans and tells them he's staying, then goes talking to other clubs.

Don't use the excuse of his age as a reason for him to leave, if Southend offered him 20k a week he'd go there. At the end of it all its just a job for Dickov, he doesn't care about us, he cares about money. No he shouldn't be demonised by us but lets not call him a legend if he deserts us either.
Think thats a bit harsh to be honest. Dickov hasn't left yet, who can blame him for talking to some of the best clubs in the country? Im sure he wouldn't go to southend for 20k a week :roll:
Lets not forget what happened in La Manga and the shame which was (wrongly) brought on this club ( He should not of been drinking before we get into an entire La manga topic). what about the support and the legal help that the club gave him?

what about the way we resuced him from football obsurity? Dickov owes us and to be prefectly honest if he left tomorrow and played aginst us at some point in the future - i'd boo him.
Fox Fan said:
Lets not forget what happened in La Manga and the shame which was (wrongly) brought on this club ( He should not of been drinking before we get into an entire La manga topic). what about the support and the legal help that the club gave him?

what about the way we resuced him from football obsurity? Dickov owes us and to be prefectly honest if he left tomorrow and played aginst us at some point in the future - i'd boo him.

Spot on. :wink: One year of posting :!: :P :P :wink:
I can't belive you remembered :oops: :D
In my opinion Ashov there are only a very few footballers who deserve to be Leicester Legends (although the use of the word legend in most cases is incorrect as you only call someone that after they're dead) and those are people like Lineker, Birch (yes, Birch), Heskey, Muzzy... players that actually appear to have given a crap about our club. Dickov isn't one of those, he could be, but he's not yet and if he leaves he'll just join the long list of footballers who left when they decided they were too good for us.

I find most of your points farcical. 'he stayed with us when we went down' where else would he have gone at that point? No-one else wanted him. '[he] helped us come back into the big time' so did Rogers and yet I don't see anyone here praising him. If Dickov is allowed to change his allegiance in moments why aren't we? You say some people two-faced for slagging Dickov off now that he's looking to leave, what about Dickov's hypocrisy? He stands in front of 30 thousand fans and tells them he's staying, then goes talking to other clubs.

Don't use the excuse of his age as a reason for him to leave, if Southend offered him 20k a week he'd go there. At the end of it all its just a job for Dickov, he doesn't care about us, he cares about money. No he shouldn't be demonised by us but lets not call him a legend if he deserts us either.

I could not agree with you more - That's probably the longest message I've even seen you post you mysterious thing. :wink:

I know he hasn't left yet, but it's a matter of when he departs, not if IMO. As Leigh said, first of all he tells 30k fans he's staying, then from what I've heard, he's been telling fans on an individual basis that he is staying. So, by talking to these clubs, he is indeed being a hypocrite. At the same time, he's treated us, the supporters, with a total lack of respect by saying he will stay, then talking to other clubs.

Dickov surely knows he will not be a regular wherever he goes, however, it seems an attractive option to go to a Premiership club, where he will be earning a higher wage, for less work. I suppose you can't blame him for that, but then that just shows how shallow he is for doing such a thing. (Although we shouldn't be surprised as it's a common theme for footballers)

If Dickov really loved it at Leicester, and loved playing football, he wouldn't be interested in talking to other clubs. The simple fact is, he is prepared to leave us at a time we need him most. He is loved by the supporters, he's guaranteed first team football, and there is a strong chance he could be playing Premiership football in 2005 if he stays with us. Teams like Everton, Blackburn, Pompey and West Brom are all relegation candidates, and they could well be relegated next season. Then, he could be back in the same position again (in Division 1), but without the guarantee of first team football, and a lack of options in terms of moving elsewhere.

Sadly though, I think it will boil down to money. I wouldn't have been so bothered if he didn't offer any promises of staying, but he has, and he's metaphorically f*cked the supporters over by looking to leave. If I was in a position where I was offered a job of higher wages, then depending on circumstances, I would accept it. But football is no ordinary job, and the comparison to every day jobs are made to easily. We, as supporters, expect a bit of loyalty from players who are contracted to us. We pay their wages, we support them every week, but we always get the rough end of the deal. We're entitled to feel aggrieved over this. I know La Manga has been mentioned in terms of how we supported him. And yes, the counter argument is that Sinclair and Gillespie have been released, but that was based on football/financial reasons, it doesn't mean we're wrong in releasing with regards to not being loyal to them. Dickov is different - He is contracted to us, he is key to our plans, and I suppose he has a moral obligation to stay with us after what he's put this club through. The club has been tarred with the La Manga incident, irrespective of the outcome, and he was partly responsible for this.

By the leaving this club, he's sticking 2 fingers up at us.
on the money subject - I can't see why he needs more money, I mean he has a lovley house good car etc... all the stuff he wants and on a pretty respectable wage too. With everything that he needs, is it really worth moving purley on the money side? IMO no!

Like Scocroft says in any other job he'd of probally been out the door by now but this is no ordanary job and he should know this!
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