F*** it, i'm nervy....

Do we press panic buttons yet, or is Alex being a twat...?

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Well-Known Member
F*** it, i'm nervy.........
At the start of this campaign, I really felt we would not go down. However, the last few performances have left me a tad nervy. What really worries me is that we don't seem to cause anything like the same problems in this division as we did a) under MON before or b) in the 1st...(obvious I know).

When I look at the table, I wonder who will drop......there may be Wolves/Bolton/Pompey.....but who else? And frankly both Bolton and Pompey seem better equiped....Fulham are fine, Leeds i think will be ok.
My main hope is that Curbs leaves Charlton and they start plumetting....but probably not; maybe if Champagne Souey goes to Spurs Blackburn'll go to shite....

You all know what I mean don't you? How do we turn this around??
I have Faith :D , but that doesn't change the fact that I am very nervy about our current plight! Still think we CAN stay up, but things could be looking better than they do at the minute..... :cry: :cry:
alex said:
F*** it, i'm nervy.........
At the start of this campaign, I really felt we would not go down. However, the last few performances have left me a tad nervy.

....but probably not; maybe if Champagne Souey goes to Spurs Blackburn'll go to shite....

Alex my friend, a twat you might be :lol: :P :lol: , but right to panic you are my friend... Unless something changes drastically, what that something is I have no clue, we are going down...

I know there's merit in positive thinking and that there's plenty of points to play for but equally so, there's no point burying our heads in the sand... We are in the shit, BIG TIME...

Not sure that Blackburn'll go to shite if Souey leaves... Think there already half way there with him in charge as it is...
I just can't see 3 teams worse equipped to stay up than us at the moment. Pre-season I was sure that Charlton and Fulham would struggle along with Bolton and possibly Leeds, I was convinced we would at least be better equipped than Wolves to stay up, but if we don't start stringing some wins together soon, while the fixtures aren't too daunting, we'll be in big trouble by Christmas. :cry:

Having said all that I still think we can do it. :lol:
panic AFTER saturday IF we do not win ! because if we don`t we`ll need to win about half of our games to stay up !!
Well, if we do lose on Saturday, then I would imagine alot of people will think we're down for sure. :cry:

Not me! I think we're down already!!! :lol: :wink:
New day - new faith. If any manager can keep us up, it has to be MA though does it not?
i am starting to panic but tbh we have played the majority of the top sides in our first 9 games, bar leeds and boro.
in hindsight the only team we all thought we would def beat this season out of that lot was fulham, and they are flying at the mo so its just unfortunate that we are in this prob.
we have played well against the big boys and IF we can start scrapping some points off them next time around we will be in a good pos to stay up.
i still think we will win against
bolton h&a
leeds a
wolves h (maybe a 2!)
b'burn h
charlton h
villa h
fulham h
pompy h (maybe a 2!)
which would put us on approx 38 if we win all the above, throw in a few scrappy draws and we should be safe............i hope!
We are not going to stay up unless someone discovers their scoring boots alongside Dickov.
Where is your faith, you bunch of slackers?

We've played a handful of games, and some of you are saying we are down already !!!

Well I hope no one from the club reads this site, 'cos they might give up as well.

F*ckin' hell. We are no worse than a number of teams in this league - Wolves, Bolton, Spurs, Leeds, Blackburn, Villa and Everton, to name but a few. We just need a bit of a break and then to get some confidence behind us.

We made plenty of openings on Sunday - relegation sides do not do that. We just need a few of them to go in.

We WILL beat Wolves on Saturday, and we WILL beat Blackburn the week after. When that is done I want you all to read the posts you have made on this thread, hang your heads in shame, and apologise.

WE ARE STAYING UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's not fcukin worry about teams finishing below us and concentrae on us getting some points. We can't do anything about other teams doing better or worse than us, but what we can do is stop being fcuking bottlers and compose ourselves in the final third. I will be seething if we carry on playing like we do and get relegated, we will only have ourselves to blame! Whenever big teams such as Leeds, Blackburn, Middlesboro struggle it's because they are playing fcukin shit! but we seem to struggle irrespective of how well were playing! I know that comes down to class, but come on fannyaches get a grip and do yourself a favour. Wolves is a must win, we haven't picked up a single point away from home which is shocking, absolutely disgraceful. Losing to Spurs at home is just embarrassing, spurs never ever beat us at home and to do what we did was just damn right criminal. We need the seige mentality back otherwise were all heading the way we've come and it won't be pretty.

I'm going London tomorrow for a well deserved break with the mrs, Leicester you dare fcukin ruin my weekend and it will be the last thing you do! Go on, I dare you! Infact I dare you to win a game, I bet you don't dare though do you?? aaaaaaaw poor leicester, they don't dare win! why not?? are you scared??!! scared of staying up??!! chicken shit. Fcukin win w a n k e r s.

Cord Roy
.... and then something horrible happened. :mad:
No, I think we'll be all right. Micky knows what he's doing.....

Oh no, this was all in the past, wasn't it?

I must start taking my tablets again.....

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