Government Petitions

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Not sure on this idea -

Why do idiots refer to "the good old days"? When were they? When was this idyllic time?

When we were sticking it good and proper to the Hun

A ridiculous process specifically designed for every loony and spanner in the country, negating the excellent lobbying work that is carried out in the more traditional sense

Gotta love it:

One demands that prisoners' diets be restricted to bread and water

When we were sticking it good and proper to the Hun

A ridiculous process specifically designed for every loony and spanner in the country, negating the excellent lobbying work that is carried out in the more traditional sense

Gotta love it:


It will be like the moan in on a national scale, jebus help us all
Gotta love it:
One demands that prisoners' diets be restricted to bread and water

I misread this first time round - thought it said pensioners' diets. Consoled myself by thinking of all the weight I could lose.
Any sensible government would use this system to weed out rabid nut jobs from what I have seen on the website.
If one more lying ****er rings me from India to tell me that I have a malicious virus on my computer, I going to petition the Government to stop all foreign aid to the sub-continent and demand that they send Jessel back to Tamworth.
You couldn't make up a better way of getting complete idiots to expose themselves.

Figuratively speaking. Not actually.

Nobody should get their rude bits out in public. Even for a sexy protest, Maws.
The public? I love the public. The only thing I love more than the public are their madcap and often deeply right-wing or racist opinions.

Now I need to go and do my nude practise in the garden.
When we were sticking it good and proper to the Hun

A ridiculous process specifically designed for every loony and spanner in the country, negating the excellent lobbying work that is carried out in the more traditional sense

Gotta love it:


Homer how can you use the word "ridiculous" after your first sentence. Have you never had a look at a war memorial and actually thought about it.
The public? I love the public. The only thing I love more than the public are their madcap and often deeply right-wing or racist opinions.

Now I need to go and do my nude practise in the garden.

oh yes, got to love Vox Pops on the news too

cheap television and utter bellends the lot
The public? I love the public. The only thing I love more than the public are their madcap and often deeply right-wing or racist opinions.

Now I need to go and do my nude practise in the garden.

I realise Mawsley that you do not intend this post to be taken literally - think of the neighbours. However, you have raised a real problem for the left.

In the 1990s the snobbishness of The Guardian caused me to change to first The Times and now The Telegraph although I do not share its politics. Time after time the Guardian sneered at ordinary people and their values. To their shame you are more likely to find the word "Chav" in the left wing press than the right. I grew up with the Labour of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan and although Wilson abolished capital punishment (rightly in my view) both had great respect and affection for the ordinary people of Britain.

I realise that your language was not entirely serious but you may find it worth looking at the "Blue Labour" movement which is a serious attempt to deal with the points you raised.
you are more likely to find the word "Chav" in the left wing press than the right.

Instead of making stuff up, why not do some research? It's easy using Google.

I've just done a quick check to see how they compare:

The Daily Mail website has 2,240 pages in Google containing the word 'chav', out of a total of 1.8 million.
The Mirror: 615/780,000
The Guardian: 5,230/8.18 Million
Telegraph 798/3.51 million.

So you're right about the Guardian having the most mentions of the word 'chav', but they also have far more pages than the other newspaper websites. And much of the content on their site is generated by users, and is not part of the editorial content, so the result may not represent the newspaper.
Another left wing paper, the Mirror, has the fewest mentions.

Looking at it as a proportion of the paper's pages that contain the word chav, this is what we get:

The Mail - 1 page in 803 mentions 'chav'
The Mirror - 1 in 1,268
The Guardian - 1 in 1,564
The Telegraph - 1 in 4.398

So the worst offender is a right wing paper.
There nothing polite I can say about the Labour movement except to say that they aren't the inept arseholes currently cocking everything up in a vindictive fashion.
Not sure on this idea -

Why do idiots refer to "the good old days"? When were they? When was this idyllic time?

There was no idyllic time.

Which idiot has actually said this?
I have never met an idiot who dismissed the idea that life in Britain today is preferable for most people than it was say fifty years ago.
I have known a number of peope (I was tempted to write idiots) who dismissed the idea that were were a number of things that were far better in the old days

Society is incredibly complex and only an idiot would generalise so here goes: while Britain has gone backward in a number of ways I think it is still a substantially better society than it was fifty seventy or a hundred years ago. To a lesser extent the world is better than fifty seventy or a hundred years ago. But I am not sure.

I have been impressed by how certain of their opinions people are on this thread. Those who disagree with them are dismissed as "rabid nut jobs" and "bellends" - . It is worth remembering that we do not have a clue. Nobody understands their own time. If you want to understand 2011 live for another hundred years and then ask a historian.
There was no idyllic time.

Which idiot has actually said this?
I have never met an idiot who dismissed the idea that life in Britain today is preferable for most people than it was say fifty years ago.
I have known a number of peope (I was tempted to write idiots) who dismissed the idea that were were a number of things that were far better in the old days

Society is incredibly complex and only an idiot would generalise so here goes: while Britain has gone backward in a number of ways I think it is still a substantially better society than it was fifty seventy or a hundred years ago. To a lesser extent the world is better than fifty seventy or a hundred years ago. But I am not sure.

I have been impressed by how certain of their opinions people are on this thread. Those who disagree with them are dismissed as "rabid nut jobs" and "bellends" - . It is worth remembering that we do not have a clue. Nobody understands their own time. If you want to understand 2011 live for another hundred years and then ask a historian.

I can only assume you haven't bothered to read the article. But yet again, a nice long post that goes nowhere much
The Mail - 1 page in 803 mentions 'chav'
The Mirror - 1 in 1,268
The Guardian - 1 in 1,564
The Telegraph - 1 in 4.398

So the worst offender is a right wing paper.

Totally pointless without the context. Those articles could but quoting someone calling someone a chav or an editorial deploring the use of the word, Does that search include the comment sections after the articles?
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