General Election - 4 July 2024

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Eh? No it doesn’t. The above made me think Leicester West had gone blue, but it hasn’t. Neither has South. What the **** are either of you on about?
Sorry, working on 4hrs sleep and got confused with East and South and equated both Labour losses to Tory gain.

Either way, both results are bad for the City of Leicester which should be a Labour stronghold.

The independent is a load of nonsense and a waste of a MP.

Tories getting in anywhere in Leicester is disgusting though.
The independent is a load of nonsense and a waste of a MP.

obviously not for the people who want their voice heard though? They'd not have had that representation from Ashworth. Could end up being a good MP, could end up being a shite one. Hopefully for non-labour areas the party aren't just going to try and reward loyalty with investment etc.
obviously not for the people who want their voice heard though? They'd not have had that representation from Ashworth. Could end up being a good MP, could end up being a shite one. Hopefully for non-labour areas the party aren't just going to try and reward loyalty with investment etc.
Fixing teeth to fixing the middle East issue that has gone on for 100s of years are slightly different skill sets though.

I don't think Netanyahu or Hamas will give a toss what a dentist from Queens Road will think.

It a waste of a MP which will lead to further neglect of the local area in pursuit of something they can realistically have no effect on whatsoever and does nothing to improve local conditions.

Guranteed he'll be out before the next election as **** all gets done - the Elbit Systems factory isnt even in his constituency.
Fixing teeth to fixing the middle East issue that has gone on for 100s of years are slightly different skill sets though.

I don't think Netanyahu or Hamas will give a toss what a dentist from Queens Road will think.

It a waste of a MP which will lead to further neglect of the local area in pursuit of something they can realistically have no effect on whatsoever and does nothing to improve local conditions.

Guranteed he'll be out before the next election as **** all gets done - the Elbit Systems factory isnt even in his constituency.

Regardless of if it would make a difference. Do you not get why people can't back a party with a questionable stance on probable genocide? It wasn't the deal clincher for me but I can understand why people wouldn't support Starmer on that alone.
Regardless of if it would make a difference. Do you not get why people can't back a party with a questionable stance on probable genocide? It wasn't the deal clincher for me but I can understand why people wouldn't support Starmer on that alone.
Rock and a hard place though.

Unless Starmer came out an essentially backed Hamas, a prescribe terrorist organisation, he wouldn't have the support of a lot who would have voted for the dentist.

What Isreal are doing in Palestine/Gaza goes beyond necessary, I completely agree with that. However, you cannot forget what instigated this latest round of the lifelong conflict and whilst Hamas control Palestine, you cannot give them any legitimacy whatsoever.

This is not a new thing either, the conflict in that region has been going on for 100s of years so I fail to see how this 1 independent candidate is going to effect something he has as much diristiction over as I do, complete **** all.

It may sound nice but at the end of the day, it a waste of a MP. Even if the whole of our Parliament voted to end the war, it would just cary on exactly as it is doing.

NHS, schools, care services, mental heath services plus many other aspects of this country are all at breaking point and should take priorty.
Rock and a hard place though.

Unless Starmer came out an essentially backed Hamas, a prescribe terrorist organisation, he wouldn't have the support of a lot who would have voted for the dentist.

There's a lot of room between backing Hamas and saying Israel have the right to commit war crimes. He could have chosen a position which was neither of those extremes. He didn't.
How the Tories got a single vote after the last 14 years, is beyond me.
Unfortunately they've got to be pandered to. Been relatively **** all chat about the recovery the Lib Dems have made yet BBC can't get enough of platforming Reform.
Agree, but I don't need to pander to them, so the get a big ppf "**** them" from me, anyway. I'll do my pandering elsewhere.
There's a lot of room between backing Hamas and saying Israel have the right to commit war crimes. He could have chosen a position which was neither of those extremes. He didn't.
Where did he say 'Isreal have the right to commit war crimes'?

How is 1 independent candidate going to stop the war?
Where did he say 'Isreal have the right to commit war crimes'?

How is 1 independent candidate going to stop the war?

The independent candidate isn't going to stop the war and I doubt anyone believes they will. It gives a voice to people who don't share the labour stance. Starmer said israel had the right to carry out collective punishment (cutting power etc).
The independent candidate isn't going to stop the war and I doubt anyone believes they will. It gives a voice to people who don't share the labour stance. Starmer said israel had the right to carry out collective punishment (cutting power etc).
He didn't say collective punishment though, he said Isreal have the right to cut power, when asked about Isreal recovering their hostages, and followed it up saying that it should be within international law.

I agree it was a poor phrase to use, cutting power, but you can't honestly believe that Starmer actually stands for the genocide of Palestinians?
He didn't say collective punishment though, he said Isreal have the right to cut power, when asked about Isreal recovering their hostages, and followed it up saying that it should be within international law.

I agree it was a poor phrase to use, cutting power, but you can't honestly believe that Starmer actually stands for the genocide of Palestinians?

On the question, yes I do.

Further below is how it played out. He's supporting collective punishment but sticking "within international law" on the end which he knows is just contradictory bollocks. As with many things where supporters claim he/labour didn't mean what he said, his shadow cabinet spend the following days quoting the same thing verbatim in media interviews before pretending it wasn't what he meant. See also Ashworth and repeating the Bangladeshis being "sent back" which has probably helped push the independent candidate over the line. Lammy and being supportive of bombing refugee camps and so with many things, you've got 2 Starmer positions on absolutely everything and your level of support for the party decides which version you believe.

Nick asked him if "cutting off power, cutting off water" was appropriate as a response to the atrocity.

Sir Keir replied: "I think that Israel does have that right... It is an ongoing situation. Obviously, everything should be done within international law."
Having voted Labour for the last 40 years I decided to lend my vote to the Liberals.

Gaza / Israel and Starmer's lack of leadership in left leaning issues where my reasons, hoping that Starmer gets the message that he needs to represent the Labour party, not Conservative light.

I actually think it's good that a wide range of parties and independents have won seats. The system we have had for the last few decades in my opinion has always favoured the Conservatives because they hoovered up nearly all of the right leaning voters, without having to really compete against the Liberals / Green's / SNP. If reform stick arround it may actually help Labour in the longer term win more seats.
Liz Kendall, Leicester’s sole Labour MP, becomes Work and Pensions Secretary. Look forward to seeing her at the despatch box - sure she’ll make a success of it.
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00