Good News!

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Eyup guys my first post.

Living down ere in Pompey at the min cos im working as a student engineer.I am originally from Leicester though.A few things to say that might intrest you are:

The local news here says that Thatcher verbally agreed to join Pompey before he went on holiday.Now they are in a row with Man City.

Les Ferdinand has rejected the chance to join Harry's team to stay and help Leicester.The main reason is that he is going to be offered a 2 year contract first year player and coach.2nd season option of playing on but will be a main coach.

And some more good news for us is that Marcus Bent has told Harry that he doesn't want to leave his area.He has just bought a house near Leicester.Harry is quoted as saiying"Marcus has told me he does not want to leave his catchment area.He wants to stay around Leicester.He indicated that he had a better offer from Leicester any way,And he thinks that Leicester have better facilities.We offered him a 2 year contract but he said that the offer was not long enough I expect him to sign a long contract with Leicestser."

Good news then!any body know anything about any other signings?
Welcome Whorya, what the hell made you go down to that dump :shock:
Were have all the stories come from because you seem very well informed, if they are true :wink:
All sounds good though.
Weathers shit just got in from work.Get news from local portmouth paper.Only came down here because i needed to do a course in avionics engineering.Whats weather like in Leicester any one know?
Whorya said:
Weathers shit just got in from work.Get news from local portmouth paper.Only came down here because i needed to do a course in avionics engineering.Whats weather like in Leicester any one know?

nice and cool for a change, cloudy. :D
good news indeed whorya!
we'd welcome any more snippets!
When leicester beat pompey 2-0 at fratton did any body go i was in the pompey end wiv me landlord nearlly got me head kicked in though.I also watched the Pompey Leicester match on a tele in fraton park i was loving it.And a nother thing have Leicester got there own station on tv coz Pompey av and it shows all the matches and interviews.
Only know that Primus is in talks with a division one club!Dunno if it's us would be good though
I should be getting Navy news any minute now that normally has good transfer news in.There's also a paper down here made for Leicester fans someone in the navy who i work with gets it and sends it me should get it 2 moz though.But i try and get it 2 nite.
Dunno how true this is but my mate Dave whos stationed in Plymouth told me the other day that were in talks with Jason Bent. :roll: Dont know much bout him.Not a very reliable source though but if i get a snippet ill post it :lol:
Sounds like portsmouth has more transfer gossip about leicester than we do up here.

Will he be a cainy or will he be a mad biker.... You decide!!!!
Whorya said:
Who?! i am just posting what im being told by people or papers.

mad biker = reliable source.

cainy = joker.

Babylon's just wondering what your mate will turn out to be :wink:
What i'm saying is we have a joker here again if you ask me... he is just elaborating on things we already know by making up contracts, wages or coaching positions.

Everything he has said i have already seen on here in the last week!!!

whorya = Cainy
All im tellin u is what im hearing and reading down here.The barry hayles thing is off a mate who works as journalist in london.If u dont blieve then dont ill just keep posting and people can think what they want!
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