Fancy doing some unpaid work?

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Love the way they spin this so it looks like the club are doing fans a favour by allowing them to work for free!


Help Birch spruce up the stadium

ALREADY bored with the summer holidays and looking for something to do?

Help is at hand from Leicester City Football Club.

Alan Birchenall is organising another clean up day at the Walkers Stadium and is asking supporters to help clean and tidy the ground before the August kick off.

Let the Birch entertain the kids for a couple of hours in the school holidays and make the stadium look smart for the new season.

Birch is planning his clean up day for Tuesday 27 July from 10.30am until 12.30pm.

He said: “I am hoping to enlist the support of Leicester City's fans to help us smarten up the ground for the new season and show everyone how proud we are of the Walkers Stadium.

“All you need to do is bring along your own equipment and plenty of enthusiasm – we need to get the work done quickly! As well as kids, all mums, dads, grandads and grandmas are also welcome to help out.

Supporters need to bring their own trowels, spades and come in work clothes ready for action and all helpers should report to 'Commandant Birch' outside Main Reception.

Anyone who turns up and helps will receive a ticket to the first day of the Pepsi Max Challenge tournament being staged at the stadium on July 31 and August 1.

Any nurseries willing to offer any freebie plants will be gratefully accepted.
bloody cheeky if you ask me. but a couple o free tickets for a real game would be nice and it would fill the empty seats left over from the gloryhunting corporate twats who only wanna see prem teams
I know why not charge the fans £10 to help clean up said Paul Mace to nice but dim Tim davis, Then we will clean up at the same time! :oops:
trueblue said:
I know why not charge the fans £10 to help clean up said Paul Mace to nice but dim Tim davis, Then we will clean up at the same time! :oops:

Sense you make not!!
trueblue said:
I know why not charge the fans £10 to help clean up said Paul Mace to nice but dim Tim davis, Then we will clean up at the same time! :oops:

Don't teach humour in the army then? :wink:
When You're Smiling said:
tickets are for the friendly against bengal curry house, not league games.

Its bad enough working and being paid.

Personally wouldn't mind watching that game because I am open minded enough to accept that football exists outside of the UK. Wonder how our CHIPPY team will do :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
As an ethnic minority myself I find some of the comments posted by unnamed individuals disturbing. I would like to strongly urge anyone with similar complaints to voice them to the appropriate people (i.e. Site administrator). It is club policy that we do not tolerate racism in any form, and it is just plain ridiculous to expect that we should have to tolerate it on this forum.
I'm not sure whether When You're Smiling is racist, whether he's deliberately trying to wind people up, or whether he's just stupid. So for the time being I'm going to assume he's stupid, but I will be watching him closely from now on.
If anyone sees anything posted here they find offensive please send me a PM or email webmaster at and I'll take appropriate action.
No offence Silverfox but you seem to be the only one getting wound up over these "racist" :roll: comments.

One curry house joke hardly constitutes a racist imo, you cant tell me when watching England you have never referred to the opposition as krauts, spics, itais etc

Its a football forum not a liberal love in :D
like a said im not a racist and find these comments bizarre, neither are bengal curry house or your chippy comment racist?
I hate political correctness!
Semper Eadem said:
No offence Silverfox but you seem to be the only one getting wound up over these "racist" :roll: comments.

One curry house joke hardly constitutes a racist imo, you cant tell me when watching England you have never referred to the opposition as krauts, spics, itais etc

Its a football forum not a liberal love in :D

I agree with you, it's a FOOTBALL forum...I never tried to impose my political views on anyone, I just sat down here to read about the latest and was greeted with someones opinion on another thread (Makin) that I found to be had nothing to do with football. It referred to cornershop 11's, Curryhouse 11's, promoting ethnic diversity by making Micky Adams wear a turban, and also this individuals discomfort at having 28,000 Asians at LCFC. I don't care who comes to watch. Come one, come all. Lets fill the ground. I just don't take kindly to racism in any form! And if you look at the Makin thread you will find that there are plenty of people who are like minded.

I never once tried to impose my belief system, I was simply standing up for others. I want to talk about football now, all I ever wanted to do on this forum was talk about football, so this is my last word on the matter. Please leave your political views out of it...there is no place for that here.

So, is anyone actually going to volunteer their services in cleaning the joint? Getting a free ticket isn't a bad deal.
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