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Well-Known Member
If anyone wants an invite to Google+, send me a PM with your proper name and the email address you want to use.
I've got 147 of them to give away!

(Thanks to BF for inviting me!)
If anyone wants an invite to Google+, send me a PM with your proper name and the email address you want to use.
I've got 147 of them to give away!

(Thanks to BF for inviting me!)

What is it?
What is it?

It's a bit like queuing for hours and hours outside of a big nightclub that you think is going to be ****ing brilliant, but the doorman won't let you in because your name isn't on the guestlist and when you finally manage to blag the doorman and get inside, you realise that the club is completely ****ing empty.

That's Google+
It's a bit like queuing for hours and hours outside of a big nightclub that you think is going to be ****ing brilliant, but the doorman won't let you in because your name isn't on the guestlist and when you finally manage to blag the doorman and get inside, you realise that the club is completely ****ing empty.

That's Google+

Couldn't you have waited until my invites had all been sent out before revealing the truth?

Spoilsport :icon_lol:
Couldn't you have waited until my invites had all been sent out before revealing the truth?

Spoilsport :icon_lol:

erm... just kidding everyone, Goooogle+ is where it's at, it's ****ing drippin in there. Have a word with Spion, he'll get you on the guestlist :icon_cool
It's a bit like queuing for hours and hours outside of a big nightclub that you think is going to be ****ing brilliant, but the doorman won't let you in because your name isn't on the guestlist and when you finally manage to blag the doorman and get inside, you realise that the club is completely ****ing empty.

That's Google+

If I could "+1" your post, I would ;)

Not a fan of Google+ so far, but I keep checking back to see if anything's happening with it.

It will find it's way in soon enough and, as the social media guru that I am, I need to be sat waiting anxiously for it to happen.... It's not very exciting.
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If I could "+1" your post, I would ;)

Not a fan of Google+ so far, but I keep checking back to see if anything's happening with it.

It will find it's way in soon enough and, as the social media guru that I am, I need to be sat waiting anxiously for it to happen.... It's not very exciting.

I expect it will go the same way as Buzz and Wave
I like the fact that it's more sparsly populated and easier to control what you see and what others see (seems FB are taking some of the ideas onboard in their latest privacy update), it is easier than unfriending half the people who I have on FB and then getting complained at for unfriending them.

It also isn't the marketing and advertising nightmare that FB has become.
I've made a new circle called 'Inner Circle' just for the ****s :icon_bigg
If anyone wants an invite to Google+, send me a PM with your proper name and the email address you want to use.
I've got 147 of them to give away!

(Thanks to BF for inviting me!)

What was that about defending to the death?
What was that about defending to the death?

Different list. You should always try to keep the different parts of your life totally separate from one another Boc.

You may find that the 'circles' feature on Google+ helps you with that :icon_bigg
I joined with an invitation from another person on here but now don't have the foggiest what I should be doing
I seriously hate Facebook. ****ing friends competition and no mark twats trying to 'connect' with you. Same as Twitter, who cares if you are having a shit, just do it in peace and don't feel the need to tell the world.

And what is it with Followers? What is it, a ****ing cult?

Anyway, google + still like arriving 3 weeks early to a party?
Same as Twitter, who cares if you are having a shit, just do it in peace and don't feel the need to tell the world.

You've never even looked at Twitter, have you?
If you had, you wouldn't be repeating that nonsensical canard which is only used by people that haven't got the first notion what Twitter is used for.
I like Twitter; it's great for updates on things that interest me, and it enables me to be in contact with those who can advise and support me in my career. As a networking tool, it's better than LinkedIn.
I like Twitter; it's great for updates on things that interest me, and it enables me to be in contact with those who can advise and support me in my career. As a networking tool, it's better than LinkedIn.

And as a news medium. When the riots were happening, I would turn to Twitter for information and Facebook to see pictures of my friends drunk and posing for the camera.
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