Free Radio Commentary

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Well-Known Member
Do any of the ever-so-intelligent folks on this great forum of ours know where I can get the BBC Radio commentary commentary of our games for free? I know I could subscribe to Leicester City World but i'm a bit skint right now so that will have to be a very distant option.

Living here in the U.S. I cannot simply log on to as they block the commentary for us folks abroad. Last season I used a link posted by Graz, I believe, that got me free access to matchlive. I've also in the past used a link to the basic Radio Leicester feed that I played through Windows Media.

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated...... If you don't want to post on this thread I'm available for PM's.

Thanks Guys!
if you do a search on match threads here from early last season you will find certain links :)
Do any of the ever-so-intelligent folks on this great forum of ours know where I can get the BBC Radio commentary commentary of our games for free? I know I could subscribe to Leicester City World but i'm a bit skint right now so that will have to be a very distant option.

Living here in the U.S. I cannot simply log on to as they block the commentary for us folks abroad. Last season I used a link posted by Graz, I believe, that got me free access to matchlive. I've also in the past used a link to the basic Radio Leicester feed that I played through Windows Media.

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated...... If you don't want to post on this thread I'm available for PM's.

Thanks Guys!

They block the commentary for everybody - even those of us who live in the UK can not get the commentary from the Radio Leicester website.
Would it not be posible for one of you computer wizzes to play normal radio into the PC so that others could listen through their PC.
Just a thought
Would it not be posible for one of you computer wizzes to play normal radio into the PC so that others could listen through their PC.
Just a thought

Whilst thats probably technically possible, it's probably highly illegal, the broadcast being copyright of the BBC/Leicester City.
Would it not be posible for one of you computer wizzes to play normal radio into the PC so that others could listen through their PC.
Just a thought

They began to block the mirror which was enabling all you cheapskates to listen for free at the end of the season!
And with the new revamped world it is looking even less likely that it will be avaliable... but someone might just find a way..
just go to the match, feckin hell. would it cost you that much to fly ;)
Can you really not afford three quid a month?

Can football clubs really not afford to let their fans hear a commentary for free?
I think the media rights were sold to NTL/PTV on a long term contract, so I don't think the club has any choice in the matter.

That's avoiding the question. Who do you think sold the media rights in the first place?
Who do you think sold the media rights in the first place?
The pre-administration board who squandered the money on crap players on high wages.

But even if they hadn't done, I'm sure Milan would have done it. I don't think you'll find many clubs that provide free commentary.

I really don't see the problem people have paying for this, it's not like it's something they've always had for free that's been taken away, it's a new(ish) service that costs money to provide, and the price seems reasonable to me. What can you get for £3 a month these days?
The pre-administration board who squandered the money on crap players on high wages.

But even if they hadn't done, I'm sure Milan would have done it. I don't think you'll find many clubs that provide free commentary.

I really don't see the problem people have paying for this, it's not like it's something they've always had for free that's been taken away, it's a new(ish) service that costs money to provide, and the price seems reasonable to me. What can you get for £3 a month these days?

It might be a new service which costs money to provide, but the only way to make money out of it was to stop a service which previously had been provided for free.

I ask again - do you really believe that football clubs can not afford to let their fans hear a commentary for free?
It might be a new service which costs money to provide, but the only way to make money out of it was to stop a service which previously had been provided for free.

Which service did they stop?

I ask again - do you really believe that football clubs can not afford to let their fans hear a commentary for free?

I don't believe LCFC can afford to let fans hear the commentary for free because it would cost them a fortune to buy themselves out of the contract.

If it wasn't for the contract, of course they could afford to let fans hear commentary for free. But they could also afford to give away programmes, give people food and drink at half time etc. But that's not going to happen either.

They could afford to let the TV companies show matches for free. But they don't.
They could afford to let the radio companies broadcast commentary for free, but they don't.

Why do people think that just because something's on the internet it should be free?
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Which service did they stop?

I don't believe LCFC can afford to let fans hear the commentary for free because it would cost them a fortune to buy themselves out of the contract.

If it wasn't for the contract, of course they could afford to let fans hear commentary for free. But they could also afford to give away programmes, give people food and drink at half time etc. But that's not going to happen either.
Why do people think that just because something's on the internet it should be free?

You really are ignoring the nub of the question. You asked if somebody really could not afford the £3 a month. It is equally as valid to ask if the clubs really can't afford to allow the commentary to be provided free. The fact that they have tied themselves up in deals is irrelevant - they were equally able not to do so if they had so desired.

You know as well as I do that the internet used to carry the match commentaries from local radio stations so I don't know why you need to ask what service has been stopped.

And please note that I am not personalising this to a single club - the whole game displays the same money-grabbing attitude at the expense of its fans. It has priced some groups out of attendance. What is going to do when the present lot moves on to their new plaything?

You ask, "Why do people think that just because something's on the internet it should be free?". I ask you why you and the football world think that just because something is on the internet, it should be paid for? Local people can hear the commentary on their local BBC stations; the BBC is happy to broadcast their output over the internet and absorb the cost themsleves. The only reason that they are not allowed to do so is that football wants to get its dirty hands on another £3 of other people's money. And how much does it cost to collect those 3 measly pounds? Who is the winner in all of this - certainly not the football clubs - and certainly not their fans.
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You know as well as I do that the internet used to carry the match commentaries from local radio stations so I don't know why you need to ask what service has been stopped.

I'm not aware of league matches ever being webcast on Radio Leicester. If it did happen it was probably before the big increase in broadband use, so it would have been cheaper, and to a much smaller market.

Do you think the TV and radio companies should also be able to broadcast the matches without paying?
Do you think the TV and radio companies should also be able to broadcast the matches without paying?

Broadcasting companies have paid to be allowed to transmit both radio commentaries and TV coverage for a long time now.

Once a broadcasting company has paid for the right to televise a match, it can be seen throughout the whole country. But radio commentaries can only be heard in the local area - why should the very fans who are in most need of hearing the game be banned from doing so.

I know that I am not going to change your mind on this, any more than you are going to change mine. I stand by my statement that this is doing football clubs more harm than can be compensated by their receivng their measly portion of the £3 paid. They are their own worst enemy.
Broadcasting companies have paid to be allowed to transmit both radio commentaries and TV coverage for a long time now.

That's correct.
So I'll ask again, why do you think it should be different just because it's on the internet?

Once a broadcasting company has paid for the right to televise a match, it can be seen throughout the whole country.

It used to be that some televised matches were regionalised. So someone who wasn't in the midlands for example couldn't see a midlands match. I bet that pissed you off too.

If people want to watch the matches that are on Sky, they need to pay. If people want to listen to matches broadcast on the internet, they need to pay.

But radio commentaries can only be heard in the local area - why should the very fans who are in most need of hearing the game be banned from doing so.

I'm sure you'll find that if Radio Kent broadcast commentary for the Leicester v Blackpool match they wouldn't get many listeners.

The rights to broadcast the match on the internet is separate to the rights to broadcast on the radio, just like the radio and TV contracts are separate.
If the BBC (or anyone else), wanted to broadcast matches online they would have been able to put in a bid for the rights to do so. But NTL/PTV made a better offer, which the clubs took.
Do you think the league should have turned down the Sky money so people can watch matches for free on the BBC instead?

I know that I am not going to change your mind on this, any more than you are going to change mine. I stand by my statement that this is doing football clubs more harm than can be compensated by their receivng their measly portion of the £3 paid. They are their own worst enemy.

Do you really think it will cause the clubs that much harm?
What about before the internet, when there was no way for non locals to hear commentary unless they paid 38p a minute on the phone. Did you think that should be free too?
And before the phone commentary, did you think the lack of any available commentary was harming clubs?

It's hardly going to cost the club much financially, those people aren't likely to pay £25 to watch a match if £3 a month is too much for them.
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