fuel shortage

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Petrol retailers appealed for calm this evening as rising prices and rumours of fuel shortages set off isolated instances of panic-buying at service stations this afternoon.

So far, major retailers have reported no widespread rush on the pumps and insist that, in contrast to 2000, when blockades and protests interrupted the supply lines, Britain's service stations currently have enough petrol to meet normal demand.

But independent garages today reported noticeable increases in sales and a few cases of lengthy queues ahead of planned protests by hauliers and farmers on Wednesday and Friday.

Ray Holloway, director of the Petrol Retailers Association, said the situation did not compare with the hoarding and chaos of 2000 but urged motorists to only buy what they need.

"Today has been a day of increased sales and I really do appeal to people to actually just buy fuel when they need it," said Mr Holloway. "If people are complaining about the price of fuel is seems bizarre that they will invest in this fuel - put it in their tank - and not use it for a lengthy period of time."

"If people really do buy in the normal way, fuel will be available on the forecourts when they need it," he said.

Today's panic-buying, which occurred at a handful of petrol stations in the West Midlands, the North East and Cornwall, followed a rise in petrol prices to £1 per litre in some parts of the country, and news of planned protests at oil refineries on Wednesday and a "go-slow" convoy of hauliers set for the M4 on Friday.

At Petrol Express Ltd, in Sandon Rd, Smethwick, one forecourt worker said: "We’ve done in a morning what we normally do in a day. We’ve done double or triple the business."

"If it continues the way it has this morning, I shall probably run out tomorrow. And the problem is going to be with getting deliveries because so many garages are ordering tankers."

In Falmouth, Cornwall, motorists rushed to petrol stations when they mistook the temporary closure of a service station for a sign that supplies were running low.

Mark Bradshaw of Garage Watch, which monitors over 4,500 independent petrol stations, said that he had received reports of increased sales in recent days.

"I spoke to several members this morning and they all said they were seeing an upturn in sales," he said. "I wouldn't call it panic buying, but people are filling up their cars with more than they need."
Mr Bradshaw said that several lorry drivers he had spoken to had been invited to take part in this week's protests, organised by Less Tax on Fuel, a Welsh group of farmers and hauliers, and the Fuel Lobby.

Despite the unease, BP and Esso and Asda all reported normal sales over the weekend and this morning. "We're seeing no evidence of anything other than normal supplies. There are no certainly no queues at any of our service stations," said a spokeswoman for BP, which operates 400 petrol stations in the UK.

"We're still assessing the situation, obviously, but at this moment, we're not seeing any unusual uplift in sales," said a spokeswoman for Exxon Mobil, which operates Esso forecourts. Asda reported "brisk sales" but "certainly no panic".

Since 2000, the Department for Trade and Industry has gained new powers and developed emergency plans to deal with protests if they threaten to disrupt the supply of fuel. Petrol rationing is one measure open to the Government.

Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, said yesterday that rising petrol prices were a result of decisions made by Opec and said that a solution would only come through global co-operation.

"I am aware of the challenge the hauliers face. I am aware, particularly, of the problems low-income families face with petrol prices rising," Mr Brown told the BBC.

"But I think everybody knows that, whereas five years ago there were different problems in the country, this is indeed a global problem and it demands global solutions."

Ollies fault :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

this is from 2005 but now we could be in for more of the same see post 3#
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Bit of sun today as well. I bet the thick ****s are qeueing up outside boots as well stock piling sun creme.
the above was from 2005 now the new one

BRITAIN is set for a fuel crisis as filling stations start to run dry ahead of an oil refinery strike.

Petrol supplies ran low last night ahead of the two-day action set to start tomorrow.

Several garages in Scotland were running dry as drivers stocked up.

Others have been forced to ration fuel or close pumps as motorists panic buy.

Up to 1,200 workers at the Grangemouth refinery near Falkirk are set to walk out in a row over pensions. Owners Ineos last night closed the plant ahead of the action.

And BP warned the strike could force them to close a route that supplies 30% of the UK’s oil output. The Forties pipeline relies on electricity and steam from Grangemouth to bring in 700,000 barrels a day from the North Sea.

Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said the pipeline was “crucial” and warned that motorists could be affected.

He said: “I cannot guarantee that every garage forecourt will have petrol. I hope the vast majority of people are sensible about this.”

But it is feared the action could spark a repeat of the 2000 fuel protests.

A Downing Street spokesman said there supplies will last but added: “Increasing demand could potentially cause problems for those who need fuel.”

The Grangemouth dispute has escalated from a bitter row over pensions. Up to 1,200 workers are set to walk out of the giant Scottish oil refinery for 48 hours tomorrow after failing to strike a deal with owners Ineos.

Their Union, Unite, wants the same
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If everybody rushes out and buys petrol today, the government will in one day secure millions of pounds boost in VAT.

I wonder if they're thought of that?
Ran out of fuel in Melton apparently :icon_roll

Is the general public really this thick? ****ing sheep.
You just wait a couple of days for the reports of fuel leaks where folk have been storing petrol in plastic bins in their garages.
If everybody rushes out and buys petrol today, the government will in one day secure millions of pounds boost in VAT.

I wonder if they're thought of that?

no they won't
they make more VAT by the price going up

****ers, I hate unions with a passion!

TBF, looking at what the company ( which is a private equity company loaded up with the debt it took on to buy Grangemouth ) wants to do to the existing members of the pension scheme, I thing the workers do have a case.
****ers, I hate unions with a passion!

They're essentials on a decent burger though!!!



Wrong thread...

I thought you said onions!
BP sold Grangemouth to Ineos but have a contracted service level for power to run the Forties Pipeline System (FPS) which they pay Ineos a not insignificat amount of cash for. Connoco, Shell and Total in turn pay BP for the use of the FPS to get their Oil on shore. So Ineos will be getting serious sh1t from BP who will in turn be getting serious sh1t from Connoco, Shell and Total for large amounts of lost cash.

I reckon it will be resolved in a week or so.
BP sold Grangemouth to Ineos but have a contracted service level for power to run the Forties Pipeline System (FPS) which they pay Ineos a not insignificat amount of cash for. Connoco, Shell and Total in turn pay BP for the use of the FPS to get their Oil on shore. So Ineos will be getting serious sh1t from BP who will in turn be getting serious sh1t from Connoco, Shell and Total for large amounts of lost cash.

I reckon it will be resolved in a week or so.

I hope so
I hate corporations that try to **** working people over even more than that.

you have obviously never been in employment where the union is closed shop. ****ing wankers the lot of them, only out there for themselves, and offer nothing in return to its members when they need helping.
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