Favourite cheese

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I really don't get the fascination with mouldy cheese. :102: The other half loves it. It's rank.

That and extra mature cheddar. :078:

All the cheese would go mouldy in your castle!:icon_lol:
Roquefort. Buy it every year from the local deli at Christmas and from a French market in Tenby during the summer along with Wild Boar sausage. I feel my arteries sighing as I eat it but it makes a special treat twice a year.
Roquefort. Buy it every year from the local deli at Christmas and from a French market in Tenby during the summer along with Wild Boar sausage. I feel my arteries sighing as I eat it but it makes a special treat twice a year.

You see there is a point to all those English people in South West Wales. :icon_wink
Jaysus. I'm off to Foxestalk now where at least the Monster Munch debate isn't littered with such half-witted pretentiousness.
Boursin, top stuff.

I made Stilton, Paneer and Ghee for nine years. Don't eat it.
Tikka paneer is my all time favourite starter I think. But go on Melts, tell us why we shouldn't touch the stuff...

I used to wash up in a fairly high end hotel/restaurant in Leicester as a teenager. Likewise, if I was a customer then I'd have been faintly horrified had I known what was going on behind the scenes. I wonder how the punters would have reacted if they ever found out that the place was so understaffed that the washer-upper (me), covered in shit, was the person who just made that lovely raspberry sauce... :icon_eek:

At least I got good overtime doing emergency cleaning all week after the health inspectors came round. :icon_lol:
Ooh, and it's got to be either Tesco's Finest buffalo Mozarella (best I've had, including a lot of quite fancy restaurants), extra mature Cheddar, good old Red Leicester grilled on toast, and, just to piss Dour off even more, how about a bit of nicely grilled Chevre on top of saucy bruschetta? Pretentious; moi? :icon_wink
I prefer the Pickled Onion Monster Munch.

Oh shit, wrong thread.
Apart from Goat's Cheese and Knob Cheese there is very little Cheese that I dislike. Its all lush.
It's probably due the airation.
falls out of your cob if it's grated
Not if you are careful you messy fecker.
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