Enjoyed some nice British pork for your dinner?

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Well-Known Member
Unless YOU can watch this video whilst eating your bacon sandwich or your pork chop, YOU probably shouldn’t be eating it.


These videos were taken at British Red Tractor quality assured farm and please believe me that conditions are far worse for much of the European imported meat on sale in the UK. Brutality and inhumane treatment is rife in the factory farming industry, and by purchasing meat YOU are contributing and effectively condoning this treatment.

Don’t put your own unwillingness to live without something before the quality of life of one of the 60 billion factory farmed animals slaughtered each year. SIXTY BILLION! Make the change today.
Ooh, gives me an excuse to post my favourite related picture............

I watched the video whilst rubbing pork fat onto my testicles. Not sure if that helps your case or not.
In all honesty it is a bit cruel. I won't eat pork in future unless it has been given fair chance to defend itself in a fight to the death with Chuck Norris. Fisticuff Pork tastes divine.
I had toad in the hole whilst watching the videos. Lovely fat juicy sausages..... yummy!!!

In all honesty it is a bit cruel. I won't eat pork in future unless it has been given fair chance to defend itself in a fight to the death with Chuck Norris. Fisticuff Pork tastes divine.

If you're happy either playing ignorant or disassociating yourself with these acts then I think that that is really sad and is indicative of what is wrong with society.
Still not sure how eating meat makes me ignorant though.

As there was an 'or' in my post #10, I can only assume that you don't disassociate yourself with what goes on in factory farming. In which case I would argue that you are either pleading ignorance or condone the treatment.

I stand to be corrected.
As there was an 'or' in my post #10, I can only assume that you don't disassociate yourself with what goes on in factory farming. In which case I would argue that you are either pleading ignorance or condone the treatment.

I stand to be corrected.

I do not see that association with something, real or inferred, means that one is either ignorant about it or condones it. Issues are rarely as black and white as that and the question of eating mass produced meat is for large numbers of people not as black or white as you would suggest.
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As there was an 'or' in my post #10, I can only assume that you don't disassociate yourself with what goes on in factory farming. In which case I would argue that you are either pleading ignorance or condone the treatment.

I stand to be corrected.

I do neither. I agree the treatment is cruel. But I eat meat, I wont give up eating meat because I enjoy it and it benefits me. What am I supposed to do? Check the background of all the meat suppliers? I am sure you don't check the background of all the fruit and veg suppliers you use to see what chemicals they spray the crops with and whether they are harmful or not or check all the factories of the clothing you buy to see if they use child labor or have poor working conditions and pay for the employees.

There are many things in life I don't agree with, but it does not stop me from buying an Ipod, or fuel for my car or clothing.

If that makes me a **** then so be it.
Vegetable rights and peace man
I do not see that association with something, real or inferred, means that one is either ignorant about it or condones it.

I disagree.

If you're arguing that by funding something you are not associated with it then that's worrying.

And if you're associated with it, how do you justify being associated with it? It's only blurred in regards to black and white as to whether it infringes on you eating what you want, and if you're effectively living by the pleasure principle then that's all the more worrying.
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